



How to turn the Spiritual Wonderland called Life into a material-cesspool: Come up with the most unfathomable bullshit imaginable and then make it rock solid, gospel.

Then get fools and intellectuals to organize the bullshit that explains why words are rock solid, gospel, so that god must obey them, the bible, because this most unfathomable bullshit makes it rock-solid.

Mankind then needs this unfathomable bullshit to matter, to be rock-solid and thus matter, to have “free will” not to choose to be born, and not to choose to go to hell, but end up there anyway; in this material-cesspool. And then to also to have no choice but to obey the bible for the same reason god has to obey it: because the most unfathomable bullshit, like free-will and an apple, makes it rock-solid.
And all these obvious no-choices make the unfathomable bullshit called free-will rock-solid, gospel.

Life is a Spiritual Wonderland. Anything that matters, and especially anything that is rock-solid; like words, gospel; turns this spiritual-wonderland into a material-cesspool in which the subject, verb and object, AND the only GOD that can matter, are one and the same, Money. And its end, Death.

And the more things like money and its death matter the more it needs this most unfathomable rock-solid bullshit to explain why what matters the most is this god that has to obey the bible because words make this most unfathomable bullshit rock-solid, with its Money and its death.

Life is a spiritual-wonderland in which gods and mortals play “envy” with each other. They envy each other but only because they fail to realize that they are one and the same, just thoughts.

In this spiritual-wonderland called Life the only thing that can appear to separate a god from a mortal is a thought, and the only thing that can appear to separate the Big Bang from the end of the universe is just a thought, and the only thing that can appear to separate birth from death is also just a though, ... and the only thing that can appear to separate waves from particles is also the same, just a thought, like light and is speed.

And in this spiritual-wonderland called Life the universe expands just as fast as the thoughts that create it by expanding it, at or even beyond the impossible speed of light.
So too with Money and its devil, debt.

-- © NOW