Let's Debate Astrology Here!


Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
It has become glaringly obvious to me that many people are agianst astrology after I started the thread entitled [THREAD=39772]Tropical or Sidereal: Which is the REAL Astrology?[/THREAD]. I got a lot of posts from fellow SciForum members basically saying "Astrology is fake!".

No one has posted about the intended topic of the thread as of yet.

I have no problem defending astrology. It's just that I'm no longer willing to debate it in the afore-mentioned thread.

Also, I know that I can't stop them from voicing their opinion; nor do I want to, because SciForums is a free speech forum.

Therefore, I'm starting this thread so we have somewhere which is actually initially intended for astrology-disbelievers to voice their opinion.

Please see [THREAD=39772]Tropical or Sidereal: Which is the REAL Astrology?[/THREAD] to see the debate there. But please post in this thread to say "Astrology is fake". This thread should start off where the debate in that thread left off.

Thank you for your cooperation. Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all!

It might be useful if you could provide some justification for belief in astrology so that it can be debated point by point.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't realise you'd linked the other thread. I'll check that out and respond later.
Astrology isn't just for predicting. The thread originally pertained to natal astrology.

Chinese astrology (I think) does believe that the moment of conception is more important than that of birth. I haven't looked into it yet, so I don't have an opinion on that yet. As for premature babies, they still have a birthdate. The fact that they are premature changes nothing. Nor does the fact that they are born through Cesarian section.

Mainly, the sun, moon (and I realize they aren't "planets" in astronomical terms), and the planets from Mercury to Pluto. The characteristics aren't assigned arbitrarily. Astrologers study these planets to find out their properties. They did that thousands of years ago for the planets out to Saturn too.
You can study planets till you're blue in the mouth. Astronomers have been studying planets for a long time, too. They have discovered the planets' sizes, compositions, rates of rotation, masses, number of satellites and a whole host of other items (including clues to the origin of the entire solar system) that astrologers wouldn't have the first idea of how to determine. However, in all this study astronomers have not been able to determine the following: how it is that a large rocky red dust-covered ball which in its travels passes through an area which (seen from one place within the cosmos) covers the portion of the sky in which can be seen by naked eye observation certain stars, most of which are unconnected in any way and may be separated by thousands of light years, can remotely influence the character of a small creature as it emerges from its mothers womb, or how such movement effects different people solely according to how many times the planet on which they were born has orbited the sun since they changed their state from being within a warm wet cave to being outside a warm wet cave.

Ah, but I am very scientific. Obviously, you view astrology as unscientific. Well, that doesn't mean it's unscientific. As I have said before, astrologers study the planets to see what influences they have on a person. Their minds are just as scientific as a scientist's.
I am not intending to be offensive, and you did claim that you wanted to learn something, but neither of those statements is true. You state (on what evidence I'm uncertain) that astrologers "study" the planets. They do not study them and reach conclusions that are acceptable to any rational person going solely by the evidence presented. You are not scientific because you evidently do not understand the scientific method or the correct application of skeptical thinking. You have read that astrologers "study" but you have not questioned how it is they study, and whether such study constitutes a valid scientific exploration.
Are you sure you looked at it with an open mind? Are you sure you know enough of astrology to make a proper judgement. You won't go to the library and look for a good astrology book. And you say I stick my fingers in my ears and shout "La la la, not listening!".
Astronomers and people who know enough about astronomy really don't need to look that far into astrology because we now know that the stars are balls of hydrogen fusing into helium; that the sky is not a flat surface upon which the stars are painted; they are at widely separated actual distances which are not reflected in the way that we see them; that the "constellations" (apart from being very poor approximations of the figures the ancients apparently saw in them) are nothing more than arbitrary patterns caused by our perspective; that the planets are non-radiating bodies of various sizes which basically represent conglomerations of matter in orbit around the Sun at different distances; that because of Copernicus, Kepler, Newton and finally Einstein we can accurately predict the position of any star or planet an indeterminate time into the future; that their positions today are simply the result of arbitrary accidents 4.6 billion years ago, plus various other collisions through the millenia; that the science of astronomy - the science of studying the various items throughout this universe, a universe we have discovered to be at least 10 billion years old, is totally independent, and indeed careless of, our existence as tiny, tiny organisms on a small planet buried in a 100,000,000 star galaxy which is one of 100,000,000 galaxies in the Universe.

