Life determined by genes?


Humans are ONE
Registered Senior Member
No, I'm not saying that identical twins will lead identical lives. I've just been reading something that referred to Bruce Lipton's website (or Bruce Lipton, PhD as he calls himself). This fellow claims that whether genes are expressed or not is controlled by proteins in the cell and he extends this idea to 'we are what we makes ourselves'.

So I've been searching for info on Lipton and almost everything I've found is new agey ... is there any hard evidence for/against his theories? Maybe I should've posted this under biology...

(Another website I came across had this rather interesting idea:

Close it we can, with the help of Lipton science. In the biology of Lipton, humans are components of the intelligence (nervous) system of Gaia. The more humans in the system, the greater the intelligence of the planet; and so the rapid population expansion we've seen in the past couple of hundred years is not a threat to "all we hold dear." Rather, it is the prime indicator that the human species, and planet, are preparing for an evolutionary leap. (Please re-read this paragraph.)

Such a leap has been taken before, when single cells decided to link up to form multi-cellular organisms. As you're probably aware, you are involved—right at this moment—in a fantastic linking-up with other humans. What is the mechanism of that linkage? It is called the Internet.

Which seems nice theory on the face of it, but if we're earth's nervous system then I'd say our planet must be a nervous wreck...)
I thought he was going to talk about global consciousness. A network of ethereal interconnectedness, an earth sentience of multiplistic personalities, but then he mentions the.....ho hum!...internet....ha :D
and given the nature of the internet, ie. drop outs, pc crashes, viruses. pop ups and spy ware, we are dooooomed I tell ya ....doooooooomed!!!! ;)
Gives new meaning to the term 'virus' though...

Overall his ideas raise the question - what is the placebo effect? How far can it extend? If the placebo is powerful enough to cure terrible diseases, western science should find reliable ways of exploiting it instead of concentrating on excluding it from drug trials!
I believe our genes affect the way we react to things. Autism can be inherited as well as schizophrenia, even phobias. It explains why we are naturally afraid of snakes and spiders. You maybe programmed to react to hieghts differently because of passed trauma or an inherited phobia. "In a recent statistical review of some two hundred studies of IQ published in the journal "Nature," Bernard Devlin, veteran scientist, said that genes account for no more than 48 percent of IQ. Fifty-two percent is a function of prenatal care, environment, and education.". This is pretty interesting maybe you can take this in account. KEEP POSTING!
Wait, I just read the title. I disagree that our life is determined by our genes.
Genes+eviorment=mind The things that happen to you in your life determine your life.
Genes either expressed or not, only go so far. They can open possibilities for our biological system to evolve traits. The traits may be benign or malevolent, Ie. Cancer...

Our dicisions are taken in our nervous system, in the brain. The decisions we take have to do with our nervous stimulii in reaction to given situations. Our brain processes information, and has the ability to create new data as well (immagination).

Frankly speaking, and in my opinion, everything that has to do with the supernatural to try and explain the natural, is part of this immagination that we all possess.