Light, gravity, the curvature of space and other things I can't understand


Registered Senior Member
Light is confusing for me. Sometimes it acts as particles (photons). Other times it acts as waves. Can't it make up it's mind? Why doesn't light slow down when it bounces of an object? Wouldn't a collision with something take away some of it's energy thusly affecting it's speed? If light is acting as a wave, what is the medium that this wave is travelling through? Usually a wave form needs a medium to travel thru. But then radio waves can travel thru anything, even space, without a medium such as water or air.

What is gravity? Some say it is particles (gravitrons). Others say it is caused by the mass of an object curving the fabric of space around it. So if a black hole is creating a really really deep "pothole" in the fabric of space wouldn't matter that happens to fall into it just follow around the "walls" of this pot hole and go back out into space again?

The big bang theory. If there was an explosion that sent all that scrunched up matter flying out like schrapnel from a grenade, or like spokes radiating from a hub...then how could galaxies collide with eachother? Aren't they on their own separate line of flight away from the initial explosion?

Space. They say space was created when the big bang occurred and is continuously expanding, like a balloon inflating. What then is space expanding into?

"all will be known, grasshopper...but first grab the pebble from my hand"
U should really post this in the physics forum where people are answering questions like this every day. That is all 'real' science and is in no way paranormal.