It's a perspective thing, you see. Science determines what is actually the case, using what evidence is to hand. The reason that Science and Religion have been in conflict for so long is because the more Science investigates the world around us using the evidence in a totally unbiassed way, the more we understand that the Universe is totally heedless of humanity and could quite happily carry on doing what it does without us, whereas Religion more or less states as a fundamental premise that the Universe is here for us. Astrology falls into the same camp because it's totally engrossed in human beings and consequently assigns a human significance to the position of astronomical bodies in the sky that science is totally unable to justify.


Look at the first two entries in dictionary.com's definition of "hypothesis":

1. A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.
2. Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption.

So what you just described was not a theory, but in fact a hypothesis.

Astrologers began thinking, for example, "Hey, Alex and Carl are both born in August, and both are proud and have a knack for leadership." Later, they began thinking, "Hey, a lot of the people here born in August are elementarily similar to Alex and Carl."

So they studied. They found out that all these people were born when the sun was transiting the constellation Leo.

They looked into other constellations the sun transits every year. They started thinking, "Hey, Janis was born in November, and she's somewhat intense. So are a lot of the other people here born in November. There's definitely a pattern here!"

Eventually they reached a point where they could say, "Whatever constellation the sun was moving through when a person was born affects that person's general personality."

Sounds like this hypothesis was tested just as scientifically as any other hypothesis.
No it doesn't because that is not how the practice of astrology was started. If you think that the ancients were truly capable of the kind of double-blind statistical analysis that would yield the results you think they came up with, then really you have another think coming.

What happened was this: the planets were named after gods and those gods definitely had certain characteristics. The constellations were linked to various gods or animal deities and those also were seen as having certain characteristics. It then seemed "obvious" that someone born when the sun was passing through Libra would be balanced, but those born when the sun was passing through Taurus would be, well, bull-headed. Then to predict what will happen to people, you combine the planet or combination of planets passing through "their" constellation and make arbitrary statements that seem to make sense but are in fact totally groundless.

Pluto the planet was discovered in 1930. The fact that it's actually more a double planet system, consisting of two planetoids (well, asteroids, really) wasn't known until 1977. Now, exactly how did Astrology incorporate Pluto (and, indeed Charon)? Did they undertake a large statistical study of the lives of people born since 1930? No, of course not. British newspaper astrologer Jonathan Cainer actually made a virtue of it by putting together a whole series on how Pluto affected people. The best I can make out is that it's based on the fact that Pluto was the god of the underworld, so presumably has to do with death, judgement etc. Of course, the real planet Pluto existed for 4.6 billion years before anybody even thought of the God Pluto. And in any case it was not named for the Greek god - it was named for Disney's dog of the same name. Of course, you could argue that you should therefore take the characteristics of Pluto the dog, which as I recall was a rather happy-go-luckiness combined with considerable stupidity. You may as well, it makes no less sense than using the characteristics of death or judgement of the ancient "God".
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It has become glaringly obvious to me that many people are agianst astrology

No, many people understand astrology is pure bunk, something you have yet to realize.

I have no problem defending astrology.

That's fine, but so far your defence has been seriously lacking in substance and quite frankly, you have no defence thus far.

It's just that I'm no longer willing to debate it in the afore-mentioned thread.

Why not? Since neither form of astrology is "real" there isn't any point of separating threads.
In the strictest sense of forum etiquette, I think Athelwulf's splitting off of the thread is valid - s/he asked a question inside one worldview and the thread was hijacked by the other worldview. The thread he created is of no use to him unless fellow astrology-believers can post their varying views on tropical vs. sidereal, and hell, let them get on with it, I say.

From the rational viewpoint it's rather sad that Athelwulf's motive is "to learn something" when the one thing s/he does not want to learn is the total baselessness of their belief.
One of the funniest things about Astrology is that precession of the equinox has messed it all up. Many of the original zodiacal constellations are no longer in the realm that the sun passes through in its annual pass, and others have taken their place. For example, I believe Orion is now in the zodiac. (chuckle)
This post is in response to posts in Tropical or Sidereal: Which is the REAL Astrology?.


Yes, premature babies have a birth date, but if an external event causes a baby to be born prematurely, is it tha date the baby was born, or the day it was supposed to be that matters. As babies born through Caesarian section aren't actualy 'born' but removed surgically, what is the event (and mechanism) that triggers the imprinting of the position (or not, as the Ephemeris are wildly innacurate) of the planets on the child?

