Looking for an answer...


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My friend and I have been experiencing something I would classify as paranormal... or perhaps I've been watching too much x-files. When she thinks about her life, she sees no past or future, only the moment. I, myself, see no future and can barely remember any of my past. Our birthdays are EXACTLY two months apart. The pair of us tend to feel things at the same time, or sometimes tend to feel others' pain, though we don't know who they are. All we know when it happens that something devastating is happening to someone somewhere. We both seem to age mentally and physically more quickly than others. She's just turned fifteen about four days ago, though she looks to be in her twenties. I, who am the younger, am still fourteen, though I look to be college age. We both feel old, though i feel a decade or ten older than she. She is certain, and I nearly agree, that there is a name or classification for whatever this is (anyone says pms i'll scream). If anyone knows anything, please post a reply or send a message to me (ammorag@hotmail.com). Please reply.
A.M. Morag:(
you might be part of a gov't or alien experiment or your something is different about both of you?. Go to the doctor and let him analyze your DNA, and CAT scan your brain.
Probably nothing. I think you are making it real in your mind by believing and wanting it to be real.

I don't mean to be skeptical, I am usualy not as I practice Astral Projection and other esoteric techniques such as different meditations and energy raising practises, which can often lead to very weird experiences... But in this case, unless you can actualy telepathicaly feel someone elses pain and then later ask the person wether they have pain in that area where you felt it, I would just stop 'trying' to feel these things.
If it confirms then you have a gift which you should try developing further.

In the scope of things birthdates mean pretty much nothing, horoscopes and such are pretty much BS.
to Arcticchill2k3: No doctor is getting near my head.

to exsto_human: obviously, you find it far-fetched. first of all, if we knew whose pain it was, we probably would ask. And second of all, if you're trying to feel someone's pain... it sounds like it would be easier just to let arctic's doctor take brain samples...

::i get that you're skeptical, you don't have to tell me... everyone's skeptical... i'm just looking for someone to believe me and not tell me there's something wrong with my head... the name of this thread is "Looking for an answer" not looking for more skeptics who can't resist the urge to tell me i'm imagining things::

A.M. Morag:bugeye:
Originally posted by ammorag
to Arcticchill2k3: No doctor is getting near my head.

to exsto_human: obviously, you find it far-fetched. first of all, if we knew whose pain it was, we probably would ask. And second of all, if you're trying to feel someone's pain... it sounds like it would be easier just to let arctic's doctor take brain samples...

I tend to agree with exsto human. If you were actually experiencing telepethy (sp) I would think you would know who that person is.

I strongly suspect that since you are in your early-mid teens, I would wager a guess on raging hormones. It is not uncommon for teenagers, to feel that they don't quite fit in earths plan. Teens tend to feel that they are not understood by anyone.

As you tend to mature in lifes experiences, you will feel differently about certain things as you get older.

Even now, looking back on my teen years, I still feel as tho part of me no one could ever get. The thing that I like the best, is I finally get it.
Hi Ammoraq,

Based on what you've descrived in your original post, this sounds very much like both you and your friend are very empathic people. While there are many who would claim there is a paranormal element to this, the ability to display empathy for someone who is hurting is quite natural.

This ability is something that can help you greatly if you're considering a career in some sort of councilling profession, or something medically related.

Some people find it a little stressful too because it can effect their own moods and be emotionally exhausting. When this happens it's always good to seek out people who have a positive outlook on life and make you feel good - or simply spend time alone or with a pet.

I'm not sure what to make of the "seeing only the moment" phenomenon that you describe. Does this mean you have trouble remembering things that have happened in the past? As for the future, well, most people seem to get along just fine without knowing what it holds. It's fairly common to be concerned with the present because it's what you have the most influence over.

As far as looking and feeling older, there are a couple of things to consider here. Physically your body can change quite quickly during adolesence, making you feel much older. There is no standard definition of what your body should look like. Also people mature intellectually at different rates. It's quite possible that you and your friend are just a little more mature than others around you.

I hope this helps.
Don't listen to most of the garbage you read in this forum... it's part of the sciforums, but the "parapsychology" section draws these "believers" and "new agers" like moths to a flame.

What you are experiencing sounds like adolescence. If that sounds like a simple answer, it isn't. The years between 12 and 20 are often the most trying, and most difficult to control/understand/come to grips with for many people.

Dragoon may be right, and I exclude him/her from the other responses you got. Don't worry too much about it... just be yourself and soak up as much knowledge as your mind can stand on whatever interests you.

I think you'll find that as time goes by, you'll see that no one can truly read the future. It's against the laws of physics. As to the past, it's only relative to the moment. If it has bearing on the 'now,' you'll remember... even if subconsciously.

Good luck and go check out the other sections of this board, like Human Science or Art & Culture! :D

Oh... and welcome to the SciForums!
Based on what you've descrived in your original post, this sounds very much like both you and your friend are very empathic people. While there are many who would claim there is a paranormal element to this, the ability to display empathy for someone who is hurting is quite natural.

This could be true, but she says that she doesn't know WHO is hurting, so naturaly this can't be the case. It would be the case if someone told them they had pain somewhere and then felt the pain, but they don't even know where this pain is coming from.

Perhaps the pain is your own, maybe you should go to a doctor and get an examination:bugeye:.

The way I see it, psychic abilities do exist, but they are unimportant. Don't think about them.
I also forgot one more thing my friend wanted me to put up about her... I keep remembering i forgot, but never remember to put it up when i'm on...
The thing is that when she was little, she used to talk to tree people. (as in people in the trees)
A.M. Morag:cool:
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Originally posted by exsto_human
In the scope of things birthdates mean pretty much nothing, horoscopes and such are pretty much BS.

I would have to disagree. Astrology might seem stupid, but it is not BS. if you believe we are all one entity then you might understand, if not, I suggest "The Waking Dream" by Ray Grasse. This book will help you, ammorag. There are infinite posibilities, most probable that there is a very strong connection between you and your friend. Anylyze your surroundings, look for "clues" that might help you figure out what is going on.