lingering thoughts


Registered Member
Years gone by and you feel older than you really are. classmates getting the time of your life,friends come and go, and soon you find out that your hair is starting to fall out.. what a life.

it seems that highschool is the peak of your life. You feel that you left your youth inside the four walls of the classroom. you can never really let go of those feelings when you remember all the thing you have done in those days.
It just feel as if the wold has just ended the moment you marched that platform in the day of your graduation. The feeling is mixed, both joy and sadness.. weird aint it.

well thing will eventually change, it will not always change for the good but a change more or less. BUt you got to put to your mind that looking back does not mean living back. always live for tommorow and for the days to come.
Heck, gunman004 ...

Add fifty years to your age and you'll know where I'm at.

A lot of great memories, and a few not so great, but graduating H.S. was just
the beginning. First thing I did was get a job, worked long enough to get
the money I needed to make a scuba outfit out of WWII surplus, spent the rest
of the Summer enjoying (except for almost wiping when diving in really low
visibility water, alone naturally [not too many sport divers back in the '40's], and
and getting entangled in an old mattress spring).

So go for it! :D

Take care and try not to do too many stupids. ;)
hey guys..

hey Chagur,

its nice to meet good guys like you.. hope Ill get to know you better ...
maybe we can talk about the way u lived your life.. and maybe give me some tips about scuba stuff. I really like to try scuba..I find it interesting to be in dark waters... Idont know maybe im an adrenaline junky and I like danger.
how do you start in that kind of , what call thisss.... hmmm . hobbie of yours? is it expensive?

"The government is corrupt, and we're all so many drunks with the radio on and the curtains drawn. We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death."

This is not the life of humans. Humanity perished long ago when we committed ourselves to each other and gave our fate and will to everyone and yet to no one in particular. Progress is made by shuffling around in the blinding darkness, each person terrified they might step on some evil lurking in the shadows.

The naivete and wonder of youth is glorious indeed. But it is not worth the pain that follows. Everything you cherish and love will disappear. Your mind will fade, your passions will die. The only thing that grows more plentiful is your sorrow. So seize the day and hope to die young, for each day you become less a man and more a beast. Regret will rot your soul and ruin you.
Hi gunman400 ...

Things, and equipment, are quite different now days. You even have to be
certified to refill your tanks at a dive shop (that is unless you can afford your
own compressor).

I'd recommend: 1) Pick up some diving magazines and acquaint yourself with
the sport and equipment; 2) Find out if there's a dive shop in the area and take
a look around; 3) Check if any schools or YMCA's are offering certification
courses; and 4) Rent or buy used equipment initially to see if it's something you
want to get into.

And then, there's the cheapest way to start: fins, mask, snork and possiblely
a weight belt. It'll get you down to 10 or 15 ft., no problem, and give you an
idea as to what it's like down there.

Take care. ;)
Porfiry ...

Talk about the darkness of one's soul.

Lighten up, man.

Take care and have a good one.
Porfiry, you're worrying me

You certainly don't sound like you're in love, you sound like you've just lost love.

You are far too valued a leader to be so down in the dumps. You're worrying me.

Is there anything we can do to help?

Since we're talking about age, I find that even though my outside shell might be drooping a little, I still feel like my mind is in my 20's, but not as empty. It's got a lot more information stored in there that I wish I did know when I was 20.

Everyone take care over Christmas and have a good one.
Lost love, perhaps. But you cannot lose what was never and cannot be yours, but the effect is the same. For, you see, I suffer from the pain and confusion of (possibly) unrequited love.

The tale is probably common and is may almost be pathetic next to even the mediocre stories of this world. All I know is that for the past week I have slept poorly and am I cringe at the thought of spending my life without this person. I think I even suffer physically (and mentally) from some sort of infirmity when not in her presence. And this is no silly crush, for this is an old acquaintance and good friend of mine with whom I have been reunited. Feelings that existed for years have been reaffirmed and redoubled.

For the first time in my life, I feel genuine emotion and am behaving like a human being.

I suffer, but I'll probably survive.
As to High School being the height of one’s life, I disagree and am more in the line with Chagur’s thoughts on the subject. That is just the beginning and it goes in whatever direction you happen to “fall towards” or discover. It is a wondrous world out there with avenues aplenty for even the most jaded of explorers.

As to Porfiry, some of my most emotionally unstable moments dealt with the interaction of those I loved. I did find out that in time everything comes back to equilibrium. It returns to the rest point that you started from if you suffer from the withdrawal of attention from those you consider to be major influence in your emotional state of being. My wishes for the best in finding what you truly seek. Sometimes it is a twisted and convoluted path that leads you where you seek to be. All I can say at present is that you can not always get what you want but you get what you give. It is odd the way it works but there it is.

Not knowing all the details and the background the only thing I can offer in the way of possibly helping is to tell you not to give up. They say if you want something badly enough you will get it.
I've experimented a little with positive thinking and I must admit there seems to be something to it.

In any event I think most of us have been through the trauma of unrequited love, but in my case I've found that it was best in the end.

But I did notice you said 'possibly' unrequited love - is there
'possibly' a twinkle the eye of your love that you've caught a glimps of?

I say, don't give up yet, you never know what's going to happen.
Cliché, yes, but you just never know.

Conclusion (?)

I write this in the wake of a seminal* evening spent with this person (but a few of the hours we've spent together in the last week). She is indeed the greatest friend I have ever had. Without details, things have been resolved in the finest of all possible ways.

I think I'll survive. And I should emerge with new perspective and contentment. I shall always feel nothing but fondness towards this person.


* - not what you think