Liquid diet


God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
You eat food, your body processes that food, extracts what is valuable from it and excretes the rest as waste, correct?
Yes, it's a very simplified view, but that is the jist of it, as I understand it.

It would seem to me that taking the proper vitamin and mineral supplemets and drinking water only, should result in a healthy diet, and little waste.
It also seems that drinking a "meal replacement shake" (i.e. SlimFast, Atkins, Nutrament, etc.) three times a day should suffice if they have the proper vitamins and minerals.

I also know the people who go on liquid diets end up with serious heath problems.
Why is that?
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Vitamin supplements and meal replacements certainly don't provide the number of calories necessary to prevent starvation. They probably don't provide the necessary proteins and fats that we need for cell and tissue repair either.

But wait, here comes a nutrition expert to tell us more..
YOu might be able to survive w/ all the suppliments, protein shakes and beer. It probobly wouldnt be a very happy life though.
The main problem with a liquid diet is sticking to it.

Another is ensutring its nutritional adequacy. Foods contain many nutrients which are yet unknown.

A third is the low fiber content, low satiety value and the problem of no mechanical stimulation of the GI tract (this can actually result in physical problems, similar to those with low fiber diets)

That said one can substitute a meal a day with a liquid diet without any adverse effects.

However, being a traditionalist, I do not recommend it. :)
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Beer has more fibers than the average carpet.

Those are the hops.

with suppliments it is possible to get the calorie intake from liquid alone. and all of the nutrients needed. but there is a few problems, one is not feeling so good :)

the stomach needs solids aswell as liquids we have evolved to digest solids our stomach acids would not mix well with pure liquid, it would result in a very unsettled stomach feeling all of the time, especialy while moving fast it would be all over the place and possibly make you throw up.

we need the solids to help soak up and mix with the liquids in the digestion process, also a slow release in needed for certain vitamins and nutrients, liquids would digest way to fast, we need slow release aswell as fast release.

I prefer intravenous feeding over a liquid diet. Sometimes it causes people to totally lose appetite forever. It's better than being bolemic.
Theoretically, its very feasible to live on high calorie and vitamin shakes as food. Some people in intensive care feed for months on liquid diets. Baby's and toddlers feed on breast milk for months. However, my guess is that your gastric juice and stomach acid levels will increase dramatically over time, altering your body's natural pH, though this again can be prevented by taking a lot of antacids or alkaline substitutes. Some liquid foods like performace shakes can have up to 2500 calories per serving, thats more than most solid servings of food. However, no animals is known to live on liquid diets alone.