lightning strikes


can lighting stikes cause one to see things differently because of the spped of travel of the lightning and not necessarily the voltage? if traveling at the speed of light is deemed to be impossible, yet we could become the light or a form of it, i.e. electricity, it could be that this adaptation would make it more of a possibility to exceed the limitations of not lightspeed travel.
I'm not clear on the question, but remember that lightning is not traveling at the speed of light, nor is it made up of light photons. it is a static electrical discharge which balances the charge differential between the earth and the air. (or the air and the air - cloud to cloud lightning is much more common than cloud to earth). the reason you can see lighting is that as the electrons travel between the areas of different charge, the air molecules in their path (which they use as a road to travel on form one place to the next) become excited by the influx of energy, and emit photons to return to a more stable state of energy.

A lightling bolt hitting a human body is very very dangerous, because lighting is at the one voltage which passes *thorugh* the body, instead of across the surface of it. to be hit by lighting it to have a huge impulse of electrical energy, which will boil your cells, and if you are lucky, not fry your nerves and or stop your heart/brain.

and AFAIK, it is not impossible to travel at or beyond the speed of light, it is just impossible (according to general relativity) to accelarate to the point of lightspeed. If you are created moving fater than light, then you're fine.
the way i understand lightning is that it is electicity which is traveling at or near the speed of light. the electrical makeup of the charge i am unfamiliar with. the danger factor i am.

the hypothesis i am proposing is turning the object of focus into lighting and causing that object to assume the same properties as the lightning. when the lighting stops the object is possibly scarred but still in tact and will have been moved at the speed of the charge.

this may be a very short distance, yet if the charge could be exteneded or have many booster points providing the necessary additional charges to keep the inital one active the distance could be made to span a greater distance.

very much similar to electrostatic travel invloving focusing on a shiny reflective surface yet instead of having it push, it assumes the same properties and becomes the charge itself.