License Plate Freedom or Die!


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
So, should YOUR State ban the word "ATHIEST" from license plates?,2933,47915,00.html

I'm unsure who the hell would object to the tag. Why would even religious nuts care? The word is not obscene no matter how you look at it. You would think religious people would appreciate knowing there was a non-believer in the car. That way they could steer clear and avoid any thunderbolts God might hurl towards the heretic!

If ATHEIST is banned then ISLAM has to go -- and then BAPTIST, JESUS, GOD, FALUNGONG, and BUDDHA... Then FATHER, BROTHER, MOTHER and SISTER once IMAM and SHEIK go.

If they want to keep issuing vanity plates, then perhaps repealing the 1st Amendment would solve the problem!

Hey that was something....

Interesting article, it's funny to see exactly how democracy works!! Exception that tis people do forget, is that The US is not a democracy but a republic. If the US were totally democratic, we would soon have a civil war, amongs all the religiousity in this country. I'm afraid that the athiest in this case are a small minority that would quickly be wiped out by popular opinion.
Republic: elected representatives run stuff for the people.
Democracy: People vote for how the state works.

USA is both. Usa could also be said to have Socialist aspects, with the state owning and controlling many public services and assets. Maybe even some Communist aspects, since the people pay federal taxes which support assets available to all. No nation is ever only one thing in terms of political models.

That number plate stuff be nuts.
Yes you are quite right

I know all this, and lately with the "terrorist" threats, we've become more communists than anyother time in our immidiate history., The states were very communistics during the WWII era, as well. We pay with our freedom for our own safety!!.
St. Petersburg Times
The state said Thursday that a Gainesville man can keep his personalized license plate that says "ATHEIST."
