Living in a sealed room


Registered Member

Assuming a completely sealed garage of the size 5 x 5 x 3 m --> 75m3 or 160.72cubicfeet.

The activity level of the person should be stated. Daily : 3 consecutive hours of anaerobic exercise --> lifting / 2 consecutive hours of anaerobic exercise --> lifting / 1h30 of aerobic exercise(i.e boxing) / 9 hours sleep. ( Total : 5 hours anaerobic exercise + 1h30 aerobic exercice + 2 hours at rest + 9 hours sleep)

Part of the garage door can be opened(1.50 x 2 m), giving on a parking lot, and there is a big entrance giving on the outside air on the same floor several meters away.(about 5 x 5 m) There are very few cars that ever go through this parking lot.(2-3 daily passages)

The garage is in Paris where the ground altitude is 45 m. The garage is on the first floor hence maybe approx 50-55 m over sea level.

If the garage is kept closed, how long would a person with the described activity level last before having to open the 1.50 x 2 m opening?
How long would it take for the garage to come back to it's original air concentration and hence be "ready" for another "bout" of the person's cycle? Do tools exist/methods to reduce time for air to return to it's original concentration?.

Thank your for you time,

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I don’t have the time to research and calculate an answer for you. But a quick glance at Google results indicates that the “how long can you breath in a sealed room” topic is a popular one. There are a lot of variables so there will never be one correct answer. Try searching with phrases like “oxygen consumption sealed room” or similar and I’m sure you will find lots of info.

Here are two links I found quite quickly that might contain useful info for you:
I don’t have the time to research and calculate an answer for you. But a quick glance at Google results indicates that the “how long can you breath in a sealed room” topic is a popular one. There are a lot of variables so there will never be one correct answer. Try searching with phrases like “oxygen consumption sealed room” or similar and I’m sure you will find lots of info.

Here are two links I found quite quickly that might contain useful info for you: