Levitron stability


Registered Senior Member
Levitron is a rotating magnet top that floats over a magnetic base. It spins stably between 20 to 26 revolutions per second (rps). Above 30 rps and below 18 rps Levitron is completely unstable.

Some UFO's have been said to have a rotating part. Do they operate on the same principle?

Originally posted by GodLied
Some UFO's have been said to have a rotating part. Do they operate on the same principle?

How the bloody blazes would anyone know that?
Re: Re: Levitron stability

Originally posted by Tom2
How the bloody blazes would anyone know that?
One would know it by knowing how Levitron works. The way Levitron works, no UFO could be built on the same principle.

Im pretty sure i know what your talking about i think i once saw one in an old science textbook, if so , then i doubt aliens would use something like that, being that magentic fields can be altered and manipulated with a fair ammount of ease
So you already knew the answer to your own question, GodLied. You asked if a UFO could operate by the same principle as this Levitron thing, and then two posts later you say that no UFO could possibly operate that way.

This thread is just a waste of space.
Electro Rocket

Check out the Patent on the Electro-Rocket.
The USAF bought the paten in 1930.
See what the people who have recreated the device say
about the rotational cycle.