Little girls cussin for feminism.!!!

And I banned my kids from playing any electronic games for a week for saying "shit" while playing Minecraft the other week....

I think using these little girls is objectifying them, especially to use them in this way. And these kids are being used. It's not "shocking" as the director tries to claim. It is simply wrong. Is it right to teach kids that age sexually explicit words to send a message and sell t-shirts? What kind of message is that sending?

There are better ways to fight for equality than to use little kids to fight that battle for us.
The mother of one of the girls was bein interviewed on tv while ago... an her little girl was also ther... the mother argued that the video was proper for various reasons... an said she had been molested when she was a little girl an that this video of little cussin girls might help keep her little girl from bein molested... then the mom teared up... then the little girl started cryin.!!!

The mom needs emotional help... an now... prolly her little girl will also.!!!
Mayb mom will watch that interview an it will be clear that she needs to stop involvin her little girl in adult issues.!!!
I don't think children need to have to bear that burden. They will have plenty of time to do that when they are adults. And frankly, it is a fight we should be having for our children, not the other way around.

Is the issue important? Certainly. But there are better ways than trying to shock people by having little kids swear "like sailors" and trying to sell t-shirts. Those kids deserve better than that. And frankly, if we are having to resort to making kids swear on TV, then really, who exactly are we trying to convince? I just don't think this (using kids this way) is a viable solution, let alone message. But that's just me.
It is up to the parents primarily to bring up their children in a proper way and to teach them good values and morals. Today many children come from broken homes, alcoholic parents, abusive parents and a myriad of other troubles which do not help raise children in a healthy way.

Any TV, movie or other form of media should not encourage any children to do the wrong thing by reason of common sense. We can't force the media to comply to these standards but can only hope they understand that they aren't helping children but only reinforcing those bad morals and values into the children to make it seem to them it is "normal" to do so. It isn't and they should be ashamed of doing so but they are jerks and do what they want to do.
I think the issue here is that people tend to react more when it is children doing something unexpected... it's the same reason they use kids in advertising - it gets a reaction.

I don't agree with it... but I think that's why
The Title Is Deceptive

I would point out that, quite technically, this is "Little Girls Cussin' for Marketing Purposes".

Still, though, the Hess article is worth a read, for certain:

As BuzzFeed notes, ad producer Mike Kon has “defended” the ad, writing: “Some adults may be uncomfortable with how these little girls are using a bad word for a good cause. It is shocking what they are saying, but the real shock is that women are still paid less than men for the same work in 2014, not the use of the F-word.” Eh. Videos of kids cursing are YouTube staples that are mostly passed around for the adorable factor, not shock value. The ad works because it’s fun to watch girls and boys shatter precious princess tropes and refreshing to see little kids straightforwardly announce the necessity of feminism at a time when grown men and women are still tip-toeing around the word. Plus, it's hard to criticize cute little kids, even when the statistics they spit out about the pay gap and the rates of sexual assault are a little fuzzy, and mining political causes to sell T-shirts is a little crass. Well-played, adults.

To the one, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised, given who misrepresented the article. To the other, that sort of misrepresentation is exemplary of a problem about how our society discusses these issues. And, to the beeblebrox, I'll pitch a knuckleball in here and make the point that there are far more interesting questions about the intersection of young girls, consumerism, and women's humanity.

You know ... like dressing your baby to invite men for sexual encounters:

And, you know, in truth, compared to other burdens of politics and justice many parents put on their children, it's true I'm kinda okay with having little girls cuss out hate for an advert. Then again, that is circumsantial. In the long run, I would concur with the assertion that children don't need to bear this burden.

To which I would only add that in such context, even without this sort of marketplace counterpoint, they already do.


Hess, Amanda. "Watch Little Princesses Curse for the Feminist Cause". XX Factor. October 25, 2014. October 25, 2014.

"'I dare you': Victoria's Secret outrages parents with slogan on skimpy underwear aimed at young girls". <em>The Daily Mail</em>. March 28, 2013. October 25, 2014.

Taylor, Sarah. "Kmart recalls 'shameful' girls underwear". November 25, 2011. October 25, 2014.

Demasi, Jerrie. "'I love sluts' baby clothing". WA Today. April 30, 2013. October 25, 2014.
CluelussHusbund said:
Thanks... glad to have you on bord wit this issue.!!!

I would like to say I'm glad to have you on board with the fact that our daughters, mothers, and sisters are human beings. Except, well, it's not apparent that you are, according to your focus on complaining about what appears to be a symptomatic outcome.

Are you willing to work toward a cure for the disease?

Would be great to have everybody on board. Even the clueless.

“The gender gap in pay would be considerably reduced and might vanish altogether if firms did not have an incentive to disproportionately reward individuals who labored long hours and worked particular hours,” she wrote in a paper published this month in The American Economic Review.

Interesting article. Is there much of a difference in pay between a woman and man working the same position with the same hours? It does look like the largest pay gaps are in professions where the more you work the more you will make... I'm not sure if much can be done about this anyway. There isn't an immediate fix.
Advertising has been going on for decades without having to have this kind of filth shown. The TV shouldn't allow this crap but alas they are the perverts that don't care about values at all.:mad:
I'm reminded of Mao Zedong, who claimed to love the peasantry because they were 'blank slates' upon which he could write his political idealogue. Seems like even the plebs in America are too smart to swallow feminism, so feminists have resorted to brainwashing 9 year olds.
I'm reminded of Mao Zedong, who claimed to love the peasantry because they were 'blank slates' upon which he could write his political idealogue. Seems like even the plebs in America are too smart to swallow feminism, so feminists have resorted to brainwashing 9 year olds.

I dout that thers many feminists who are supportive of usin kids to get that type of message across;;; i thank its an isolated incident... that the moms will see the light of day... an i suspect that will be the last video like that bein made by any children.!!!
Wow. Ignorance and Cruelty. Who Would've Guessed?

CluelussHusbund said:
I dout that thers many feminists who are supportive of usin kids to get that type of message across;;; i thank its an isolated incident... that the moms will see the light of day... an i suspect that will be the last video like that bein made by any children.!!!

Thinking like a man, of course.

No wonder you call yourself "clueluss".
What happened to good old fashioned feminist bra burning by adult women? That always got my attention.

Unfortunately, I think this is just an extension of a trend. Talent has been replaced by shock value. We have witnessed this in comedy (e.g. Tom Green) and the in the visual arts, and this is a good example of it. Some call it "gross out".

But it works, people are paying attention to the ad. I haven't seen the ad, and I don't intend to watch it. It doesn't interest me and I won't reward the behavior by viewing it. If people stopped paying attention to this kind of disgusting behaviors, perhaps the purveyors of this kind of material will stop creating this stuff.
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