Light Beings


Staff member
My frinds suggested that just as a single cell can divide and grow to a full organism based on the DNA information in a nurturing environment, similarly may be information can be sent on a light wave (Laser) that can form an entity in an environment such as Arora or certain charged EMF spectrum. Just some speculations.

So, who knows? Light beings may be here....

If you are thinking about nano computers, quantum computers, why not intelligence at that level? It is cheaper to send a nano probe than a big probe that consumes too much energy.

Two things:

First, the name Light Being should be only a way to explain a different kind of body. Actually, it's a way to describe how we really are, without our body.

Second, Light Being may be called Light being because it's made by some kind of "substance" that appears light.

I would suggest that Light Beings can be seen beyond the fourth dimension. As the speed of light is the limit for the physical existance, it MUST be the beginning of high energetic things like Light Beings, the spiritual existance.

On this way, there are the dimensions of physical existence:
First, second, third and fourth.
And dimension of spiritual existence:
Fith, Six, Seventh, Eighth.

Linking with the chackras and assuming that there is something beyond the Multiverse we draw the conclusion that each chackra has its relation with each dimension.

I'll continue later... in a new thread... :D
Thanks for the inspiration! ;)

Talking about Chakras reminds me of a lot of misunderstanding people have regarding the nature of consciousness. There is no such thing as a spirit being connected to a physical being in the sense that the pictures you see in your computer display does not exist separate from the physical display matter. No one can separate the energy activity from the physical computer. And when you turn off the computer, the display goes off too.

What the Rishis said is that, we all possess both client (conscious mind) , Server (subconscious mind) and the Server is hooked to the Internet which is also connected to other servers and several super computers (Supersconscious mind). That is another topic....

And how do you explain OBEs and Astral Projections if on them our consciousness is separated from our body?

I personally had 100% OBE, once, many years ago (about 1962). It is an experience I will never forget and , no, I was not smoking...From that experience, I theorize that, somehow, we at server level receive information packets from the higher up (in a heirarchical sense) systems to a query that we might have made at a client level. Normally, people who receive voices all the time that are considered delusional, could be a physical server malfunction. On the otherhand, if server receives information that can be verified later to be true, is a whole different story.

Just because we are not attached physically to our environment does not mean, over billions of years of evolution, there is no information transfer through electromagnetic and chemical means. We can now measure plant communication through chemical means. I do not think any one is trying the electromagnetic communication research area. No self respecting electrical engineer will research that unless he or she has tons of money.

Anyway, I think, the whole universe is setup in a heirarchical fashion. So, it seems logical that we are connected to another level up. And reincarnation stops when your individual program is taken offline and stored somewhere in that galactic computer - rather than sent back to run one more race (the rat race that is...)

Just some thoughts - that could change as new information becomes available....

Where do you get this stuff from? How do you know there are 8 dimensions, rather than 11 or 17?

You say stuff like this:

<i>I would suggest that Light Beings can be seen beyond the fourth dimension. As the speed of light is the limit for the physical existance, it MUST be the beginning of high energetic things like Light Beings, the spiritual existance.</i>

It almost looks like it means something, but when you look closely it doesn't seem to mean anything. Or maybe I'm wrong. Some questions for you:

1. What do you mean by "beyond" the fourth dimension? In what sense "beyond"?
2. In what way is the speed of light "the limit for physical existence", exactly?
3. Why MUST the speed of light be the "beginning of high energetic things like Light Beings"?
4. In what sense for "high energetic things like Light Beings" have a "beginning"?
5. In what sense is a Light Being a "high energetic thing"? How do you measure the energy of a Light Being?

That will do for a start.
James R,

Sorry about not replying earlier... For some reason I didn't receive the notification in ny e-mail...

1. What do you mean by "beyond" the fourth dimension? In what sense "beyond"?
In the sense that there are more dimensions than the four we know. Beyond also means in a more energetic way, in a more energetic dimension.

2. In what way is the speed of light "the limit for physical existence", exactly?
We can't detect nothing beyond the speed of light. Light is very important because it determines time. The light you see coming from the stars traveled millions of light years. Light define time. Beyond the speed of light, time changes in its aspects.

3. Why MUST the speed of light be the "beginning of high energetic things like Light Beings"?
Because Light Beings are conceptually more energetic than 3D beings. For anything to exist in the fith dimension and beyond, it's necessary to be more energetic than light.

4. In what sense for "high energetic things like Light Beings" have a "beginning"?


5. In what sense is a Light Being a "high energetic thing"? How do you measure the energy of a Light Being?
You can't mesure with our instruments. Our instruments can measure only material things.

