

Registered Senior Member
If we can temporary change out weight by what we think and imagine, could this theoretically lead to levitation?
For example, stand on a very sensative scale and at first imagine that you are very heavy, but again that you are very light and can fly. The scale might really show that you are a few kilos lighter. Also people who practice CHI-GUNG ( or how ever it spells ) can change their weight so that they can walk on a line of paprer without brakeing it, or climb a wall, holding to it only with their elbows and heals :rolleyes: ...

The human body is a pretty remarkable thing. Just last night I was watching one of those "world's strongest men" competition where one of the contestants was lifting an "atlas stone" onto a pedestal, but he fell backwards and the stone landed on his belly, crushing him. This stone weighed somewhere close to three hundred pounds. He survived and was able to compete the next year.

There is a strong connection between mind and body. With proper mental preparation, people can survive freezing temperatures, excuciating pain, and even break rocks with their bare hands.

Changing one's mass however, is a completely different story. Most demonstrations that create this illusion are explained through the physics. Consider the example of walking on paper that you mentioned. Paper is very strong when pulled along its plane. It it very weak when a force gradient builds up at a right angle to this plane. Walking on it, if you set up the geometry properly, is possible as long as the tension is all in the right places.

Levitation is possible, but we humans have to use the gifts we've been given, learn the physics and design such things as helicopters and hovercraft in order to do it.
you know, standing on a scale and concentrating on your weight isnt something we have to immagine or aspire too... this dosnt have to be a theoretical experement. I just did it just now, and the only way i could get the scale to waver was while i shifted my weight from one foot to another. maybe i just wasnt concentrating hard enough.
Can people who meditate change their weight? I've never heard of any experiments done to prove this before. I do remember reading about a saint, St. Joseph of Cuppertino, who would levitate whenever he meditated. Suppossedly it was witnessed by hundreds of people over a span of many years. Do a search on the web.
I remember seeing a discovery channel show about a group who followed a hindu guru who said you could meditate and levitate. They got together, medditated... then hopped around using thier folded legs to hopp around on gym mats. The filmers of the program asked them "Arnt you just hopping around with your legs folded?" they answered, oh sure we are hopping with our folded legs, but you see how much air we are getting? Its got to be the meditation! ... it looked like gravity was wroking just fine, but maybe it was the camera playing tricks.
Originally posted by Stocco
Can people who meditate change their weight? I've never heard of any experiments done to prove this before.

Yes, they can, but not through meditation. Anyone can change their weight through eating right and exercising. Thinking about changing your weight isn't going to do anything.
Originally posted by LogicalAtheist
This is the nastiest form of defecation I have experienced.

Im sure its not, but it does make you wonder if maybe those guys were right about the flouride in the drinking water dosnt it?
you can, in the form of martial arts, gymnastics, etc, shift your center of gravity such that a thrid person can move you more or less easily. While this does not change your actual body weight, it does significantly alter your effective weight, which is a pretty big deal.

What if we THINK we're changing our 'mass' or 'weight', when we're really performing a telekinetic act and affecting the scales reading...

In terms of lowering ones weight, I do not mean losing weight by becoming thinner. What I should have said (to clarify) is lessening the effect of gravity on a peron who meditates. So a person deep in meditation may not change their physical mass, but the act of meditation lessens the effects of gravity. That's what I meant - though I do not think that is possible. I don't know how else to explain levitation in my mind. Just curious as to whether anyone ever heard of that before.
in my expirience, a deep meditation results in a 'rooting' of the body- the person seems to get heavlier as their body relaxes and their breath deepens. I don't know if they could defy gravity in a such a state, but I have seen no evidence of it.
I remember seeing a discovery channel show about a group who followed a hindu guru who said you could meditate and levitate. They got together, medditated... then hopped around using thier folded legs to hopp around on gym mats. The filmers of the program asked them "Arnt you just hopping around with your legs folded?" they answered, oh sure we are hopping with our folded legs, but you see how much air we are getting? Its got to be the meditation! ... it looked like gravity was wroking just fine, but maybe it was the camera playing tricks.

They certainly don't levitate, but they do get awful high. The have competitions for this now and I saw one, some of those guy not only jump extremely high, but also move really fast. It is quite an impressive athletic feat, if nothing else.