Lies are great Christian tactics

Do you think christian preachers and missionaries lie to promote christianity ?

  • Oh yes, no doubt about it

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • No, I dont think so

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The English dictionary defines 'lie' as: intentional false statement, imposture, be deceptive, convey a false impression. If one were to say it is the methodology of the Christian missionary to lie about Islam, this claim would have a ring of truth to it. Their endeavours have not only left Islam as a misunderstood religion in the West, but also one that is mistreated. This methodology has as its origin a seldom-publicised statement of Paul in which he is happy to proclaim:

'If through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds to His glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner.' (Romans 3:7)

Paul felt little reluctance in spreading 'falsehood' so long as the end result achieved the greater glory of God. One will never know, therefore, whether his claimed vision of Jesus on the Damascus road, his appointment as preacher to the Gentiles, and the other teachings he propagated in the name of Christianity were all part of this use of 'falsehood' or not. He would have done well to take into consideration another Biblical text:

'A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.' (Proverbs 14:5) more here:
I think it's safe to say that any religion that the angel Gabriel had his hand in starting is based on a lie.

<i>If one were to say it is the methodology of the Christian missionary to lie about Islam, this claim would have a ring of truth to it.</i>

Er... in general, Christian missionaries really aren't that concerned with Islam. They tend to preach about Christ, funnily enough.
'If through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds to His glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner.' (Romans 3:7)
...And the passage above "Of course not! God must be true, though every human being is a lier, as it is written "That you may be justified in your words, and conquer when you are judged." But if our wickedness provided proof of God's righteousness, what can we say? Is God unjust, humanly speaking, to inflict his wrath? Of course not! For how else is God to judge the world? But if God's truth redounds to his glory through my falsehood, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?"
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
lies are great human tactics, including muslims.

I agree, Muslims do lie as well, but do muslims lie to preach ? do muslims lie and fabricate lies against christianty to promote islam ? The answer is surely NO.
Re: Re: Lies are great Christian tactics

Originally posted by James R

<i>If one were to say it is the methodology of the Christian missionary to lie about Islam, this claim would have a ring of truth to it.</i>

Er... in general, Christian missionaries really aren't that concerned with Islam. They tend to preach about Christ, funnily enough.

I disagree James, nowadays, christian missionaries are so worried about the spread of islam, that they are spending billions of dollars to counter that to their great disappointment.
I've observed that many "christian missionaries" with the most agressive misionary compagns are either mormon or Jehova Witnesses. However, these two groups are either considered to the on the fringe of christianity or not christian. And then we have the evangelicals and fundamentalist who often times interpret "Spreading the good news" to accusive questions such "are you saved yet?".
Re: Re: Re: Lies are great Christian tactics

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
..., christian missionaries are so worried about the spread of islam, that they are spending billions of dollars to counter that to their great disappointment.
Since the topic deals with lies, I'm sure you can now supply supportive evidence, and I look forward to reading it in your next post.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I agree, Muslims do lie as well, but do muslims lie to preach ? do muslims lie and fabricate lies against christianty to promote islam ? The answer is surely NO.

Out of all the Muslims I have worked with, NOT one of them has ever said anything derogatory against Christianity, including those who knew I wasn't one. Not once has any of them ever brought up religious matters with me or anyone else that I know of. However, I had an interesting conversation with a young Muslim gentleman at a party. I brought up an issue about Christianity, and the young man was shocked and surprised that I, a white American, wasn't Christian! We ended up having a long, enlightened conversation, and became the best of friends. I just wonder if this is what all Muslims think about Americans--that we're Christian? Sometimes I feel like wearing a sandwich board that says "I'm NOT Christian".
do muslims lie and fabricate lies against christianty to promote islam ? The answer is surely NO.

You do it all the time, amongst others here, including the Xtians about Islam.

But whatever propaganda you and the others here perpetuate is meaningless.

"My imaginary god can beat up your imaginary god."

Flexing 'synaptic' muscles to cultivate chimera.
I'd have to agree with James R on this one. Missionaries don't need to convey their message because it is a true one.
"Lies are great Christian tactics

As long as folks attack one another, they become immediately hypocritical when they say they believe in diversity. Actually, I would like to hear more about what propogates peace. But, it surely sounds like a lot of hate going around.

By all means, wear the sandwich board.
james r i think that it is inherent in the goals of a missionary to tell you that your reilgion is wrong and their s is right
there is no need to try and convert those who already believe you