
People are idiots. Mindless empty idiots. They should know that Mary is staying at my house and NOT on some garage door.

She works behind the bar in my local pub.
With Elvis.
I guess it is just sunlight reflecting from a window onto the garage door? Is there really no explanation? Or are these folk just too slack jawed to notice?
I would specially put emphasis on the part where it says: "Whatever it is, is bringing people together in peace and prayer". I find it quite nice.
I find them to be sad and desperate. :(

I find them to be people who are easily led to believe such nonsence is true. But hey, that is their belief not mine, thaey aren't hurting anyone. My problem is why would this be NEWSWORTHY?
am i missing something?

1. it doesnt look like mary

2. its a shadow, or rather a shadow is cast on the whole door except for the part that looks like mary. when people walk in front of it..."Oh my God! Mary is on ME!

lol i like when they say it appears every night at 6:30, ya cuz thats when the sun goes down to the specific point where it shines through the trees or whetever to make the shape. now it would be a different story if it stayed the same shape all day regardless of where the sun was or even at night.

i dont get it
I think it looks more like a pickle. Or maybe the Hindenberg falling...

Meanwhile, why do these ppl think it looks like Mary? It barely looks like a pickle!

1. They should be taken to task for this belief, simply because mollycoddling them is a perpetuation of such ignorance.
2. Why are their children being brought there? Most of them appear clueless as to why they were touching a garage door. Except the one girl who's indoctrination seems to have been extremely efficient.
am i missing something?

1. it doesnt look like mary

2. its a shadow, or rather a shadow is cast on the whole door except for the part that looks like mary. when people walk in front of it..."Oh my God! Mary is on ME!

lol i like when they say it appears every night at 6:30, ya cuz thats when the sun goes down to the specific point where it shines through the trees or whetever to make the shape. now it would be a different story if it stayed the same shape all day regardless of where the sun was or even at night.

i dont get it

Wow...I didn't pay attention to the details of the crowd's responses...hilariously depressing :eek:
it doesent even look like anything. plus why did that woman say "mary the mother of god" i thought god was the fsther of mary. :shrug:

LOL clever new icon Chi.

No...God-proper is supposedly the Father of everyone as in being the creator. I don't have a clue who Mary's Dad was (biologically).

The woman really meant "Mary mother of Jesus"...since christians regard Jesus as part of their triad of deities. The names "Jesus" and "God" are interchangeable to some of them.
am i missing something?

1. it doesnt look like mary

2. its a shadow, or rather a shadow is cast on the whole door except for the part that looks like mary. when people walk in front of it..."Oh my God! Mary is on ME!

lol i like when they say it appears every night at 6:30, ya cuz thats when the sun goes down to the specific point where it shines through the trees or whetever to make the shape. now it would be a different story if it stayed the same shape all day regardless of where the sun was or even at night.

i dont get it

Why did the reporter then state that there was 'no explanation'.This is a disgraceful thing for a reporter to say, indicating that there is merit for those doughballs to congregate in such a display of stupidity.

Although I think the fact that they were American had a lot to do with it as well - not just them being religious.
Perfect topic title - LOL. :)

But boy, so very sad.
Fools! It's obviously the alien Balok (or rather the image he projected) from the Star Trek Episode, "The Corbomite Maneuver".

spider you fool I wasn't a believe in it being mary but who could deny it now. If only she were alive today and took it up the ass.