Logic and intuition, West and East, and the coming of Christ


Registered Senior Member
"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat."
(Rudyard Kipling: The Ballad of East and West)

Hello. :) This is going to be a long post but perhaps it will give an insight into the current global situation and into what's coming... I'd like to know what you think about the theory.

There seem to be two fundamental approaches to man's perception and creation of reality, and they are wired in the structure of the human brain. Both approaches, in the right balance, are necessary for harmonious life, whereas preferring one approach to the other leads to suffering.

The first approach focuses on differences and individuality. It is the logical/analytical approach (analysis = breaking up into components), which has its center in the left brain hemisphere and manifests as individualism in social life - freedom and independence of the individual. (It has been suggested that the sense of one's individual self is located in the left hemisphere too.) This approach enables one to perceive and create structures, step by step (also by means of language), and to use individual free will. When used in excess though, it leads to being lost in details ("not seeing the forest for the trees"), losing the connection between oneself and others, lack of compassion, aggressiveness and neglect of the needy. This approach has been cultivated especially in the WEST, where it resulted in science, technology, democracy, and capitalism.

The second approach focuses on similarities and unity. It is the intuitive/holistic approach, which has its center in the right brain hemisphere and manifests as collectivism in social life - the individual is subjected to the collective. This approach enables one to see the connections and underlying unity of all things, immediately (intuitively), and thus creates harmony and coherence among differences, a compact whole. When used in excess though, it leads to lack of differentiation ("not seeing the trees"), loss of initiative, passivity, suppression of individual differences in political and ideological totalitarianism. This approach has been cultivated especially in the EAST, where it resulted in mysticism, religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism which emphasize the Oneness of all things, holistic medicine, yoga, and communist or socialist regimes.

In the age of globalization these two approaches interact and mix (which is unfortunately sometimes accompanied by fear and violence). And so in the West we can see the influence of Eastern religions (the New Age movement), growing socialist agenda, and growing liberalism that attempts to harmonize or ignore differences for the sake of unity and solidarity ("political correctness"). And in the East we can see the spread of technology, market economy and democracy. The two "brain hemispheres" of mankind are interacting like never before, and thinking becomes augmented and better integrated on the individual level too.

The key is the right balance between the logical/analytic perspective and the intuitive/holistic perspective. It means seeing both the detail and the whole, the individual and the collective, the microcosm in a macrovision. Such balance results in harmonious activity, while imbalance results in disharmonious activity (when analysis dominates) or in passivity (when holism dominates).

And finally, this balance may be critical for dealing successfully with the prophesied "outpouring of God's spirit", the coming of Christ, the Planetary Awakening. Why? Because if God's perspective encompasses the whole universe, we may experience His coming, the eschatological cataclysm, as A SUDDEN EXPANSION OF OUR AWARENESS, acquiring visionary/prophetic abilities. This seems similar to Carl Jung's process of "individuation", during which an individual reaches psychological maturity by integrating "the unconscious" into his/her conscious awareness. However, the individuation has its pitfalls; when the person is swamped by the unconscious material and fails to integrate it, the result can be neurosis or psychosis (see here). And as I see it, individuation could be a process during which a person receives information intuitively, via right brain, and makes sense of it by processing it in the analytical/logical left brain, so the two brain hemispheres must work in tandem for a successful individuation. Even if the unconscious material doesn't enter only through the right brain, the combination of the left brain perspective of details and the right brain perspective of a wider context may be necessary for processing this material. The integration of left brain and right brain thinking during globalization seems to make an appropriate setting for a successful absorption of a flood of unconscious material (the eschatological event).
The process of individuation also seems similar to the kundalini phenomenon (actually, Jung himself drew parallels between the two). Websites have cropped up that write about the kundalini syndrome - psychological and physiological symptoms and complications of kundalini awakening, which is said to happen even spontaneously in some cases (see for example here, here and here).

