Life on Mars


Registered Senior Member
(Assume most religious people here are Christians)

Now that they have found water on Mars and believe in the possibility of finding signs of life ... let’s say they do find life (even if it's only small bacteria)

  • How do you as a religious person explain this?
  • Do you believe God created this life?
  • If human like creatures would be found on any other planet, would you still be religious and believe God created life on Earth

I'm Jewish, but what does it matter?...

I'll answer your great questions:

-How do you as a religious person explain this?

-Do you believe God created this life?

-If human like creatures would be found on any other planet, would you still be religious and believe God created life on Earth

Answers of my VERY own:

-Mars in our close relative. GOD (If u wish to call him that way)
transfered a lot of human beings to Mars during the Deluge (and after the Deluge- brought them back to Earth)

U can see the clear connection between the Sphinx and the pyramids in Cairo to the pyramida and the "face" which discovered in Mars.

-There are another sort of life in Mars. "God" (call him that way, if u want) created on Mars beings which look like giant worms.
They live on and under the ground of Mars, creating also big tunnels, dunes and so on.

NASA, US and Russian Governments know the truth.

-Of course. I'll still be religious, but not that way today.
Originally posted by Reid
(Assume most religious people here are Christians)

Now that they have found water on Mars and believe in the possibility of finding signs of life ... let’s say they do find life (even if it's only small bacteria)

  • How do you as a religious person explain this?
  • Do you believe God created this life?
  • If human like creatures would be found on any other planet, would you still be religious and believe God created life on Earth

The Bible (and this includes the Torah) does not rule out life on other planets. In fact, it implies that there are unfallen worlds out there that are VERY interested in the outcome on this world. As far as bacteria or other basic forms of life, science has proven that even the vacuum of space wouldn't necessarily kill some forms. Cometary debris could easily transfer different kinds of life to this planet. As far as Gil_W's comment on transferral of humans to Mars during the deluge is concerned, this could only have come from one of the many ufo sites out there--it certainly isn't scriptural. And yes, I believe(because of interdependence of species) that God created all life--alien or otherwise.
Alright in truth I'm an Atheist and hold debates against God's Existance frequently, however I posed these questions to myself when I was a "believer" and would like to offer some insight if I could:

See I thought God and Science whent together well, God created the universe and used the laws he created to do what he felt necassary, he loved the universe he created but didn't really interfere in its natural progression. So if I may quote Jurassic Park "life finds a way". He created the universe, loves it, but leaves it to its own ends, hence our free will.

That or we are Version 50000.2 or whatever, who says we are the first planet? Maybe we are his finest work after many tries, or maybe we're a mistake.

I don't like the transportation of life forms after the deluge idea, I think Mars would either have more life apparent or be more hospitable, plus I think any fossils of life we would find would predate human life.

Also I think there is a part in the bible where someone has a UFO sighting, however I don't know where it is.

So there's my two cents, I'm still an Atheist though, but I think these are really good questions Philosophicaly so props to you Reid.
Thanks for your answers

Also I think there is a part in the bible where someone has a UFO sighting, however I don't know where it is.
So they have a safeguard toward this, cleaver :)
Also I think there is a part in the bible where someone has a UFO sighting, however I don't know where it is.

Ezekiel 1:3

A few scriptures in Ezekiel make it seem like the Biblical God is an Extraterrestrial. It actually would make more sense if "God" is an alien.....
Thanks Reid!

I just logged in to ask this question, but I see it's been done! This gets me wondering about stuff; perhaps billions of years ago advanced life populated Mars. They may have tried to reach Earth in the same way we are trying to reach Mars. Maybe they "killed" there planet, much like we are killing ours and they tried to survive on the only alternative, Earth. Then, because of so many changes they were unable to survive and "devolved" to the point of one celled organisms, which eventually tried to fill nature again by evolving in such a way that their characteristics were favourable to their new envirnonment. Hehe, don't roll your eyes so much guys! Seriously though, what if life on mars did exist and they decided to send samples of bacteria to earth to try and evolve into another species. Soon after, perhaps the Martian race became extinct. It is possible actually, I believe. Who knows what we'll find buried in that ice.

I think I have a great idea for a novel ;).
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
It would be more interesting if the aliens start to preach us with their own religion.

Well, daktaklakpak (did I wrote your nickname correctly? ;))
Most of the alien races have no religion (some of them had in the past, some of them never had the religious philosophy).
Most of the alien races have no religion (some of them had in the past, some of them never had the religious philosophy).

Come on, there is really no way for us to know that, now is there?
We know it according to the aliens which gave that info to healers and communicators in Israel and Around the world.