The date the baby was born is the day that matters. That’s why astrologers ask for the day you were born. The day you were supposed to be born doesn’t matter. All that is is a doctor’s guess at the date of birth. I was due on the first of August. I was born the fifth. The day you were born is the day you came out of your mother’s womb and were exposed to the outside world. Okay, maybe Caecarian section isn’t “birth”, but when you are out of your mothers womb is what counts.

Pluto was discovered in 1930. What method did astrologers use to assign characteristics to it? Had astrologers noticed a need for a new planet to make sense of some behaviours prior to this point?

Astrologers looked at what was happening around the time Pluto was discovered. They did the same thing with Uranus and Neptune. They also looked at different people’s placements and compared and contrasted their lives to find a pattern.

Another thing they could do, since Pluto moves so slowly through the zodiac, was look at what was happening in the world during its transit through a certain sign and look for a Plutonian influence.

For example, Pluto was transiting Scorpio from 1984 to 1995. The sign of Scorpio rules sexuality, birth, and death. This is about the time the AIDS virus spread around the world. Dolly was cloned during this time. Babies were conceived in test tubes during this time too.

And guess what. Astrologers are still studying Pluto. We’ve only known of Pluto’s existence for about 75 years. Pluto is not yet fully understood.

Sounds like you've answered your own question then. As you admit tropical astronomy uses ephemeris which don't actually record the position of the planets, how can it then say a planet in a position, which it isn't in, has a specific effect? Or is it the numbers in the ephemris that are important. Or is it real, but the effect of the planets just happens to be offset by the exact amount of the inaccuracy of the ephemeris?

That is exactly what I am trying to find out with this thread! But no one has posted on the topic yet.

Show us the collated data then.

Of course, you can't. I however can disprove your supposed link easily. I share a birthday with a colleague, and have a friend who's birthday is just two days different from me. We are _not_ similar characters. In fact, we differ significantly.

There are more planets than just the sun! The moon has a strong influence, as does the Ascendant. Also, there are nine other planets that affect certain points of your personality. Also, there are twelve houses in your birth chart. Which house a planet is in affects in what part of your life that planet acts.

OK, so show us the method that was used to test the hypothesis, and the data that was tested, so we can recreate the experiment ourselves and verify the results. THIS is how science is done, we just don't take your word for it.

Man, you’re difficult. It happened thousands of years ago! No one can show the method used to test the hypothesis.

But guess what. We can study the planets today and verify astrology. If it was inconsistent, then it would have been dismissed. But it was consistent.


Yet, you had to look up the word, 'hypothesis' in the dictionary.

I didn’t have to look up the word. I merely posted the entry to show you that you mislabeled it a theory, when it was in fact a hypothesis. I figured that you would say “prove it” if I didn’t post the definition.

No, what I described was the scientific method - look that up in your dictionary.

No, you said that they started with a theory. That was a mislabel. I was telling you that it was a hypothesis. Starting with a theory isn’t scientific method. Starting with a hypothesis is.

And while you're at it, could you tell us why astrology is not taught along with other sciences and why astrologers usually have no credentials of any kind?

Astrology is taught with other sciences. How else can an astrologer become a “professional astrologer”?

If you claim to be scientific, then please explain exactly what properties the planets possess that affect people?

We don’t know that yet.

But guess what. Just because we don’t know why it works this way doesn’t mean it doesn’t work this way.


Do you have all of that in your mind, or did you get a chart somewhere?

By that, do you mean to ask, “Did you memorized all the positions of all the planets for the year in which I was born, or did you get a birth chart that showed you the positions of the planets when I was born”?

If that is the question you are asking, no, I didn’t memorize the positions. Your birth chart showed your Ascendant line in Libra. It showed Venus in Libra, close to the Ascendant line and in the first house.

See, everyone keeps saying that virgos are these boring unimaginative clean-freaks. And unless I find a genius who finally admits it is not so in his astrological predictions and analysis, I will not believe these astrological thingies.

Virgos aren’t boring, unimaginative clean-freaks. You may like things being clean, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a clean-freak.

Why are you waiting for a genius who will admit to you this is not so? Because you don’t like to be described that way?

Guess what. You still have the power of free will. You can control your life. These characteristics are merely tendencies. You can overcome tendencies. Astrology tells you what your tendencies are. That’s why astrology is a tool for bettering your life. You can look at unfavorable character traits and behaviors as obstacles to overcome.
This post is in response to a post in Tropical or Sidereal: Which is the REAL Astrology?.

