Lest We Forget:


Valued Senior Member
Today April 25th is commemorated in Australia and New Zealand as ANZAC DAY: Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.
It commemorates all those Military personal that have died in all conflicts the two countries have been involved in, and actually started as a result of a resounding defeat at Gallipoli in the Dardanelles at the hands of the Turkish defenders during WW1.
It holds great significance because it was the first time Australia and New Zealand fought under their own flags and own uniforms and only 14 years or so after Australia became a Nation in 1901, and 1907 in NZ.

The day holds incredible significance by the peoples of both countries, and is solemnly marked by Dawn services in near all towns and capital cities, followed by marches of those that survived and/or their immediate kin, later in the day.
After that it has become over the years, a reason to get together with old mates whom one served with, for a beer or two, remembering fallen comrades, recalling old tales, and the obligatory game of two up, or swy.
The day is also commemorated with the reciting of the ode at all commemorative services......
The Ode
The Ode recited at Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorations is the fourth stanza of Laurence Binyon's For the Fallen, first published in the London Times in 1914.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them".

Except for this year of course, when commemorations is largely left to individual families and streets by standing out the front with flag and candle.

This year with all pubs and clubs closed, I decided to find out how other countries commemorated those that died in conflict.
In the USA it is "Memorial Day"

The Netherlands—Dodenherdenking

Dodenherdenking, which means “remembrance of the dead” in Dutch, is held every year on May 4,

England—Remembrance Day
Celebrated on Nov. 11, Remembrance Day marks the end of fighting in World War I.

Belgium—Armistice Day

Belgium also celebrates the end of World War I on Nov. 11.


After a brief period when the Nazi propaganda machine changed Germany’s day of remembrance to a day of hero worship, the nation went back to celebrating Volkstrauertag as a solemn honoring of the dead.

Any other similar commemorations?
"Lest we forget"
As an aside:
It is interesting that the eventual WW1 armistice may have come about due in part, to the influence of the Spanish flu and it's crippling effects at the time. An issue relevant to today due to the current COVID pandemic.
Historians have been debating this point for ages apparently but due to WW1 censorship of the pandemic a lot of data is unavailable.
The following was on my Facebook....I believe he is English, but it is relevant here....