Liberalism linked to Obesity?

Christian Sodomy

Registered Senior Member
Is Obesity Linked With Neo-Liberal Politics?

7/28/2003 11:28:50 PM

Humor -- A new photograph published on the website of the One People's Project has highlighted a question that has recently come under close scrutiny from leading scientists -- is being opposed to "racism" linked to being a fat slob?

The picture depicts OPP webmaster Daryle Lamont Jenkins and OPP writer Joshua Hoyt shaking hands. Both appear grossly overweight.

This appearance follows a trend among self-proclaimed "militant" anti-racists -- other activists like "anarchist" Chuck Munson, of, and Jerry Bello, of Anti-Racist Action, also from obesity.

One scientist told LSN that the link may come from the lifestyle
associated with militant anti-racism, stating:

"Militant opposition to racism is often the product of a lazy mind, and is an opinion formed by excessive passive consumption of Jewish owned media. Men with lazy minds also tend to have lazy bodies, and those that consume passive media, such as the television, often do so while in a state of physical inactivity.

"Nevertheless, although this has been known theoretically for a long time, these photos are helping us break new ground in understanding the precise nature of the link."

There is some suggestion that the kinds of moral and physical laziness that leads to both the "anti-racist" mentality and obesity also leads to peculiar or just lazy, sexual behavior and mores.
What is LSN. It says humor at the begining but it dosnt sound like the author really thinks he is joking.
And what is your position on this issue presented by these peoples Christian Sodomy ?

Should we include your attempts to the Goebbels section ?

is being opposed to "racism" linked to being a fat slob?

Have you met DJ yet [BChristian Sodomy[/B]?

There is no causal link in the very least , that should be more than enough to consider this nothing more Goebblism .

militant" anti-racists

militancy in general oftenly goes together with activism wich is quite the opposite of being a fat slob .


quite the opposite as well .

Militant opposition to racism is often the product of a lazy mind

Obviously here the reasoning already fails , this is simply incorrect . Militancy to anything , especially such an emotionally loaded subject as racism , especially when it comes from those who are very well aware of it and have experienced it , is rather linked to the opposite of a lazy mind .

and is an opinion formed by excessive passive consumption of Jewish owned media.

Zionist media is not anti-racist in one bit , lol .

Men with lazy minds also tend to have lazy bodies, and those that consume passive media, such as the television, often do so while in a state of physical inactivity.

Yes , and all these things go together with non-militancy . I think this man hippy traumatized .

Nevertheless, although this has been known theoretically for a long time, these photos are helping us break new ground in understanding the precise nature of the link

Historical imagination ? What theories have been known where by whom ?

No rather we have on this very site 2 beautifull examples of lazy unemployed rightist slobs .

And that is where the title of this thread even makes sense , surely neither you nor the comment-man who barfed up all this pseudo-philosophy .

Can you guess and prove me wrongChristian Sodomy ?
Ghassan way to start shouting people down in your caractaristicly reactionary fassion before theyve even explained what part of the article constituted the humor part.

You know im damn fed up with crazys saying zionist this and zionist that. Here in this thread we have condemnation of the anti-racist zionists, and the racist zionists, both whom wer are supposed to assume are the same people. Back during WWII jews in europe wer accused of not knowing how to work for the common good and only caring for themselves, while in the US they were all apparently communists (and of course jews are alwayse part of a singular vast conspiracy to defraud... well whoever it is who seems to be talking about jews)

of course posting this frustration is likely to only make the crazys tell me "You have been brainwashed! Wake up and kill a jew!"
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Zionist media is not anti-racist in one bit , lol .

Well, that really depends on what right-wing out of touch wacko you talk to, I guess, haha!

It's kind of like the old controversy over weather all Jews are selfish capitalists who don't know how to work for the common good, or if they are all a bunch of socialists who want to spread communism.

Seriously, this is just disgraceful! Anti-Semites need to get together and unify their rhetoric if they don’t want to sound like a bunch of raving lunatics!
All the lefties I know tend to be hyper, at least when they're cut off from their dope ; )

But then there are quite a few political figures who as they have gone up the chain of command have gotten quite large…hmmmm
Originally posted by weebee
But then there are quite a few political figures who as they have gone up the chain of command have gotten quite large…hmmmm

Hell, all of conservatism is filled with big fat windbags, so maybe politics in general just leads to obesity.
where are these talked about militant anti-racists... i cant immagine there is enough racism left in America to get militant about
For that matter, when was the last time you heard of someone committing an act of violence in the name of "anti-racism"? What exactly is this term referring to, anyway? It's kind of ambiguous, who exactly are these anti-racists who are picking up weapons and getting violent about it?
"Seriously, this is just disgraceful! Anti-Semites need to get together and unify their rhetoric if they don’t want to sound like a bunch of raving lunatics!"

mystech, you are fabulous. i'd buy you a drink if i knew where you lived.
Ghassan way to start shouting people down in your caractaristicly reactionary fassion before theyve even explained what part of the article constituted the humor part.

I know enough of CS' anti-jewish posts to know there isnt any humor in this one .

Back during WWII jews in europe wer accused of not knowing how to work for the common good and only caring for themselves,

Im sorry but I dont see your point in presenting me Jewish demonization in Europe .

of course posting this frustration is likely to only make the crazys tell me "You have been brainwashed! Wake up and kill a jew!"

Why should you kill a Jew ? Get over yourself man you own anti-semitic pre-assumptions makes one of you more than what Ive ever said about Jewish peoples .

Well, that really depends on what right-wing out of touch wacko you talk to, I guess, haha!

Zionist is not right winged , zionist is both right as left .

As for the rest , Im not sure to whom you are adressing it .
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Zionist is not right winged , zionist is both right as left .

As for the rest , Im not sure to whom you are adressing it .

I was referring to anti-Semites, not Zionists.
I was referring to anti-Semites, not Zionists.

Xcuse , I misunderstood

Also , then yes indeed they should hold a meeting for their ridculousness . However I think its amazing that witch such a large zionist basis for them to feed their jew-hate off , they're doing a horrible job really . I mean really , they have like better means than Hitler , and they come with these retarded things .