The bible says the following about the "end times":

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." (Joel 2:28-29)

"[Jesus said:] I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." (John 16:12-13)

Christ's arrival would be the arrival of the Macrovision, like a lightning from the east (=perspective of the Whole) to the west (=limited perspective of the details in our everyday lives):

"For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (=Christ)." (Matthew 24:27)

And this Macrovision will need to be integrated into our everyday microcosm, in a harmonious, constructive way. That's why the balance between the analytic left brain and the holistic right brain may be necessary. Christ's coming will be like the flood in the days of Noah, and the ark will be like a catamaran with the left and right brain hemispheres as its hulls.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:37-39)

Those who deal with this successfully will experience heaven on earth. But many may also experience mental and nervous problems, possibly coupled with extraordinary abilities, and among them could be whom the bible calls "false Christs" and "false prophets".

"For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now - and never to be equaled again." (Matthew 24:21)

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." (Matthew 24:24)

A possible biblical indication that we may be deceived when we lean too much either to the left brain logic or to the right brain intuition appears in this passage:

"So if anyone tells you, 'There he (Christ) is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it." (Matthew 24:26)

The outward perspective is oriented to the material world; it uses analysis and logic; it drives Western materialism. On the other hand, with the inward perspective one withdraws from the world, seeking unity with God; it's a yearning for holism and it uses intuition; it drives Eastern mysticism.
Confused prophets will try to steer people into materialism or away from the material world, but not into a harmonious balance. They will stroke your ego or will encourage you to throw away your ego.
And again, that biblical passage is followed by: "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." Salvation requires both the inward AND outward perspective.

The idea of a Savior and of a collective spiritual transformation exists in other religions too (see here), and many contemporary New Age channelings claim that this event (often referred to as ascension or awakening) is impending or under way (see for example here or here).

And finally, it seems that urgent indications of the eschatological event can also be found in pop music:

Natalie Imbruglia: That Day
Moby: Lift Me Up
The Chemical Brothers: Galvanize
Depeche Mode: Enjoy the Silence


Pink Floyd's The Division Bell front cover
GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

we have enough non science related content as it is. people should have to take a 30 second test to be a member of this site. if you can't answer these questions in 30 second, you don't need to be here:
1. name the 4 fundamental forces of nature
2. what is the integral of (e^x)dx.

I am sorry for being rude, but this is SCIforums. I love this place and I hate seeing it taken over by people obsessed with religion, terrorism, Bush, or world events in general.
Every post Ive read of yours, you are telling someone to leave or asking for them to get banned. What is your problem man. Grow up.
my above post explains it. nutters are hijacking this site, and it really bothers me.
The starting post is New Age thought being mixed with the Word of God. Mixing darkness with light will never bring truth.

Cato are you entering into middle age? Are you becoming a grumpy old man/woman? Or is it fear of the unknown?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
litewave said:
Um, I'd rather hear something more concrete :)

Sometimes it only takes a few words to say something concrete. :) While sometimes it takes more.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Cato are you entering into middle age? Are you becoming a grumpy old man/woman? Or is it fear of the unknown?
I am 23.

sorry for being a grump, but I don't like the direction this site has been going lately. I imagine it will get better after finals, when the people with brains come back.
Oh so its just common ordinary pride. A sense of arrogant superiority.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
litewave said:
"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat."
(Rudyard Kipling: The Ballad of East and West)

Hello. :) This is going to be a long post but perhaps it will give an insight into the current global situation and into what's coming... I'd like to know what you think about the theory.

There seem to be two fundamental approaches to man's perception and creation of reality, and they are wired in the structure of the human brain. Both approaches, in the right balance, are necessary for harmonious life, whereas preferring one approach to the other leads to suffering.

The first approach focuses on differences and individuality. It is the logical/analytical approach (analysis = breaking up into components), which has its center in the left brain hemisphere and manifests as individualism in social life - freedom and independence of the individual. (It has been suggested that the sense of one's individual self is located in the left hemisphere too.) This approach enables one to perceive and create structures, step by step (also by means of language), and to use individual free will. When used in excess though, it leads to being lost in details ("not seeing the forest for the trees"), losing the connection between oneself and others, lack of compassion, aggressiveness and neglect of the needy. This approach has been cultivated especially in the WEST, where it resulted in science, technology, democracy, and capitalism.

