Live exports..............WHY?

Taffy Wake

Registered Senior Member
i have to say that i don't understand why the need for live exports of animals is necessary....(although that texan guy who posted himself home to save money on the air fare was just plain funny).

surely it would be cheaper to kill the animals, vacpak them and send them overseas, rather than move them about on great floating farms.

if the reason is religous, why not get a religious nut (oops, i mean practitioner) in the originating country to do it?

do any of you know why it happens? i dont get it.:confused:
If you kill and freeze a Cow, you’ll have a time limit so export that cow. If you ship it alive, you could tour it all over the world until you find the right buyer.:rolleyes:
Yea, most of the sheep will still be alive after 30 hours without food or water, if you’d killed it first you’d have to transport it frozen which is expensive. Also the UK dumps ‘light’ lambs on the French market. Fresh meat also sells better than frozen. –all boils down to the fact that it makes money.:mad:
i have to say that i don't understand why the need for live exports of animals is necessary....(although that texan guy who posted himself home to save money on the air fare was just plain funny).
Foremost, I'd rather have it back to the good old days when it was people in chains trollied back and forth between continents instead of animals.

But the reasons for animals being exported are many. Research would have it that exotic animals or non-natives are needed alive for reasearch (as in monkeys and sloth spieces used to reaserarch VDs) where viable studies can only be done on a live animals. Farm animals traded between countries (which explains why the American farmer was shitting his pants when the bovine foot and mouth deal broke out in Europe), cooking where only live animals would do (lobsters and veil (or veal?) for one).....all kinds of hideous reasons hideous nitpicky humans are known for.