Life is the mind



If you want to pickle your mind so that it can only make you laugh then try and understand this:

Life is the Supreme Comedy whose universe-vanishing laughter is called Kundalini.

For most of us the punch-line for this laughter is the thoughtless-silence that is the mind’s death.
And life is the Supreme Comedy from all its limitless directions because it is just a collection of thoughts we call the mind.
The Supreme Comedy:
* There is no death – it is just a thought, like life.
* There is no thinking. It is also just a thought like life and death.

Thinking is pure illusion. Thinking is the same illusion these words need to tell a story… the same illusion a TV needs to have characters like Big Bird inside… the same illusion computers, hypnosis and drugs need to tell stories and make movies, like The Matrix.
Even if there was some sort of thinking it would be impossible because there is no doer that can think. The very core or foundation of non-duality or/of Advaita depends on the fact that Reality, Consciousness, Atman is a Singularity and so that there can be no other: there is no doer.
The mind and its body is not a doer – it does not do anything because the mind and its body and its doings are just thoughts – and thoughts cannot think any more than non-doers can do.
( If this is difficult to imagine then “think” about a sleep-dream: no matter how real a sleep-dream is there is no doer or doing inside – the mind is the dream. And if a reader insists that bleeding-bodies and broken-bones cannot be thoughts then that is what the same reader would say in sleep-dreams when they have to be thoughts.)
What also makes the Supreme Comedy supreme is that the mind is always dreaming that it is awake – when there is no dreaming, and the word “awake” is just a thought, the mind. Dreaming, like doing, needs a doer or dreamer, and there is no doer, nor dreamer.

What also makes the mind a Supreme Comedy: No matter how unreal the Supreme Comedy called life gets the mind can never realize it is not even dreaming because it is the “dream.”

And so the thought we call life, mind, not only has nothing to do with Reality it has nothing to do with dreaming. The mind is the Supreme Comedy because it is not even a dream. The mortal-dream/Supreme Comedy called life/mind is pure thoughts, fiction, hallucination, Reality’s-nothing called fiction.
So from every possible direction and angle thinking – the controlling and connection of thoughts – is pure illusion, the same illusion physics’ particles need to appear rock-solid (when they are, at best, probability-clouds that always vanish when examined closely).

Compared to the Reality that is an unfathomable Ocean of BLISS called Samadhi, Kundalini, the universe is an imaginary drop, Reality’s nothing, fiction.
Reality is the eternal and changeless Now. The duality of time, past and future, is the mind, thoughts, the Hindu karma.
And so each morning the mind is the dream/fiction that (thinks it) wakes up – and no matter how unreal the Supreme Comedy called life gets it is the mind, so the mind can never Realize that it is Reality’s fiction called life.

What also helps make the Supreme Comedy called mind/life supreme are thoughts, called egos, that think they can think when there is no thinking. Egos create their imaginary time with all sorts of thoughts, formulas and truths, dictionaries, scriptures and bibles that connect the imaginary past to the imaginary future when the NOW is all there is.
The more energy or karma these thoughts called egos put into their truths and formulas, dictionaries, scriptures and bibles their time needs to appear real, the more Entertaining this Supreme Comedy called life, Maya gets. The JOY, Laughter of this Maya, life, is Kundalini. Like the NOW this JOY of Maya (Kundalini) is timeless and changeless .. it cannot be touched by the dualities like pain and pleasure, good and bad, right or wrong, not even life and death.
Maya or Lila is the JOY of Entertainment that is NOW and Karma is the mind that does not exist in the NOW … the mind is thoughts that cover/avoid/bridge the NOW with dualities like time, and its past and future, that need limitless numbers of additional dualities like good and evil, pain and pleasure, right and wrong… when the NOW is all there is. These dualities define the Karma or time -- the thoughts called mind -- that keeps Maya, NOW the JOY called Entertaining.

This Reality that is the JOY of Entertainment is as timeless and thus untouchable as the movie-screen is untouchable by movies.

I AM, and YOU ARE and ALL IS this NOW that is Untouchable, Complete and Content with the JOY/Bliss/Maya that it is. And the Supreme Comedy is that only thoughts can think otherwise when there is no thinking only the thoughts called egos that think that they can think… when there is no thinking, only the thoughts that are always dreaming that they are awake when there is no dreaming…. only the thoughts that is the Supreme Comedy we call life that is just the mind.

The punch-line for the Supreme Comedy called life is always Silence (the absence of thoughts) that the mind calls its death, when there is no death only the thoughts called mind … death. When thoughts cease the mind -- which is the Supreme Comedy called life -- vanishes with the thoughts that it is (like universe) into the Laughter/BLISS of Kundalini… that I AM, YOU ARE and ALL IS… and the Supreme Comedy is that only egos can think they think otherwise.

And this is the Supreme Truth because there is no other.

I don’t think
I don’t write
I am the Laughter
that hands think
and egos write

-- Kundalini
kundalini best comedian in the universe.
and then he woke up, lol.
go and tell concentration cam p victims life's just a 'Supreme Comedy', or some parent that's just lost teir child to a hit and run driver, or the thousands of people in Iraq that are maimed due to war, and have lost loved ones, etc etc

yes , of corse, life does have its comedy, but also tragedy. why not call it te 'Supreme Yragedy'? why do you only choose one polar extreme when really life is the dynamic continuum of BOTH tragedy and comedy and a myriad other variations of te spectrum

trouble with Adviata Vedanta philosophy is that it is dualistic. it imposes its view tat ONLY the 'One' can be real and te 'Many' is an illusion/'Maya'. that is duality, though many belivers believe the philosophy to be non-dualistic. not so!