SkinWalker said:
If I infer your definition of imprint to be "a distinctive influence," rather than "a concavity in a surface produced by pressing," what then is the distinguising characteristics that are defined by so-called astrological influences and what is the evidence that these so-called influences actually create the "influences?"

The distinguishing characteristics differ from person to person based on which planet is in which sign and which house. As for the evidence, I don’t really know if there is evidence, but the fact that certain personality characteristics consistently correspond to the positions of the planets indicates there must be some connection.

Btw, you inferred right about my usage of imprint. That was the best word I could come up with at the moment, and I guess it stuck.
From Curious About Astronomy: http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=271

I have a simple question to ask you and I'm not even sure if it relates to your field of study, or actually I know it doesn't. The thing is that I am doing a research paper for an English course at my university about astrologers or people who believe in reading the stars to tell your future or your personality. My question to you is do any of the astronomers believe in this subject? If so or not, please explain. Please answer my question. It would help me a lot. Thank you.

No, astronomers do not believe in astrology. It is considered to be a ludicrous scam. There is no evidence that it works, and plenty of evidence to the contrary. There is also no mechanism by which distant planets could possibly influence personalities.

You may be interested in reading James Randi's book, Flim Flam!, which I believe has a chapter on this. He's done several experiments disproving astrology. One of the more humorous ones involves asking astrologers to cast the horoscope of a serial killer (without telling them who the person is, of course). Without fail, the astrologers never predict the psychopathic behavior. If astrology can't tell a serial killer from a green grocer, it can't be good for much.

Astrologers are not scientists; they do not subject their work to the intense scrutiny required of a scientific discipline. Also, because astrologers are making the positive claim that astrology works, the burden of proof is on them to prove that it does. This they have not done.

In science, one does not need a reason not to believe in something; that is the default position. Instead, one requires proof if one is to be convinced of something's existence.
The date the baby was born is the day that matters. That’s why astrologers ask for the day you were born. The day you were supposed to be born doesn’t matter. All that is is a doctor’s guess at the date of birth. I was due on the first of August. I was born the fifth. The day you were born is the day you came out of your mother’s womb and were exposed to the outside world. Okay, maybe Caecarian section isn’t “birth”, but when you are out of your mothers womb is what counts.
You have missed phlogistician's point (since you have reiterated what you said before). What is the remotest possible connection between the position of the planets against the stars to the time when a child emerges from the womb? The child is just as under their supposed influence when in the womb as it is when outside it. You do not demonstrate any mechanism.

Astrologers looked at what was happening around the time Pluto was discovered. They did the same thing with Uranus and Neptune. They also looked at different people’s placements and compared and contrasted their lives to find a pattern.
You don't provide a source. You keep telling us to read a quote "good book on astrology" unquote but you won't even give us the name of one to look up and check out. I also fail to understand what is important about the period when Pluto was discovered, since if it had any influence it was presumably active throughout its existence.
Another thing they could do, since Pluto moves so slowly through the zodiac, was look at what was happening in the world during its transit through a certain sign and look for a Plutonian influence.
Quite impossible, scientifically. First of all, as I said, there's no reason for the trend to be different now that we know Pluto exists, and secondly you could only detect a Plutonian influence if you could somehow remove Pluto's presence from the solar system and see what the historical trends were without it there.
For example, Pluto was transiting Scorpio from 1984 to 1995. The sign of Scorpio rules sexuality, birth, and death. This is about the time the AIDS virus spread around the world. Dolly was cloned during this time. Babies were conceived in test tubes during this time too.
Are you seriously suggesting that the advances in genetics, made possible by the delineation of DNA in 1953, only took place because a pair of large rocks happened to pass between the Earth and an area of space containing a pattern of stars we call Scorpio? AIDS started its rampage several years before Pluto's transit of Scorpio. Babies were indeed conceived in test tubes during this time, but the first time it happened was, again, a couple of years earlier. But you see what I mean? You can't possibly assign the influence of Pluto to these events because we cannot see whether they would not have happened if Pluto did not transit through Scorpio.

And guess what. Astrologers are still studying Pluto. We’ve only known of Pluto’s existence for about 75 years. Pluto is not yet fully understood.
What form does this study take? Please can you provide a single reference to back up your statement? It doesn't have to be online: a paper, a pamphlet or a book delineating astrologers' efforts in this line would be valuable.

