life in our solar system


Registered Senior Member
Dear Members:
I have not posted since it was called exosci. and inturn I have had to re- register like a beginner. In the past many members were calling eachother names and so on.
What I wish to tell you is that life exists even in our own solar system besides earth. It exists on three other planets. The names which I do not know. I do know that one is a moon, and that one has what we would call sub- breathers because of the atmosphere.
If any one has any more insight into this please let me hear from you. I welcome input but not ridicule.

Sincerely, Machiaventa
Welcome back to exosci, now sciforums, machiaventa.

Where would you say these "questionable lifeforms" exist? Why do you feel that there are three? Any supporting data? I guess what I am asking for is some supporting evidence that leads you to believe this. Surely you did not just pick the number three out of the air. So what leads you to this belief?
Go to this site, then go to the section on searching this book. I suggest the section on the history of Urantia {earth}. Now remember this is not a religion or cult. And as all new things it must be absorbed slowly and without predjudice. I have beeen a reader and member of the foundation for over 24 years. I suggest you skip the spirituality section and only read the scientific sections. By doing this the rest will make more sense when you are ready to read parts 1, 2, and 4. Thankyou for your interest.

Sincerly, Paul/Machiaventa:rolleyes:
Life on other planets has not been proven beyond any doubt, we have recieved evidence of past life on Mars via a meteorite.
Mars does have several possibilites, it is geothermically active, is believed to have occasionaly subterreanean salt beds and maybe even a liquid water table, all indicators of life.
One of the moons of Jupiter, I believe Europa, is believed by some theorists and writers to have geothermal vents heating liquid water, also giving us the possibility of life. But to say that undeniable proof of extraterrestrial life exists is false
Welcome to sciforums, Starman Avatar.

Yes I am aware of the possibilities of an enviroment that "might" support life on the Jovian moon on Europa. And have posted several items on it's possibilities in this forum. Including the testing of parts of a probe for melting into the ice crust in hopes of finding anything. You will find them within the forum here. But that is a maybe and not a strong one.

To have someone say three races exists prompts me to ask questions before summarily dismissing it. I will listen but I also will remain sceptical until we find something other than the thoughts someone has written down. In otherwords show me proof that it is there. I did not find it there at the site mentioned.

Without proof it takes this subject to peusdoscience where the thread will now reside.
I cannot wait for the time when we can conquer the limitations of our present technology and truly explore the other worlds in our solar system.
Life is fascinating and exceeding diverse, but on Earth seems to emerge from several prerequisites. Perhaps the greatest challenge to the scientific mind might be abandoning those concepts of "life" to a much broader picture.
One's imagination roams wild when you try to conceive of the diversity of life that we may or may not find in our solar system. I think that we will discover that small, microbial life is rather common but highly advanced life in exceedingly rare. As we grow more complex in many ways we also grow more frail.
None of this will be possible without humans in space and upon these other worlds, a huge challenge in itself.
Ive always been interested to know why we limit the possabilitys of life to what we have here?

I mean who is to say that there arn't living planets or rocks or something

why must life be cabon based (although i have herd that it could be silicon based)?

why can't scientiests just say ANYTHINGS possable?

are there reasons why extra-terestrial life is limited to simalar to whats on earth or is that just simplemindedness on the part of those looking?

could there be organisms who LIVE in the vacume for example?
Originally posted by machiaventa
Go to this site, then go to the section on searching this book. I suggest the section on the history of Urantia {earth}. Now remember this is not a religion or cult. And as all new things it must be absorbed slowly and without predjudice. I have beeen a reader and member of the foundation for over 24 years. I suggest you skip the spirituality section and only read the scientific sections. By doing this the rest will make more sense when you are ready to read parts 1, 2, and 4. Thankyou for your interest.

Sincerly, Paul/Machiaventa:rolleyes:

Now what does this have anything to do with life on other planets?
The Urantia Book, first published by the Urantia Foundation in 1955, was authored by celestial beings as a special revelation to our planet, Urantia.
This comes from the website. To me it sounds like a bunch of cult like garbage.
People who belong to a cult get very upset when they hear the word "Cult". They spend better part of their time chanting "We are not a cult".... :D

I think, we discussed about Urantia somewhere in sciforums - I am too lazy to search the archives. I too was a member of exosci many moon ago where they were calling names. Now we all grew up....

