logic dictates


Valued Senior Member
We are SIMs.

SIMs playing out a very very accurate Historical reenactment so that Historians, running the program (probably at one of the Ivory league Universities) can better understand various aspects of human history. Of course this is all happening way way in the future. Like WAY in the future. 20-30 years from now :p

The reason why this is so, is because it stands to reason we will eventually be able to simulate reality as in a SIMs. One universe can run 100s of millioins (if not billions) of simulations. Within these simulations the SIMs can run their own simulations. Trillions of them.

The chances you're NOT a SIM and living in a real world, are to put it frankly, pretty crap.

We are SIMs.

SIMs playing out a very very accurate Historical reenactment so that Historians, running the program (probably at one of the Ivory league Universities) can better understand various aspects of human history. Of course this is all happening way way in the future. Like WAY in the future. 20-30 years from now :p

The reason why this is so, is because it stands to reason we will eventually be able to simulate reality as in a SIMs. One universe can run 100s of millioins (if not billions) of simulations. Within these simulations the SIMs can run their own simulations. Trillions of them.

The chances you're NOT a SIM and living in a real world, are to put it frankly, pretty crap.

and this is a dictate of logic?
Yip, this thread belongs in Philosophy or Psuedoscience.

If we are just a simulation, who cares? Why would we want it to stop? Why would we want it to keep running? Nothing really matters.

That professor from MIT is full of shit if he thinks it is "likely"

He may as well have said it's likely there is a god. Proving either case is equally difficult.
Yip, this thread belongs in Philosophy or Psuedoscience.

If we are just a simulation, who cares? Why would we want it to stop? Why would we want it to keep running? Nothing really matters.

That professor from MIT is full of shit if he thinks it is "likely"

He may as well have said it's likely there is a god. Proving either case is equally difficult.
Did you read the paper I linked? It is actually a fairly powerful argument.
Here's a paper outlining one person's argument.


Woot! Faq question 13 arose from a disagreement I had with a fellow about underlying reality. :)

The simulation argument really doesn't add to one's experience in anyway unless the ones running the simulation violate or otherwise contaminate the simulation.

If you consider the matter, you already are a simulation run on a comupter called the brain.