Look to the Sea Young Man


Registered Senior Member
UFO'S Look to the Sea Young Man

As I sit back and read the postings I cant help but wonder is it not possible that these craft are not originating from distant planetary systems? But instead have been utilizing our Oceans. And other Geographically hard to reach areas? For example just based on the shape of most airborne anomalies the basic oval or round configuration lends itself well to high pressure resistance. The gray Coloration normally associated with sightings of living beings devoid of pigmentation I know after locking myself in my home during a long winter in Ohio I start looking a bit Gray myself. "You never hear about an Alien with A great CopperTone Tan" The Large Black pupils normally associated with nocturnal activity or the total darkness in the abyss. We have barley scratched the surface of our oceans and other deep waters of the Earth. I would also like to remind everyone that water is the greatest power resource on earth. "Hydrogen" Although I do believe that creating a Warp or bending space is Possible for interplanetary travel I also believe that in most cases the easiest explanation is the normally the correct one.
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First, one would have to find verifiable evidence that such craft exist. But assuming that they do, the next question would be why haven't we discovered their presence in the oceans?

We study the oceans these days like you wouldn't believe. There are instruments covering nearly every part of the world's oceans in some manner or another. Satellite imagery (visible and non-visible spectrums); ELF; Temperatures; Currents; Sonar; paleomagnatism; tectonic movements (down to the most subtle); sub-oceanic volcanism; black smokers; animal migration/feeding/mating patterns; fishing vessels; pleasure craft; military craft (above and below); military sensors to warn of submarines; etc., etc.....

I would think that with all of these sensors and items being sensed, it would be hard to conceal anything significant for too long unless it was completely stationary and very quiet.

Still, it is the among the least inhabited locations on the planet.
I 100% agree with your posting we have made great leaps in understanding and searching the Ocean Depths. My post was not to say I know they are there but merely to suggest the possibility. Considering that 70% of the Earths surface is covered with water what better place to take up residence. There is no better place to hide.
Most people do not understand the oceans were mapped completely during world war 2 after several subs ran into underwater "mountains" if you will, the only place that is not fully mapped out is marianas trench
The fact that the Oceans have been mapped in my opinion is mute. Of course we have the technology to ping the bottom of the Sea for mapping and navigation.
But objectively ask yourself a question. The Titanic sank in 1912 and was not found until 1985 that's 73 years to find a stationary object known to be at the bottom. How long would it take to find a technologically advanced Object that was actively trying to elude detection. I believe as advanced as we think we are it pales in comparison to the abilities they would command. Its like playing hide and seek with a two year old. :)
Good point, but something the size of a city would have shown up and raised a bit of question youd think, even then , the governemtn doesnt want to waste time or money to scour the ocean floor looking aorund for anything =D
I honestly don't think there would be anything as large as a city down there. However lets just say for the sake of argument the Government did locate something at the bottom be it large or small. Do you really think they would let anyone know about it? The Government is just about the only entity that has the resources at their disposal to perform such a task as mapping the entire Sea Floor. So if anyone would have found something odds have it we would never know. Do you remember the old Chicken Little story? "The Sky is falling, The Sky is falling" If one spends most of his time looking up you may just trip over that big rock in front of you.
Actually people have only explored a few percent of the ocean directly. Even though alot has been mapped it hasn't been throughly explored. About 95% hasn't been explored to a large extent.

More people have been to the moon then to the bottom of the Marienas Trench!:eek:

It just shows there is alot of things we don't know about the Earth's oceans.

Also as far as citys at the bottom of the sea what about the city thats been found off the coast of Cuba?
Speaking obout the movie The Abyss. You know the breathable goop thats in it?

I saw something that talked about a breathable high oxygen goop thats been invented!:D

Only problem is its only been tested on mice so far.
But the mice were able to breath in it!

Imagine a whole pool filled with it!:D
nah they use it with humans too, Its a red goopish stuff that carries the necessary oxygen to the lungs, but it also doesnt last very long and on top of that it requires depressurization afterwards ( thats what i was told anyhow)
I also heard about what appears to be an ancient city off the coast of Cuba. It is at a sufficient depth such that it is either 50,000 years old or it fell to its current depth due to a very large cataclysmic event. Very thought provoking.
In my last post I was in error. The age of this civilization would be 6000 yrs. NOT 50,000 yrs. Sorry!
Simpler just to edit your post... but at any rate, this is old news. It is very likely that this is the result of a natural phenomena that occurs with limestone and not the remnants of a "urban center." The discovery was made by a group looking for sunken treasure on ships... you would have thought they could have found at least one or two artifacts beyond the giant square stones.

The first inhabitants of that region arrived at around 4,000 years ago.... they didn't even have the capability to build streets, much less a city.

One hypothesis, my own, would be that the stones formed their structure after deposition of calcite from shells, micro-organisms, etc in the faults of the area. This hardened over millions of years into limestone and, after being exposed by tectonic plate movements and weathering, broke into naturally occuring blocks.

If it were something more grand, I think we'd have read something more of it by now.
Actually skinwalker,

The researches themselves claim the following...
1.) There are large stone megaliths not indigenous to the area that are apparently placed in such a way as to suggest intelligent design (i.e. similar to Easter Island and Stonehenge).

2.) There are heiroglyphics on some of these that are similar to those found at archeological sites in Crete and elsewhere in Mesoamerica which are almost identical to glyphs found in various cave walls in Cuba.

For more clarification of these claims you could see follow the hyperlink below.

Originally posted by Wolfboy
Actually skinwalker,

The researches themselves claim the following...
1.) There are large stone megaliths not indigenous to the area that are apparently placed in such a way as to suggest intelligent design (i.e. similar to Easter Island and Stonehenge).

Intelligent design in regards to Easter Island means that stones were quarried from a known location and moved to a beach with faces of people/gods carved in them.

The "intelligent" design that you are suggesting could easily have been the result of a fault as I suggested. The fault itself would be a relatively straight line (or faults.. where there's one, there's likely more than one). The gap of the fault would allow for sediment that would normally be deposited horizontally to fall in the crack where it would harden into a rock wall.

There is a very promenent feature like this in a county near my home. The county is named Rockwall. The settlers in the area discovered an underground "walls" when they dug their wells and assumed that it was built by an ancient civilization. It turns out that it was a phenomenon similar to the one I described.

Originally posted by Wolfboy
[B2.) There are heiroglyphics on some of these that are similar to those found at archeological sites in Crete and elsewhere in Mesoamerica which are almost identical to glyphs found in various cave walls in Cuba.

There is absolutely no data that I've located to suggest this. The link you provided was a secondary news source and mentioned nothing of the kind. Perhaps you have a link to the primary literature of the "researchers" themselves. If they are, indeed, researchers then they have undoubtedly published something.

The possibility of a civilization explanation exists... it's just not the most likely. If there were such a civilization, there would undoubtedly be additional archeological record in the way of other finds elswhere in the region that was unaffected by oceanic weathering. A civilization capable of creating a city doesn't stay only in one location.

Moreover, the site is likely to be discovered at millions of years old, not thousands. That type of deposition takes millions of years. It could very well be that the meteor/astroid impact, hypothesized to have occured 65 mya, may have broke the formation into its "blocks" with the resulting shock wave.
Originally posted by Wolfboy
My reference to the heiroglyphics found at the site came from an interview that Linda Moulton Howe

HA! This is the same Linda Howe that perpetuated the cow mutilation marlarky! Hardly a reputable source, my man.

Originally posted by Wolfboy
You are right in your point that they are, I believe, archeologists and not "scholars" or "researchers."

Quite the contrary, archeologists are generally wonderful scholors and researchers. I was refering to the Russian engineer that works for ADC (Zelitsky, I think). She has the obvious agenda of money... though it is equally possible that she genuinely believes the site to be extraordinary.

Originally posted by Wolfboy
This interview can be found at

The interview means little. What would be meaninful is the actual data. I'm going to look a little more, but if you run across it, please post it. Photos from the RUVs, sounding data, sample data, etc.
Original quote from Skinwalker...

"HA! This is the same Linda Howe that perpetuated the cow mutilation marlarky! Hardly a reputable source, my man."

Easy man! All she did was ask the questions.
What was so marlarky about the cattle mutilation phenomenon anyway? It seems pretty legitimate from what I've seen.