Looking for annual stats of deaths by Police vs. deaths by Criminals


Registered Senior Member
I can't find this specific stat online anywhere. Not even on this site which seems to have a lot of stats:


I'm trying to find out specifically who kills more Americans every year, law enforcement or private citizens/criminals.

Anyone know? I would say it has to be private citizens but I'm looking for concrete statistics.

A Starting Point

The Cato Institute is apparently trying to track these statistics through the National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, though I'm not certain what the state of the endeavor actually is; their latest numbers seem to run through 2010.

But they came up with the number 382 for fatalities caused by police misconduct between April, 2009 and June, 2010.

It's not much to go on, but it's a starting point, and it suggests a pretty clear disparity.


Packman, David. "Amazing Infographic Based on NPMSRP Data". National Police Misconduct Reporting Project. September 15, 2010. PoliceMisconduct.net. June 3, 2013. http://www.policemisconduct.net/amazing-infographic-based-on-npmsrp-data/
Thirty thousand Americans are killed by gun violence every year--for the first time more than those killed in road accidents!

A bit more than half of those are suicides. Some of the rest are accidents ("he was just cleaning it"), crimes of passion ("I just wanted him to stop going out with that tramp, I didn't mean to become irrational"), bad luck ("The cougar had his hand in his mouth and twisted it just as he pulled the trigger"), stupidity ("We never lock our guns up. How were we to know that little Johnny could reach up there?"), misunderstandings ("Our tract houses are identical. He was drunk and he thought he was crawling through his own window so his parents wouldn't catch him"--this actually happened in Virginia a couple of months ago), or some "miscellaneous" category ("I thought it would be easy to shoot the apple off her head").

The rest are murders. The number you're looking for is certainly in the neighborhood of ten thousand. That's one and a half orders of magnitude greater than the number of fatal police shootings.