life today

look up to the skies

Registered Member
It is amazing how our world and our lives today have been enveloped with greed, power and money.

These three things are what are breaking our society today and what governments yearn to have so that they may have total control. The governments of today have used these things only to their advantage by keeping us in the dark about certain issues such as their involvement with extraterrestrial beings and other unknown phenomenon. They have used these things to justify their actions in their bloody means, just as hitler did. In the end we will never have a just government because of human greed and the power that comes from keeping secrets from everyone else. So that is how the world begins and ends.

Enjoy your life.
Why should it have to be in Free Thoughts Joeman? It could've been posted in Philosophy too.

I think the there's a good reason for posting it in here.

Welcome to Siforims Look up to the skies. :) Good subject. I think you are heading in the right direction. keep on posting...
But isn't this what happened at Roswell, where the government took control of the situation and did not inform the people? I'm just trying to understand why the governments of the world will not touch this subject and either allay our thoughts about alien visitations and either say that none of that sort of thing happened, or that it did and they give us the evidence. Why hide everyone in the dark, so that they may lavishly laugh in their secrecy? The government is the reason that this subject has yet to be resolved and alien visitations are yet to be truly believed and understood.
truth or lies

These three things also explain why we will never believe in aliens or other phenomenon. Well this and the bible. I mean if someone says to you that they have just had a recent alien encouter and they tell you a revealing story about their experience and journeys with the alien. The first thing that you would ask them when they finished is "Where is the evidence?".

If they had said that they had no evidence, only their word, then you would be in such disbelief, that you would mock and insult them, and why? Because we humans have evolved to the point where we do not trust anyone, partly to blame from our government who keeps secrets and reveals tham at their own leisure, nad partly from those three things. Even if evidence was given, someone in the world would still not believe. So are there really aliens out there, we may never know, but i will tell you this, that i'm a believer, for better or worse.

Live life one moment at a time.
ET game plan...

Once we get the idea that the pilots who shut down nuclear missile sites from orbiting unidentified flying objects (UFO) are comparable, if not identical, to the olden gods reported to travel in sky boats, mysteries of the ages make a little more sense. The sudden appearance of civilization amid the company of olden gods acquires a new lens of observation. The magic and mystery of mighty gods can be translated as science and technology when extraterrestrial scientists lived side-by-side with primitive humans. Modern UFO’s are reported with similar features as ancient sky boats, drawing continuity into the background of radically changing human culture.

If the ancient gods were really extraterrestrial scientists who have been continuously active in the backdrop of developing civilization for thousands of years, some people suggest they should land on the White House lawn to prove the reality of their existence. The extraterrestrials anciently recognized as gods and modernly known as ET’s apparently don’t want to prove their existence to the President of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or the media. ET’s attitude seems to be that s/he knew humankind when the specie was still hunting and gathering along glacial melt lines and will visit this planet long after the last human has packed off to parts unknown. ET comes and goes when ET wants and doesn’t worry too much about the White House and, in doing this, ET controls belief in UFO’s by the number and proximity of sightings and contacts.

While ET does not play with the same political rules as modern civilization and has never offered an exclusive interview with any recognized media network, there’s consistent method to UFO appearances and contacts. The big picture of ET’s method is drawn from the long version of history with special attention on the factor of human foible in reported contacts. Once probable elements of human ambition, fantasy, and ignorance are extracted from historical accounts, there’s not much solid data about ET left. Only broad strokes remain in the big picture of ET’s method over several thousands years. Using the machinations to appropriate and obscure data from crop circles in recent years as an index of the human factor, very little historical knowledge about ET can be considered reliable. Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles provide the most detailed information with any hope of reliability, while Sitchin has the records of only one ET faction among many who may have had contact with Planet Earth.

Accounts of separating humans and confounding language made by Zecharia Sitchin as well as several cultural accounts indicates that ET’s / gods once organized a division of the earth into domains and segmented a once complete body of knowledge into regions. Hebraic literature indicates this was done as a result of Man’s evil, and Sitchin interprets this to mean that humans were attempting to develop technology that challenged the gods at an early date. The reasoning that supports this hypothesis is too lengthy to deal with here, and the likelihood of this pivotal event is addressed in “The Twelfth Planet” by Zecharia Sitchin.

The larger body of knowledge that enabled ET to colonize a distant planet was widely known among the gods and a handful of human initiates when human civilization was too new to pose a threat. With human culture separated into distinct regions, each region getting a portion of a larger body of knowledge, the challenge of the future would be bringing diverse cultures into global community when the development curve mandated that discovering “the others” was inevitable and cooperation was necessary. That’s where we are now. The power of the whole body of knowledge anciently encoded in pyramid centers around the globe that was later segmented into lesser portions is the bedrock of this scenario.

Diverse cultures built on fragments are conditioned to seek dominance over cultures that contain fragments others have lost. The only way to excavate the lost body of ancient knowledge is to identify the earliest roots of key branches of culture and strip out thousands of years of human foible to reveal what ET had to say when civilization was first seeded. To reveal hidden knowledge to any modern faction, giving it a scientific superiority over its neighbors, would be devastating at this time in human evolution.

Pragmatically, we cannot go back to the beginning of culture anymore than we can go to anything exactly as it was in an earlier time. An ET source from TimeStar calls efforts to hang onto the past getting “stuck in the past”. Since the era when ET scattered humans and confounded language, ET and humans have changed. The only thing worth having from this critical path is knowledge gleaned that can be applied to something better in the present, that is capable of surviving into the future in a worthy way.

Some ET elements modernly associated with Planet Earth work to direct attention into recovering lost knowledge and synthesizing it into newly viable understanding. After testing the data the ET source offered in a UFO contact for a decade, TimeStar concludes that the primary focus of ET and his associates is to restore lost knowledge and evolve new applications to better serve all of humankind.

This ET & Associates are convinced that we humans are going to do the job ourselves and do not need external intervention. They are willing to show us how to fish but are not willing to do our fishing for us.

Weitten and commented by TimeStar - Krsanna Duran...

This will be posted in another thread here in Pseudo Science too, so don't be surprised to see it again. It is posted here to give a bit of info to Look up to the skies. :)