Man, you’re difficult. It happened thousands of years ago! No one can show the method used to test the hypothesis.
It's pretty clear that the hypothesis was not tested in any scientific way. This is not entirely the fault of the ancient astrologers; first of all there would have been no real means for doing the kind of statistical survey necessary; secondly the concept of testing nature to see what answers it gives is comparatively modern. The Greeks made huge strides in human knowledge, particularly abstract mathematics. But they never tested their assertions about the physical world.
But guess what. We can study the planets today and verify astrology. If it was inconsistent, then it would have been dismissed. But it was consistent.
You do keep saying that without providing a shred of evidence! Please point us in the direction of something which demonstrates that Astrologers are actually in the process of something called "study". I don't care if what they do turns out to be scientifically invalid - I and most of the anti-astrologers here, I'm sure, don't believe they even do subject their assertions to any kind of verification, nor do they conduct studies and deduce the planetary influences afterwards. As far as I'm aware, astrologers pretty much make it up out of their heads and make predictions based on statements like, and I quote from you, "The sign of Scorpio rules sexuality, birth, and death." They say that because that is what they were told or read in unsubstantiated books by other astronomers, going on back to the days men first looked at the stars.[/quote]

Astrology is taught with other sciences. How else can an astrologer become a “professional astrologer”?
Let me put it this way. At whatever place of "education" where you learn astrology (along with crystal healing, acupuncture and chiropracting) they presumably, in order to qualify you, give you a thorough grounding in astronomy and mathematics so that you can do the basic star position prediction. At no reputable University does a physics or astronomy department offer an astrology course. So the other sciences are taught where astrology is taught, but astrology is not taught where the other sciences are taught. The relative merits of the different institutes of learning is too obvious to require pointing out, I think.

But guess what. Just because we don’t know why it works this way doesn’t mean it doesn’t work this way.
No, there's just the total lack of any evidence, even on a day to day experiencial level, which indicates that it doesn't work that way. You see it differently, but in my view you pick up on "hits" and don't even notice the myriads of "misses".

Guess what. You still have the power of free will. You can control your life. These characteristics are merely tendencies. You can overcome tendencies. Astrology tells you what your tendencies are. That’s why astrology is a tool for bettering your life. You can look at unfavorable character traits and behaviors as obstacles to overcome.
Hey, here's a thought. Why not do what people actually do in real life and determine their character traits and behaviours by direct observation of what those character traits and behaviours are? Wouldn't that be a more sensible course than to be told, "You're a Taurus so you're headstrong and domineering, maybe you should be more passive", and being an actually passive and submissive person in real life I say, "Oooh, yes, I'd better watch that. Must try not to be domineering," when I've never dominated anybody in my life.

EDIT: P.S. I can't help noticing that you've responded to everybody else's posts but not to my previous one. Do you not have any counters to my arguments?
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I merely posted the entry to show you that you mislabeled it a theory, when it was in fact a hypothesis. I figured that you would say “prove it” if I didn’t post the definition.

It was neither, as I stated, it was a brief description of the scientific method. I never say, 'prove it.' I ask for evidence.

No, you said that they started with a theory. That was a mislabel. I was telling you that it was a hypothesis.

Quite clearly you did not read the link I provided regarding the history of astrology. If you did, you'd see there were no hypotheses regarding astrology.

Astrology is taught with other sciences. How else can an astrologer become a “professional astrologer”?

Too funny. You ought to do stand up comedy.

We don’t know that yet.

Yet, it is the entire basis for astrology. Why is it that the properties of mass are understood, yet astrologers have no idea how planets affect people? How is it possible astrologers can claim these effects without any observations?

You just contradicted yourself.

But guess what. Just because we don’t know why it works this way doesn’t mean it doesn’t work this way.

But that's exactly the point - it DOESN'T work, at all.

And without any understanding whatsoever, you are perfectly willing to believe it does work.

The day you were born is the day you came out of your mother’s womb and were exposed to the outside world.

Oh, I see now - the inside of a mothers womb provides protection against the alleged effects of astrological phenomena?

Astrologers are still studying Pluto

What exactly are they studying about Pluto?

Btw, you inferred right about my usage of imprint. That was the best word I could come up with at the moment, and I guess it stuck.

Yes, we have already figured out you are making this stuff up as you go along, that is exactly the point.