To understand the concept of dimensions related to energy, picture this:

An electron with a hight energy in an atom will move far away from the nucleus. When it loses its energy, it releases a photon and go nearer the nucleus.

With the vacuum, it's something similar. The vacuum have "particles" with highter energy than the particles we know. When those "particles" lose energy, they become phisical and appear coming from the vacuum.

In the Fith Dimension, particles have energies greater then light.
In the Third, energies lower then light.

...................Fourth Dimension
Third Dimension...........Fith Dimension


You appear to be a little confused. Do you realise that light can have a range of different energies? For example, photons of blue light have more energy than photons of red light.

What then can you mean, I wonder, when you say that Light Beings have "more energy than light"? More energy than <i>what</i> light, exactly?

I also get the impression that you're confused about what exactly a dimension is. Perhaps if you could explain what you mean by a dimension, in precise language (?)
...appear to be a little confused...
I've previously made a pact with the Devil not to editorialize herein at Parapsychology.

Therefore, everyone reading this post will have to draw their own conclusion as to what I might otherwise have attempted to imply about those fitting the above quoted excerpt.
Originally posted by zion
Can someone explain what are LIGHTBEINGS to me?

I have no idea. You see in movies, TV shows like startrek, Vorlons etc. I wonder if there is any basis however speculative or it is at the same level as God (after all God is a light being, right?) - that can not exist....
James R,

What then can you mean, I wonder, when you say that Light Beings have "more energy than light"? More energy than what light, exactly?

Then all the ranges... it moves faster then the speed of light, that's what I mean...

I also get the impression that you're confused about what exactly a dimension is. Perhaps if you could explain what you mean by a dimension, in precise language (?)

To be honest, I don't know how to explain.
I don't have vocabulary for such thing...
The best I can do is to say that dimension is a "medium" where variables are placed... or something like that... but don't take it into account... I don't have English for that... ;)


<i>Then all the ranges... it moves faster then the speed of light, that's what I mean...</i>

I thought you'd say something like that. Well, in the strict physical sense of the term "energy", light has no limit to the amount of energy it can have. Therefore, by definition, there is nothing which has "more energy than ALL light".

<i>To be honest, I don't know how to explain.
I don't have vocabulary for such thing...
The best I can do is to say that dimension is a "medium" where variables are placed... or something like that... but don't take it into account... I don't have English for that... ;)</i>

I find it interesting that you can talk authoritatively about things which you admit you don't understand.
James R,

I thought you'd say something like that. Well, in the strict physical sense of the term "energy", light has no limit to the amount of energy it can have. Therefore, by definition, there is nothing which has "more energy than ALL light".

I'm talking about particles faster than light. For them to be faster then light they have to have more energy.

I find it interesting that you can talk authoritatively about things which you admit you don't understand.

I don't know why... but I have the strange sensation that people like attacking me...

I said: "To be honest, I don't know how to explain."



I bet you can't explain it in Portuguese!


The funny thing is that I'm
then you and I'm here talking in
And I know very well that you


I'm talking about particles faster than light. For them to be faster then light they have to have more energy.

For particles to be faster than light they would need MORE than infinite energy. Do you see why faster than light is not possible?

I don't know why... but I have the strange sensation that people like attacking me...

...because you talk authoritatively about things which you admit you dont' understand.

I bet you can't explain it in Portuguese! DO IT! EXPLAIN IT FOR ME IN MY LANGUAGE!!!!!!

...porque você fala authoritatively sobre as coisas que você o admite ' não compreenda.

And I know very well that you CAN'T TALK IN MINE!!!

Isso é o lugar onde você é errado meu amigo. Eu posso falar-lhe em toda a língua que você desejar conversar dentro.

Pela maneira, você pode parar de shouting a qualquer momento. Você realmente deve aprender controlar-se.

So, like, what are lightbeings?

Oh yeah, sorry Nelson, but the General Theory of Relativity seems to rule out moving faster than light.
Hey people, nice ganging up at TruthSeeker? What a joy to attack someone else only because he uses his words maybe in a wrong word choice.

Can you still follow me people?

English is not my native language either. You people are very good in catching another on words. You do understand pretty well what is meant by these words. So stop playing cats and mouse please.

Relativity Theory and the Speed of Light are subjects for another Forum, the Science Forum!

[Q], if your Portuguese is as bad as your Dutch, then it doesn't make sense. Can you give an English tranlation please? Thank you...!

TruthSeeker, there is another thread here in Parapsychology about Light Beings. Scroll down and click on page 2 of this Forum...:)

(Q)... :D

It was funny to see someone talking in Portuguese... noy very welll... :D


Oh yeah, sorry Nelson, but the General Theory of Relativity seems to rule out moving faster than light.

That's what I want to brake... ;)


Thanks! :);)

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