Little Big Planet


Valued Senior Member
Little Big Planet

THE highly-anticipated video game Little Big Planet has been delayed due to fears one song in the game may cause religious offense.

Just pathetic. Just guess which religion. Come on - take a guess. And the man who wrote and sang the song is a Muslim. Jesus H Christ, really, I'm wonder, what next? Day in and day out, if it isn't one thing it's another. It's like there's no bottom in sight.
The letter translated the offending lyrics as "Every soul shall have the taste of death" and "All that is on earth will perish".

Those are moderately offending for a G-Rated video game.

I wouldn't let my sisters listen to it if it was in English. I don't think Muslims want there children to listen to that as kids either.
Actually...I'm wondering if you read the article or not. Maybe you just wanted to complain about injustice? Unrightfully in this case.
LBP is an online game so offering a downloadable patch is sensible. People who want to can download it. Done and Done.

Who really knows just what the world would be like if we had to worry about every single religous belief. Everyone from Scientologist, Jews and Muslims to Raelians Buddhists and Shinto. What next, no Aliens in game, no no no that's going to offend Scientologists. Can't have that. No more multiple lives in games - that's mocking reincarnation. No more Deamons in games or Hell or blood or God or anything, you're pissing off the Xians - just stare a blank screen and scratch your balls.

Imagine if there were no God of War because some polytheists were pissing themselves with the representation of one of their Gods.

Like I said, if it isn't one thing it's another,
What?? Did you not read it?

Jews don't teach their children about the holocaust until they're 13 at least. Because they're children. They shouldn't have to think about death.

And they certainly shouldn't as children be hearing "Every soul shall have the taste of death" and "All that is on earth will perish". If a game came out in America geared for young children saying those things in English, mothers would be pissed!

They were right to withdraw the game, ironically you're saying they shouldn't have when it was geared for NOT offending Muslims whose children know arabic...or french...or whatever language it was spoken in.
I think the choice of whether or not children can or can not hear the song can be left to parents. I don't know if you own a PS3 but it downloads online updates before you even open the game to play first time.

Second, some parents may not mind if their children hear a few such verses, especially give we don't know the context. As for death, puleease, Hell Fire and Death is bread and butter at most, if not all, Church services.

Geesh, in the game the character can "die"!

Go ahead and keep pulling the rubber band tighter there is a snapping point, even the most liberal minded academics are reaching it, and when it snaps back (which it will) the force is equal to and opposite.
Sony may have wished to avoid another religious debacle after a notorious run-in with the Church of England last year.

In June 2007, the Church of England was considering legal action over the use of the sacred Manchester Cathedral as a setting for a shootout in blockbuster video game Resistance: Fall of Man.

The church said Sony's production was "insensitive" given the rate of gun crime in Manchester, and rebuked Sony's claims it had sought permission to re-create the cathedral.

The Manchester Cathedral controversy came two months after animal rights groups were shocked to see a real goat's carcass used at the launch party for Sony's God Of War II.

Looks like a business decision to me. If the target audience has a problem with the product, what company will not recall/change it?
Oh, I can just imagine the board meeting at Sony. After talk of suicide screwups and burning effigies of LBP and they decided to pull the game and spend a few more millions to fix it - when a download could have done the same.

I am sure everyone is wishing they had never hired this man to work on the game. They'll probably see to it they don't make the same kinds of mistakes in the future. lucky him.
Perhaps it would be advisable to have Qur'anic quotes and verses in all children's games?
Considering the game is G-Rated, perhaps they shouldn't have put those lyrics in the game to begin with? I mean, I dunno, perhaps it's just my personal moral foundation that doesn't think that's cool.
Little Big Planet

THE highly-anticipated video game Little Big Planet has been delayed due to fears one song in the game may cause religious offense.

Just pathetic. Just guess which religion. Come on - take a guess. And the man who wrote and sang the song is a Muslim. Jesus H Christ, really, I'm wonder, what next? Day in and day out, if it isn't one thing it's another. It's like there's no bottom in sight.
You don't think that Muslims play computer games too? Why would any sane company risk pissing off their own potential customers needlessly?
What next - no more God of War become it insults the polytheist's God Ares?!?


Second of all, LIKE I SAID, this problem could have been solved with a downloadable patch! That means Arabic speaking people could have downloaded the patch as soon as the game loaded and installed. If that's what they wanted to do, then, problem solved. No recall of the all games, just a simple online download. The game is an ONLINE adventure - this would fit perfectly with the whole point.

BUT, no way in HELL was anyone at Sony was willing to take a chance with Muslims. They obviously said, f*ck this, these guys aren't mature enough to deal with this - we'll just pay the multi millions, take it all off the shelf and out of Muslims hands, do a complete recall and never hire a Muslim in the future to do game development.

I can promise if this were a Buddhist or Xian or Shinto problem, it would have been a downloaded patch. But, no ho ho, no way were Sony going to trust Muslims. They're deemed Muslims to not be mature enough to leave this in their hands!

If I were Muslim, I'd take that as an insult!

It shows that really the people at Sony have absolutely no faith in the Muslim ability to act calm and mature. Sony was taking absolutely no chances with TV images of crazy Muslims burning Sony effigies. No sir! Lesson learned - never hire a Muslim to do even the most simple of development tasks.