The second approach focuses on similarities and unity. It is the intuitive/holistic approach, which has its center in the right brain hemisphere and manifests as collectivism in social life - the individual is subjected to the collective. This approach enables one to see the connections and underlying unity of all things, immediately (intuitively), and thus creates harmony and coherence among differences, a compact whole. When used in excess though, it leads to lack of differentiation ("not seeing the trees"), loss of initiative, passivity, suppression of individual differences in political and ideological totalitarianism. This approach has been cultivated especially in the EAST, where it resulted in mysticism, religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism which emphasize the Oneness of all things, holistic medicine, yoga, and communist or socialist regimes.

In the age of globalization these two approaches interact and mix (which is unfortunately sometimes accompanied by fear and violence). And so in the West we can see the influence of Eastern religions (the New Age movement), growing socialist agenda, and growing liberalism that attempts to harmonize or ignore differences for the sake of unity and solidarity ("political correctness"). And in the East we can see the spread of technology, market economy and democracy. The two "brain hemispheres" of mankind are interacting like never before, and thinking becomes augmented and better integrated on the individual level too.

The key is the right balance between the logical/analytic perspective and the intuitive/holistic perspective. It means seeing both the detail and the whole, the individual and the collective, the microcosm in a macrovision. Such balance results in harmonious activity, while imbalance results in disharmonious activity (when analysis dominates) or in passivity (when holism dominates).

And finally, this balance may be critical for dealing successfully with the prophesied "outpouring of God's spirit", the coming of Christ, the Planetary Awakening. Why? Because if God's perspective encompasses the whole universe, we may experience His coming, the eschatological cataclysm, as A SUDDEN EXPANSION OF OUR AWARENESS, acquiring visionary/prophetic abilities. This seems similar to Carl Jung's process of "individuation", during which an individual reaches psychological maturity by integrating "the unconscious" into his/her conscious awareness. However, the individuation has its pitfalls; when the person is swamped by the unconscious material and fails to integrate it, the result can be neurosis or psychosis (see here). And as I see it, individuation could be a process during which a person receives information intuitively, via right brain, and makes sense of it by processing it in the analytical/logical left brain, so the two brain hemispheres must work in tandem for a successful individuation. Even if the unconscious material doesn't enter only through the right brain, the combination of the left brain perspective of details and the right brain perspective of a wider context may be necessary for processing this material. The integration of left brain and right brain thinking during globalization seems to make an appropriate setting for a successful absorption of a flood of unconscious material (the eschatological event).
The process of individuation also seems similar to the kundalini phenomenon (actually, Jung himself drew parallels between the two). Websites have cropped up that write about the kundalini syndrome - psychological and physiological symptoms and complications of kundalini awakening, which is said to happen even spontaneously in some cases (see for example here, here and here).

The bible says the following about the "end times":

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." (Joel 2:28-29)

"[Jesus said:] I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." (John 16:12-13)

Christ's arrival would be the arrival of the Macrovision, like a lightning from the east (=perspective of the Whole) to the west (=limited perspective of the details in our everyday lives):

"For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (=Christ)." (Matthew 24:27)

And this Macrovision will need to be integrated into our everyday microcosm, in a harmonious, constructive way. That's why the balance between the analytic left brain and the holistic right brain may be necessary. Christ's coming will be like the flood in the days of Noah, and the ark will be like a catamaran with the left and right brain hemispheres as its hulls.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:37-39)

Those who deal with this successfully will experience heaven on earth. But many may also experience mental and nervous problems, possibly coupled with extraordinary abilities, and among them could be whom the bible calls "false Christs" and "false prophets".

"For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now - and never to be equaled again." (Matthew 24:21)

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." (Matthew 24:24)

A possible biblical indication that we may be deceived when we lean too much either to the left brain logic or to the right brain intuition appears in this passage:

"So if anyone tells you, 'There he (Christ) is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it." (Matthew 24:26)

The outward perspective is oriented to the material world; it uses analysis and logic; it drives Western materialism. On the other hand, with the inward perspective one withdraws from the world, seeking unity with God; it's a yearning for holism and it uses intuition; it drives Eastern mysticism.
Confused prophets will try to steer people into materialism or away from the material world, but not into a harmonious balance. They will stroke your ego or will encourage you to throw away your ego.
And again, that biblical passage is followed by: "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." Salvation requires both the inward AND outward perspective.

