Libritarians protect you from Juju

The page is part of a publicity campaign for the Whitewolf tabletop rpg Hunter: The Reckoning. I personally thought it was pretty cool as it is put together about how you would expect a site made by some crazies to look. I don't remember what you get for filling it out, but as I recall it is some kind of mini-quest you play online with hints dropped in emails and whatnot.

Cool idea nonetheless.
"Libertarians respect the right of every individual to make his or her own choices in every aspect of life. Who knows better how to run your life: you, or the government"

The people who made this page are not all that smart and i guarantee this will never happen in america, for the simple fact that it would almost certainly cause an increase in drug amd alchohol related deaths, also, the government knows how to run your life better, you belong to the government, and on top of that we live solely to increase OUR productivity, power etc etc, we are all ants on a very large anthill, if i need to go into further explanation i will
These fun guys sure no how to do it:
The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party (that's a mouth full).

In all seriousness, I agree with Space Ape, people need to quit bitching and get to work. True autonomy would only be gained through destroying industrial equiptment, at least that's what the unabomber said.
Exactly, only through destroying man's means of production can he ever hope to become self sufficient. . . wait, what?

Anyway the website you are looking at is a fake, but actual libertarians are on to something, I say. A human being doesn't owe anything to society, and society doesn't have a right to push him around, it's what liberty is all about.
What do mean it is a fake?! My friend is a member you retard.

hehe, your friend is NOT a member. is a front page for advertizing for a role playing game. However the Libritarian party, and the link to its websight are real enough.
I still think you are full of crap. That much effort was put into a hoax, that seems trying, especially considering how it has been linked to by almost every nationalist party out there. Have you actually LOOKED at the website and read every last word of it? If so I might believe you. is NOT the same things as
Click on the site and tell me.
Oh shit. I thought you were talking about me. SORRY, there are all these websites posted all over and I wasn't sure which one you were talking about. Much apologies, I thought I was going insane and I was going to have to hurt my friend.
I still think you are full of crap. That much effort was put into a hoax, that seems trying, especially considering how it has been linked to by almost every nationalist party out there. Have you actually LOOKED at the website and read every last word of it? If so I might believe you.

For fuck's sake, is not a real libertarian site. Register for the fucking thing and figure it out yourself.
He had become confused and thought we were refering to the nazis.
Well when you think about it, though the "Libertarian National Socialist Green Party" sounds kind of like a hoax itself, hehe, it's like a three way contradiction. . .
I thought it was mighty interesting and hilarious at points, that's why I posted it. He he. So yeah, I guess it could have passed as a role playing game.