life from a rock?


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Panspermia folks.

It's the theory than life was 'seeded' here from another celestial body. A meteoric collision, celestial explosion what have you.

I wasn't entirely sure if this would be filed under 'pseudoscience', but I'm here now.
How do you feel about it?
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How do you feel about it?

I feel like I cant feel my body...about it all.
We came from the stars, they seeded this nursery.

How do I feel about it?

I am sitting staring at it right now, at it all.
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Panspermia folks.

It's the theory than life was 'seeded' here from another celestial body. A meteoric collision, celestial explosion what have you.

I wasn't entirely sure if this would be filed under 'pseudoscience', but I'm here now.
How do you feel about it?

I don't think it's a satisfactory explanation at all, in that we still have the question of where life originated in the first place. It just adds a level of complexity to the situation, that life evolved somewhere, was blasted into space, and survived the journey and landing somehow. It might be possible, but I think it's less likely than life evolving on a hospitable planet by itself.
Biological constructs have been found in Comets and Oort Cloud objects. They are one theory of how life as we know it is kick-started.

"While as of yet unproven, a new computer model shows ", ...

From that linked article. It just discusses a model, not real findings. If you meant that amino acids have been found in comets, big deal, they have also been made in a lab experiment replicating conditions on primordial Earth.

Methanol, an 'organic' compound has been found in free space too, but let's not get carried away, in this context, 'organic' just means carbon-hydrogen bonds etc, not remnants of living matter.
Big bang is impossible explanation. Watch this video's, everything is too perfect. There is a creator, big time.

The Grand Scheme Of Things

Journey To The Sun

Creation Of The Universe Big Bang

Escape 2 Earth - 2012 Part 1


Why is everything in a perfect shape? Huge circles of planets, interesting is Saturn. Why he have a ring? I know the answer, Big Bang is a creator! We are alone living in the universe, nobody is above us, we are the most intelligent beings and we happened here on earth with a Big Bada Bum.
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Panspermia folks.
How do you feel about it?
Very positive. The step from prebiotic chemistry to the first primitive cell appears a vastly greater step than from that primitve cell to E.coli or homo sapiens. Until such times as plausible, replicable mechanisms have been established for each part of that first step, we must seriously entertain the possibility that life arrived on the primitive Earth having already arisen elsewhere.

Given the apparent complexity of that initial step, and the likely time required for it, we must question whether the odds of it occuring on the Earth are reasonable. I suggest they are not, or at the very least they have not been demonstrated to be reasonable. [The traditional argument seems to go, "Well, there was a lot of time and a lot of ocean and a lot of chemicals, so it must have happened, since life is here." That does not strike me as a scientific position, but rather one of faith - appropriate at religious gatherings, but not in a scientific community.]

Warm GMCs (Giant Molecular Clouds) provide an ideal medium in which life could arise. They offer these benefits:
  • Liquid water
  • Abundant varieties of organic molecules (over 100 at the last count)
  • Large surface area on dust grains for molecular adhesion and consequent ineraction
  • Vast volume many orders of magnitude greater than the Earth's oceans in which rare reactions could occur with adequate frequency to lead to life
To cover the truth is a common future in USA, I' we been there.