The idea of a Savior and of a collective spiritual transformation exists in other religions too (see here), and many contemporary New Age channelings claim that this event (often referred to as ascension or awakening) is impending or under way (see for example here or here).

And finally, it seems that urgent indications of the eschatological event can also be found in pop music:

Natalie Imbruglia: That Day
Moby: Lift Me Up
The Chemical Brothers: Galvanize
Depeche Mode: Enjoy the Silence


Pink Floyd's The Division Bell front cover

Necessity of Logic

All the arguments of the Advaita scholars are perfectly correct except for one small point: that awareness or Atman is not God as they claim. Awareness is not known to the majority and therefore the soul is unimaginable to the majority. The soul is certainly known to the minority who are very sharp scholars. The Veda says that Atman is known only to sharp scholars and the Veda does not say that Atman is God in this context. The Veda says here that Atman is embedded in the human being secretly (Drushyatetvagraya…, Atma guhayam…). Awareness requires the existence of two items. One is the inert energy that is obtained from the digestion of food (Annat Purashah—Veda). The second is the nervous system, which alone can convert this inert energy in to awareness on functioning. Thus, awareness is dependent on these two items but God is independent and does not depend on any other item. Thus, the scholars who argue only based on the scriptures can also be answered about this concept based on the scriptures and logic (Tarka Shastra).
Matter (food) is converted into energy and awareness is a form of energy. Thus, matter and awareness are interconvertible. When a human being called ‘Ahalya’ was converted into an inert statue and again when the statue was converted into a human being, this interconversion is proved. When Ahalya became a stone, her soul did not go to the upper world. It remained there itself. Awareness is an item of creation and therefore exactly duplicate souls were created by Lord Krishna when some souls were stolen by Prajapati. All these points clearly show that awareness is a conversion of inert matter and a form of inert energy; it is only an item of creation.

If one accepts science, it is very easy to prove that awareness is a special form of inert energy flowing through the nervous system while functioning. A robot is just a duplicate of a human being. The current flowing in the wires is the awareness flowing in the nervous system. The information stored in the chip is exactly the information stored in the brain. The brain is a system of several microprocessors working simultaneously, which grasps all the information regarding an object in one instance. You can treat the brain as a CD [or hard disk] in which information is stored in the form of written impressions on matter or you can treat brain as the RAM (of the computer) in which the information is stored in the form of pulses of electromagnetic energy. This does not make any difference from a spiritual point of view. It is a topic of science.

Even in science a physicist does not differentiate between matter and energy. Thus, using science it is clearly proved that awareness is only inert energy which on functioning through the nervous system, gets converted to a specific form by doing a specific form of work. In fact, awareness is a form of special work done by the inert energy. Since, work is also a form of energy, all these classifications come under the topic of science alone and have no spiritual significance. But science clearly analyses every item, which is not God and helps us realize that no item in creation is God. Science analyses every item of creation and with the help of such analysis we can know that no item of creation is God.

Science cannot show what God is, but it can clearly show what God is not. There is no item in creation, which cannot be analyzed by science. Therefore, no item of the creation is God. Even the so-called philosophy has not shown God. It too has only shown what God is not. The Veda says that the sages, who were the greatest philosophers, rejected every item of creation as not God (Neti Neti...). They have concluded that God is beyond words, mind, intelligence, logic and even any type of imagination. Thus, both philosophy and science fail to give any positive information about God. Thus, you should not reject both philosophy and science because even if they have not shown God, at least they have shown that no item in the creation is God. Thus, these two have helped us by preventing us from being under the illusion that some item like awareness, which is almost unimaginable, is God. At least science and philosophy could protect us from taking this wrong route. Therefore, every spiritual seeker should develop a sharp analytical faculty of logic, which means he has to study science.

