Little Green Men


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
How would the arrival of aliens affect the major religions of the world?

Do you think they would be able to acknowledge that these creatures were real or would they try to explain them away?

Would the mere existence of aliens threaten these religions to their core or would it have little if any affect?

If these aliens had their own religion and if it did not match anything that we have on earth, would this require their extermination, or even crucifixion, to prevent them from leading us all “astray”?

Would the aliens be classified as either angels or demons or both?

Am I the AntiChrist because I am even posting these questions?

(I know!... they are Gray, not Green!... but I had to try and find a cool title for this little thread and this is the best I could come up with, so please forgive me!)
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How would the arrival of aliens affect the major religions of the world?

Do you think they would be able to acknowledge that these creatures were real or would they try to explain them away?

Would the mere existence of aliens threaten these religions to their core or would it have little if any affect?

If these aliens had their own religion and if it did not match anything that we have on earth, would this require their extermination, or even crucifixion, to prevent them from leading us all “astray”?

Would the aliens be classified as either angels or demons or both?

In the case of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims they would probably be considered demons sent by the Devil. Although perhaps not by many fundamentalist Christians initially, if their arrival seemed to coincide with what they perceive as prophecy. In that case they might be taken as "the armies of heaven" coming to deliver judgement.

Yes, if their idealogy and religion conflicted with these fundamentalists they no doubt would be considered a demonic force.
For instance some Christian preachers such as Jack Van Impe believe NOW that UFOs are demonic in nature.

Am I the AntiChrist because I am even posting these questions?
Well, you know what Adstar would say!:rolleyes:
I think someone like Matt Marr would become leader cuz people like that seem to know a lot about aliens. Then after the aliens kill them all, suvivalists would rule.
Pat Robertson has said that people who believe in UFOs should be stoned (and I don't mean high), so I'm guessing there would be a negative response from the Fundamentalist Chrisitians.

If you prefer the quote without the commentary:
The Bible says the Earth belongs to man, but the heavens belong to the Lord.

He has given us the Earth. He also warned, way back when Moses was writing down not only what is the Ten Commandments, but Deuteronomy, which is almost the Second Law.

Here is what he said to the children of Israel about this whole matter:

'If there is found among you, within any of your gates which the Lord your God gives you, a man or a woman who has been wicked in the sight of the Lord your God, in transgressing His covenant, who has gone and served other gods and worshipped them, either the sun or moon or any of the hosts of heaven which I have not commanded you, and you hear of it, then you shall inquire diligently. And if it is indeed true and certain that such an abomination has been committed in Israel, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and stone to death that man or woman with stones.' (Deuteronomy 17:2-5, NKJV)

Now, that's what Moses said to the children of Israel about those who worship the sun and the moon and the hosts of heaven, because these things, at best, are lifeless nothings, or, if they are intelligent, they're demonic. And, yes, there is a host of heaven. There are angels and there are fallen angels. There is no question about it.

Can a demon appear as a slanty-eyed, funny-looking creature? Of course he can, or it can. Of course they can deceive people. And if they can lead somebody away from the true God, or away from Jesus Christ, anyway it happens, it doesn't matter, you will lose your salvation. It doesn't matter how they get you. The question is, did they get you, and under what guise?

This is man in rebellion against God, who refuses to take God's Law. And God says, 'My covenant says you won't do this. And if I find anybody in Israel,'-- which is his pure nation -- 'If I find anybody in Israel that's doing this sort of thing, then I want you to take him out and dispose of him.

It's a clear violation of God's word.
No aliens will ever come to this crappy planet. It has little to offer except human beings. They would be so far advanced that they would take one look

here and just pass us by. To believe that something with enough intelligence to travel around the universe would want to vist us is insane.
No aliens will ever come to this crappy planet. It has little to offer except human beings. They would be so far advanced that they would take one look

here and just pass us by. To believe that something with enough intelligence to travel around the universe would want to vist us is insane.

Don't we use magnifying lenses to burn ants? Then again that's not the same as a 'visit' :eek:
I suspect thay will not contact us until we have evolved to a point where we are safe and have signficantly higher levels of intelligence. That in turn pretty much implies the time when religions have ceased to exist.
Well, I know alot of religious nutbags that would interpretate an arrival of an alien species as a "sign from God". Some may even classify these aliens as God themselves. Soo I think that it would only influence religion as the result of an interpretation from those who are willing to transform any truths in order to satisfy any personal religious beliefs they may have in the attempt to continuously prove thier religion as the one and only truth.
Well, I know alot of religious nutbags that would interpretate an arrival of an alien species as a "sign from God". Some may even classify these aliens as God themselves. Soo I think that it would only influence religion as the result of an interpretation from those who are willing to transform any truths in order to satisfy any personal religious beliefs they may have in the attempt to continuously prove thier religion as the one and only truth.

See "Earth Final Conflict" :)
In the case of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims they would probably be considered demons sent by the Devil. Although perhaps not by many fundamentalist Christians initially, if their arrival seemed to coincide with what they perceive as prophecy. In that case they might be taken as "the armies of heaven" coming to deliver judgement.

Yes, if their idealogy and religion conflicted with these fundamentalists they no doubt would be considered a demonic force.
For instance some Christian preachers such as Jack Van Impe believe NOW that UFOs are demonic in nature.

Do you think this would bring the different faiths together against a common alien enemy, or do you think that they would more likely divide even further over this? Would not each of the thousands of small groups of various believers worldwide try to convert the aliens to their own faith, and so regard all of the other groups as enemies?

I guess I am wondering if it might just end up dividing them even further, but I don’t know. It does not always take that much! Some churches even divide over whether or not you can have musical instruments in the service.
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How would the arrival of aliens affect the major religions of the world?

It would not effect my belief and my faith in God.

Do you think they would be able to acknowledge that these creatures were real or would they try to explain them away?

If they where real then they would be real. I would have no problem with accepting them as being real beings.

Would the mere existence of aliens threaten these religions to their core or would it have little if any affect?

Why would there existence threaten anything? It would not threaten me.

If these aliens had their own religion and if it did not match anything that we have on earth, would this require their extermination, or even crucifixion, to prevent them from leading us all “astray”?

If they had different beliefs then it would be an opportunity to share my beliefs with them. No need for extermination.

Would the aliens be classified as either angels or demons or both?

There would be no need to classify them as anything but as beings from another world.

Am I the AntiChrist because I am even posting these questions?

No, not for posing these questions, But you are an anti-Christ for rejecting the Messiah Jesus and working to undermine the Love of the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days