Like a moth drawn to a flame....


Registered Senior Member
All the same...

But why are bugs and insects attracted to lightbulbs, bug zappers, flames, etc? I read somewhere that it had to do with a neurochemical that the light triggers the production of.

Anybody know?
it's all about an insect's ability (genetic, of course:D) to become attracted to or repelled by any given light source. and, of course a moth is attracted to light..not repelled (bed-bugs and carpet beetles are a good example of bugs that hurriedly scurry away from light ..those little buggers love the darkness...that's when they carry out all their little dastardly deeds.)

that movement towards or away from light is called phototaxis, and, the moth is definitely one postively phototatic criter. the bugs of the evil dead are all negatively phototactic. of course.

really, no one knows why they are so attracted to light...but, there's a lot of speculation.
reply to pumpkinsaren'torange

Wrong! It IS known why.

From <>

'Why do moths fly around my light bulb on the porch?' And the explanation is: moths use the moon for navigation, when they're flying across the landscape. So they fly at a constant angle to moonlight, and the moonlight tends to come in parallel, because the moon is so far away. However, if you bring in something that looks like moonlight, like light bulbs, light coming from light bulbs, right down to them, they actually think they went past the moon, so they circle back, and then they circle again and then pretty soon they just keep going round in circles, and they go right around what they think is the moon, so they're very confused.

It's one of those things that for millions of years the moon's been the only bright object in the sky until humans came around and invented light bulbs, electricity."
If we had not evolved moths would have developed natural spaceflight in their quest to reach the moon.

actually, if we had not evolved AND invented the florescent/neon light...they themselves would have actually developed headlights. kinda like on a car...ya know?? :mad: :D
Cockroaches would have developed rocket propulsion .... oh wait... they did anyway.