In fact, any student of philosophy (Vedanta) is supposed to learn logic (Tarka Shastra). It is just like a student of physics must learn mathematics. Some people are misleading devotees by saying that since God is beyond logic, logic should not be used. This is a very dangerous statement. This means that you should leave logic and blindly follow whatever nonsense is preached by such people. Even though logic may not help in finding the real nature of God, it will at least help in identifying and rejecting the nonsense, which are all items other than God. Thus logic prevents you from falling into the trap of such nonsense. You should have the weapon of logic in your hands so that you are not misled into the wrong path, even though logic does not show you the right path.

Therefore, all the Acharyas like Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva were great scholars of logic. All their commentaries dealt with the items, which are not God. Through powerful logic they eliminated the wrong routes and wrong items that are claimed to be God. Only by this analysis could they indirectly establish that God is completely unimaginable and that He is beyond logic. The Gita says that the Brahma Sutras with their logic can only draw conclusions (Brahma Sutra Padaischaiva…). Even in the Bible, whatever Jesus spoke was very logical and He rejected the wrong interpretations of the priests through powerful logic. Therefore, at least for this purpose, logic is useful.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
litewave said:
"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat."
(Rudyard Kipling: The Ballad of East and West)

Hello. :) This is going to be a long post but perhaps it will give an insight into the current global situation and into what's coming... I'd like to know what you think about the theory.

There seem to be two fundamental approaches to man's perception and creation of reality, and they are wired in the structure of the human brain. Both approaches, in the right balance, are necessary for harmonious life, whereas preferring one approach to the other leads to suffering.

The first approach focuses on differences and individuality. It is the logical/analytical approach (analysis = breaking up into components), which has its center in the left brain hemisphere and manifests as individualism in social life - freedom and independence of the individual. (It has been suggested that the sense of one's individual self is located in the left hemisphere too.) This approach enables one to perceive and create structures, step by step (also by means of language), and to use individual free will. When used in excess though, it leads to being lost in details ("not seeing the forest for the trees"), losing the connection between oneself and others, lack of compassion, aggressiveness and neglect of the needy. This approach has been cultivated especially in the WEST, where it resulted in science, technology, democracy, and capitalism.

The second approach focuses on similarities and unity. It is the intuitive/holistic approach, which has its center in the right brain hemisphere and manifests as collectivism in social life - the individual is subjected to the collective. This approach enables one to see the connections and underlying unity of all things, immediately (intuitively), and thus creates harmony and coherence among differences, a compact whole. When used in excess though, it leads to lack of differentiation ("not seeing the trees"), loss of initiative, passivity, suppression of individual differences in political and ideological totalitarianism. This approach has been cultivated especially in the EAST, where it resulted in mysticism, religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism which emphasize the Oneness of all things, holistic medicine, yoga, and communist or socialist regimes.

In the age of globalization these two approaches interact and mix (which is unfortunately sometimes accompanied by fear and violence). And so in the West we can see the influence of Eastern religions (the New Age movement), growing socialist agenda, and growing liberalism that attempts to harmonize or ignore differences for the sake of unity and solidarity ("political correctness"). And in the East we can see the spread of technology, market economy and democracy. The two "brain hemispheres" of mankind are interacting like never before, and thinking becomes augmented and better integrated on the individual level too.

The key is the right balance between the logical/analytic perspective and the intuitive/holistic perspective. It means seeing both the detail and the whole, the individual and the collective, the microcosm in a macrovision. Such balance results in harmonious activity, while imbalance results in disharmonious activity (when analysis dominates) or in passivity (when holism dominates).

And finally, this balance may be critical for dealing successfully with the prophesied "outpouring of God's spirit", the coming of Christ, the Planetary Awakening. Why? Because if God's perspective encompasses the whole universe, we may experience His coming, the eschatological cataclysm, as A SUDDEN EXPANSION OF OUR AWARENESS, acquiring visionary/prophetic abilities. This seems similar to Carl Jung's process of "individuation", during which an individual reaches psychological maturity by integrating "the unconscious" into his/her conscious awareness. However, the individuation has its pitfalls; when the person is swamped by the unconscious material and fails to integrate it, the result can be neurosis or psychosis (see here). And as I see it, individuation could be a process during which a person receives information intuitively, via right brain, and makes sense of it by processing it in the analytical/logical left brain, so the two brain hemispheres must work in tandem for a successful individuation. Even if the unconscious material doesn't enter only through the right brain, the combination of the left brain perspective of details and the right brain perspective of a wider context may be necessary for processing this material. The integration of left brain and right brain thinking during globalization seems to make an appropriate setting for a successful absorption of a flood of unconscious material (the eschatological event).
The process of individuation also seems similar to the kundalini phenomenon (actually, Jung himself drew parallels between the two). Websites have cropped up that write about the kundalini syndrome - psychological and physiological symptoms and complications of kundalini awakening, which is said to happen even spontaneously in some cases (see for example here, here and here).