There is a high degree of possibility that Mars once had (10 million years ago) life, may be plants, small animals etc. Once we send a probe, we may find out for sure, What I would like to see is building about five intelligent robots for Mars exploration where they can look for life, water etc. There is no reason why a robot can not wander around the suface with a nuclear battery or a solar battery and wander the landscape of Mars to report to us what is out there. I think we should put a few GPS satellites first before we start exploring with robots....

Then Europa....
Now go to this web site and become one of us.

Since 1989 Divine Administration has led the way in pioneering new millennial concepts to many spiritual groups, metaphysical and paranormal organizations, as well as individual consciousness teachers throughout the U.S. and the world. Many of the terms and concepts that were first brought through Gabriel of Sedona by Paladin, a finaliter (a one-time mortal who, through perfecting choosing to do the will of God has attained spirit status); the Bright and Morning Star (the head administrator of the universe of Nebadon); and other celestial entities have been used by other humans who have often taken credit for their originality—terms and concepts such as: Ascension Science, Spiritualution is the Solution, energy reflective circuits (vortexes), starseed souls, point of origin, cosmic family, and destiny purpose. (For a complete list see our copyright page and indexes to our published books).
hey now thats not fair, I want my own cult. Since I'm a culinary student and enjoy hot and spicy food, I shall devote my cult to the pepper. We will look for the place where pleasure and pain intersect to open a special doorway into the trans-meta-verse.

This will be our icon
fair...I am helping and spicy that sounds great...:D

Any recipe you care to share...for the food kind...I am the king for the other kind... :D
Originally posted by Azrael
hey now thats not fair, I want my own cult. Since I'm a culinary student and enjoy hot and spicy food, I shall devote my cult to the pepper. We will look for the place where pleasure and pain intersect to open a special doorway into the trans-meta-verse.

This will be our icon
This can not be the Icon of your cult, to show a picture of the great Habenero is blasphemous. Its spice cant be captured in picture it must be experienced first hand so that those who try it can cower before its power. I besech you please pick a lesser pepper for an Icon.
P.S. Cool Avitar what is it just wondering you know since were both angels and all.
Originally posted by The Metatron

This can not be the Icon of your cult, to show a picture of the great Habenero is blasphemous. Its spice cant be captured in picture it must be experienced first hand so that those who try it can cower before its power. I besech you please pick a lesser pepper for an Icon.
P.S. Cool Avitar what is it just wondering you know since were both angels and all.

Maybe you are right, the power of the habenero is mighty and the weak may not be able to handle its full might. We shall use Thai peppers for the Icon.

I found the avatar on a fantasy sight and really liked it.
Originally posted by Azrael

Maybe you are right, the power of the habenero is mighty and the weak may not be able to handle its full might. We shall use Thai peppers for the Icon.

I found the avatar on a fantasy sight and really liked it.
Ahhh Yesss the Thai pepper perfect, flavorful yet spicy enough to let the followers of the Pepper know spice is life!!!

Machiaventa Here:
I just might be wrong when I thought the people who posted here had changed. You ask for proof and you see it every day, and do not realize it. If all scientist had as little faith as some of you do, we would still be trying to invent the wheel. You talk of cults and peppers, which only shows your insecurity and ignorance. The one person who posted about the divine administration will understand, the rest I have little hope for. Another name for science fiction could be history books from the future. Read and you shall understand.

We are here to share our views and interests...and possibly expand are minds. We deal with different beliefs everyday here, and we generally are accepting...we may not understand... but we accept.

Yet you call us the closed minds...

When you come to a scientific forum.... proclaim that all these truths can, have, and must be found in your own belief system....with absolultey no supporting evidence other then that some book said founded on a work of science fiction (no, not scientology).... yes, we are going to be more then skeptical.

Give us some credit.

Can you scentifically prove your own beliefs? Can you tell me of their historical origins (other then the one taught to you)? Can you honestly stand back, look at every single possibility/probability, and say...beyond shadow of doubt...that this is the truth?

If you can't, then what you say is nothing more then unfounded theory and opinion...and will be treated us such. Open to critisism. Constructive or otherwise.
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By the way...

If scientists weren't skeptical...and didn't question everything...then we would have been content to sit back and relax knowing Earth was flat and the center of the universe.
How can you call ME closed-minded

I only asked a question about why scientists close there minds to potentully different forms of life