LOL some crazy chick from Texas


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member

some people have a strange notion of "new life experiences"

and no, this is no proof or anything that the hijab is good, that girl is just fooling around..i just though it hilarious and wanted to share..was going to put it in free thoughts but hey, we deserve some fun too...
its not healthy being completely covered up as the human body/skin needs sunlight to properly absorb all the vitamins and minerals from the food we eat.,otherwise your bones will become weak and brittle...

but hey whatever turns her on!
Nothing crazy about that. The weave is supposed to be loose, to in effect shade the body from the sun, I'm sure it's not lightproof thus depriving the wearer of vitamin D.
actually concidering the climate of ghe people who use it i would expect it to be protective. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer because as soon as summer hits everyone strips of and lays on the beach in the sun which is just about the worst thing you can do. these people are definitly following the slip slop slap message