Living House


Registered Member
I've been wondering once, how to keep this earth full of forests AND Humans ?
so i came up with an idea, still scifi now, but mayabe worth thinking about once:
say we found a way to speed up cellular growing of plants, by finding out what rescources they need to grow, and finding out how to speed up the proces. then we might find the right species of trees, to grow them in a shape of a house/residence, and with other plants for other functions... could we be able to create some symbiose? like cyties that are at the same time forest. Ith would take a hell of a good Urban planner to get all the agriculture, industries and living enviroments... but it would cause a steady climate,and a healthy world where humans live in living houses, instead of piles of dead materials :p

please give me your replies, critics, thougts, for an idea is worthless when it's only formed by one mind.

Increased CO2 causes increased plant growth, but there are complications. We could farm trees sustainably enough to create houses, but I think that's the least of our problems. Our energy comes from fossil fuels, and there is no easy alternative. The best case involves zero population growth, sustainable farming and energy production, restoration of natural environments, complete reformation of consumer culture and capitalism...
Nice idea, though as of current, I think that even when it can happen, the maintenances can easily turn people down....
true... trees take more maintenaince than brick houses :p ... mayabe then an opportunity for a job... maintenance of the neighbourhood... :p but indeed, it's not a primary problem.
it's a nice idea. it's probably possible if we manipulate certain genes in the plant, ie. the chemical that induces stem and leaf growth to hasten up the growing up process; manipulate the genes so the pattern of growth found in trees makes their trunks hollow and liveable; and/or, manipulate the root growth to allow us to control the surface area the tree covers to make space for new tree-houses(literally). if we really get into their genes and reeeally get to control them, the maintenance thing won't be much of the problem (especially if we could control the growth factor).

the fuel factor can be a problem tho. we'd have to find an alternative and equally efficient(if not better) fuel source, or else the tree-houses would die anyway.
Iristas said:
true... trees take more maintenaince than brick houses :p ... mayabe then an opportunity for a job... maintenance of the neighbourhood... :p but indeed, it's not a primary problem.

I think neighbourwood would be a better word in this context :p
Hi brothers:
Check out this new idea. Let me know if it is for real, may be there is a heaven?


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