The bible says the following about the "end times":

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." (Joel 2:28-29)

"[Jesus said:] I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." (John 16:12-13)

Christ's arrival would be the arrival of the Macrovision, like a lightning from the east (=perspective of the Whole) to the west (=limited perspective of the details in our everyday lives):

"For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (=Christ)." (Matthew 24:27)

And this Macrovision will need to be integrated into our everyday microcosm, in a harmonious, constructive way. That's why the balance between the analytic left brain and the holistic right brain may be necessary. Christ's coming will be like the flood in the days of Noah, and the ark will be like a catamaran with the left and right brain hemispheres as its hulls.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:37-39)

Those who deal with this successfully will experience heaven on earth. But many may also experience mental and nervous problems, possibly coupled with extraordinary abilities, and among them could be whom the bible calls "false Christs" and "false prophets".

"For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now - and never to be equaled again." (Matthew 24:21)

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." (Matthew 24:24)

A possible biblical indication that we may be deceived when we lean too much either to the left brain logic or to the right brain intuition appears in this passage:

"So if anyone tells you, 'There he (Christ) is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it." (Matthew 24:26)

The outward perspective is oriented to the material world; it uses analysis and logic; it drives Western materialism. On the other hand, with the inward perspective one withdraws from the world, seeking unity with God; it's a yearning for holism and it uses intuition; it drives Eastern mysticism.
Confused prophets will try to steer people into materialism or away from the material world, but not into a harmonious balance. They will stroke your ego or will encourage you to throw away your ego.
And again, that biblical passage is followed by: "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." Salvation requires both the inward AND outward perspective.

The idea of a Savior and of a collective spiritual transformation exists in other religions too (see here), and many contemporary New Age channelings claim that this event (often referred to as ascension or awakening) is impending or under way (see for example here or here).

And finally, it seems that urgent indications of the eschatological event can also be found in pop music:

Natalie Imbruglia: That Day
Moby: Lift Me Up
The Chemical Brothers: Galvanize
Depeche Mode: Enjoy the Silence


Pink Floyd's The Division Bell front cover

Meaning of second coming of Jesus

The names like Rama, Krishna, Jesus etc., belong to the external human body, which has taken birth. Such names are generated only after the birth of these human bodies. Therefore, such names are certainly the names of the external human bodies only, which are like the shirts. When the human bodies perish, these names also must perish. But these names exist as eternal names even after the disappearance of these human bodies due to death. The reason is that these names were directed towards the inner Lord even during the time of existence these human bodies. A person is carrying vegetables for selling. You call him by the name “ Vegetables”. The person is not vegetable and the vegetables are not the person also. But the possessor of the vegetables is called by the name of the possessed material. Similarly, when the name “ Krishna or Jesus” was called, this name was directed towards the internal Lord also. Therefore, even if the human body perished, since the Lord is eternal, Krishna or Jesus is also eternal. When Krishna said that He will come again and again, whenever necessary ( Yada Yada hi….Gita), it means the eternal Lord present in the human body will come again and again through different human forms. Similarly, when it is told that Jesus will come again, it means the Lord present in that human body will come again. Here the names Krishna and Jesus indicate the Lord and not the human body.

When some body says that He will come again after 20 years, it does not mean that he will come in the same shirt. Even in the case of the ordinary human beings the name indicates the inner eternal soul also. When people say that Subba Rao died, it means that the name indicates the external human body. People say that Subba Rao’s last journey is today. It means that the name indicates only the external body, which is going to be cremated in the burial ground on that day. In these sayings the name indicates the external human body. But after one-year people say that today is the yearly ceremony of Subba Rao. When you have stated that Subba Rao finished his last journey one year back, how can you bring Subba Rao again after one year? Here the name indicates the inner soul. Therefore, even in the worldly terminology the name indicates both the external body and inner soul according to the context.

Therefore, when you say that Jesus was crucified and killed, the name indicates the external human body. When you say that Jesus will come again on final day of destruction of this world, the name indicates the inner Lord. Thus, the same name indicates the external or internal item according to the context. When you say that Krishna danced in Brundavanam, the name indicates the external human body. When you say that Krishna will come again and again whenever necessary, the name indicates the inner Lord. If you realise this discrimination, you have no quarrel with any religion. When you say that Jesus or Krishna will come again, it means that the inner Lord is going to come in different human bodies again. When you are drawing the picture of Jesus or Krishna, the picture represents the external human body only and not the inner Lord. You can never draw the picture of the inner Lord because He is beyond the realm of imagination. You cannot say about the existence of two unimaginable Lords. When the Lord is unimaginable, He can be only one. If you say that there are two entities, it means that both the entities are imaginable. Therefore, you have to accept that there is only one unimaginable Lord or God. The external human bodies are different and cannot be one. When I say that Krishna is Jesus, it means that the Lord in the body of Krishna and in the body of Jesus is one and the same. It does not mean that the two different bodies are one and the same.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
Wonderful thread! :D Love the use of Division Bell cover. By the way, Pink Floyds whole visual/music package consists of a great deal of esoteric material. Just to go far out of thread and focus. :D
Yeah, seen it before, kind of disputal and confusing, though. But that a look at the Dark Side of The Moon cover. If that in itself aint esoteric, then I don't know what is... :)
cato said:
GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

we have enough non science related content as it is. people should have to take a 30 second test to be a member of this site. if you can't answer these questions in 30 second, you don't need to be here:
1. name the 4 fundamental forces of nature
2. what is the integral of (e^x)dx.

I am sorry for being rude, but this is SCIforums. I love this place and I hate seeing it taken over by people obsessed with religion, terrorism, Bush, or world events in general.

1) Strong interaction, electromagnetic force, weak force, and gravitational force.
2) e^{x} + C

Now have one for you......but first;

"What is gravitation?"
Something is turning the world, they don't know why it's turning, do they...
But it's perfectly turning.
If it would move in its orbit just a little bit towards the sun, it would burn up.
If it went a little bit away from the sun, it'd freeze up.
But it stays just perfectly at the distance to support our life.
Theres a set place for the orbit of planets around suns, atoms around nuclei of molecules, solar systems spin about in galaxies, and those do likewise in the universe.
That's shows there's a mastermind behind it. There has to be.

So heres my question to you.(JOB 38:3-7)

Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
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Meditate on triangle, the use of empty space behind it, the clean, pure light (or force) shining on the triangle; dividing itself to a spectrum. Esoterically, theres a lot of insight to find. Most importantly, what do you connect with "triangle"?
illuminatingtherapy said:
Meditate on triangle, the use of empty space behind it, the clean, pure light (or force) shining on the triangle; dividing itself to a spectrum. Esoterically, theres a lot of insight to find. Most importantly, what do you connect with "triangle"?
What I connect with triangle? Trinity! :) Spirit, mind and body: holistic perspective, analytic perspective and a material result. What's your take on a triangle and the Dark Side of the Moon cover artwork?
Exactly! Trinity! That's one of the most important of my interpretations. Now think of the pure energy hitting the "Trinity"; dividing into a spectrum. Think of Trinity in a divine sort of way... And swoosh; there's esoteric for ya... Or esoteric symbolism at least. :cool:
cato said:
GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

we have enough non science related content as it is. people should have to take a 30 second test to be a member of this site. if you can't answer these questions in 30 second, you don't need to be here:
1. name the 4 fundamental forces of nature
2. what is the integral of (e^x)dx.

I am sorry for being rude, but this is SCIforums. I love this place and I hate seeing it taken over by people obsessed with religion, terrorism, Bush, or world events in general.

What is it would you like to hear/read/discuss in a 'Religion' thread.
