

Valued Senior Member

i'm pretty sure a man named Zechariah Sitchin has written numerous books about this, starting with The 12th Planet. interesting stuff about the origins of man. he transcribed ancient Egyptian language and claims we come from a civilization called the Nibiru.
"While concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to find, many people "know" that they have a strong connection to Lemuria."

haha, this is great, you know you're in for some entertainment when people claim this sort of stuff in all seriousnes, and then expect others to NOT laugh at them. Someone needs to feel special.

I guess this is sort of for the crazy people who still want to feel special, but feel that they are just too good for Atlantis. You'd think that in the modern age, we'd be beyond trying to create NEW stories just like these, at least the story of Atlantis was around long enough that Homer was able to overhear some drunken chatter about how someone had once heard from someone else, a long time ago in another land, that something like this was supposed to have happend. It just doesn't work when we can SEE that it's being made up right before our eyes.

Oh, and did anyone get that creepy Ludite feeling while reading their FAQ? hehe, sure, blame the destruction of the REALLY ancient world, on the ones who were supposidly making the real progress "ohh this never would have happend if they just sat around with their thumbs up their asses, feeling the good feeling like the good people of 'mu'"

There seems to be a lot of anti-progressive themes amoung 'spiritual' groups in genreal. I know that this should probably be another topic all together, but if you're too bussy contemplating shit that you know doesn't even really exist, and never ever ever get anywhere with it, you're going to end up losing everything of REAL value. . . The buddists lost Tibet, people, and how much do you want to bet that they are NOT going to get it back, no amount of poetry and quiet dignity can accomplish that task.
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in all seriousness, i'd like to ask you a question:

why are you here?

is it to attempt to make people look bad or are you seriously interested in the topics? cuz i just don't understand why you post in a thread like this if you don't even want to rent the idea for a split second..
It's not my intention to defend anybody but to be fair I think this sentence
"While concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to find, many people "know" that they have a strong connection to Lemuria."
may have been the one that set Mystech off. It doesn't really sound too scientific, does it? Someone who says " I am from the Moon. I can't prove it but it just FEELS right.." can't be taken seriously, I'm afraid.

Having said that, I have no stand on Lemuria myself. ;)
see, i disagree.

what could be more scientific than using one's own senses to distinguish whether or not something exists? i think intuition is something that simply doesn't get enough credit in the scientific world, and should. alas, these are the days when psychic phenomena are finally starting to be researched professionally and i think sometime in the near future inner feelings will be trusted in scientific settings because science will be forced to open it's overly narrow mind to the rest of the world.
Well, yes, perhaps intuition should be given more credit but that doesn't change the fact that it still has no place in science. Hard evidence is still preferred, I'm afraid.


on the contrary

well, first of all, many scientists rely on their intuition when making so-called "educated guesses". a guess, in the end is simply a guess.

and i agree with you that hard evidence is still preferred, but again, finding the hard evidence is quite frequently a result of using one's intuition.
Re: mystech

Originally posted by zechaeriah
in all seriousness, i'd like to ask you a question:

why are you here?

is it to attempt to make people look bad or are you seriously interested in the topics? cuz i just don't understand why you post in a thread like this if you don't even want to rent the idea for a split second..

There is a little bit of alure in looking at what people have to say about all sorts of paranormal, or occult things, I mean I love this stuff as much as the next guy, I think it's all basicaly just a lot of fun, and it's not hard for me to understand why people are drawn to it.

On the other hand though, I'm not an idiot, I know enough to be able to tell when a claim or argument is true or valid or both (And if you don't know the differense, go back to school) or when there simply isn't enough information, to make a proper claim.

The thing that really gets me is that many people (the people here especialy) Do NOT have this ability. I tend to have a lot of free time in a day, and it doesn't take very long for me to come here and get my jollies by yelling at people who delight in violating laws of deductive logic.

Yes, it is nothing more than a cheap thrill in it, and I admit it's pretty sadistic, but it's very gratifying, and that small lingering foolish hope burried deep inside of me, that if I bombard some people with reasons why the CAN'T reasonably believe something that maybe at some day in their life they may wake up, be faced with a situation where they could go completely fucking nuts about seeing a face in some wood grain, and make all sorts of wild claims based upon nothing but other wild claims wich people have made in the past and have sort of become part of our culture, and instead they will just realize how stupid that would be, and then maybe they can go off and do something productive, like build a house or paint a self portrait or something, maybe teach an under privilaged child to read.

No, other people's beleifs are not sacred to me, not when they are based on faith or any other common logical fallacy. My OWN beleifs are not sacred to me either, I keep them so long as I see that they fit with reality, and when and if I find that they have a flaw, or inconsistansy, or lord forbid a contradiction with the way the world really works, they are abandoned, or modified, and I like to think that I grow as a person.

This board is good for a few quick laughs, and smirks while I wait for a class to start, or simply have everything out of the way and am left wondering what to do next. Like I said, just a cheap thrill, and reallly, I guess I should thank all of you for providing me with that.

So thank you everyone on Sciforums, for being so damned nutty, it's a pleasure to chat with you.
Re: mystech

Originally posted by zechaeriah
cuz i just don't understand why you post in a thread like this if you don't even want to rent the idea for a split second..

On another note, is there some new rule that someone automaticaly has to agree with a topic if he wants to post his views on it? Is that what this board is all about? Just a place where people can come, post any idea they like, and have people stroke their ego, without fear of critics who say otherwise? Doesn't sound like much of a learning prossess to me, I don't see that much of a discussion can even take place without some sort of opposition, or differing view point. Without that it'd just be everyone patting eachother on the back and posting "Me too!" not very exciting if you ask me.
Re: see, i disagree.

Originally posted by zechaeriah
what could be more scientific than using one's own senses to distinguish whether or not something exists?

Doing it in such a way in which it could be clearly displayed to others, so that they too may see that your evidense clearly points toward only one conclusion, and such that it may be tested and retested in a number of ways, so that the results may be found to be consistent with your hypothesis, rather than your already drawn, and firmly held conclusion.

The idea of calling THAT scientific is rather absurd.

Also, I'd note that you can't call "I think I come from an ancient civilization of truely enlightend people" an educated guess, as there's no FACTS to base it off of, only the claimer's imagination.

Three posts in a row is really too much, I should just read everything first rather than writing a new post for each point I want to address.
all i'm saying is...

you're not very diplomatic.

as for my idea about intuition, i stand by it. psychic senses aren't to be understood by your other senses, they're to be understood along with your other senses. you can't smell other people's sense of hearing. you just agree that they hear what you hear. but when it comes to the sense of intuition or psychic feeling, it's not something our culture allows us to strengthen. the psychic senses need to be emphasized and the method of using it and developing it needs to be taught. i think if that, along with broadening the "scientific method" to embrace the psychic along with the physical, could help us start to get to the bottom of such things like Atlantis and Lemuria.
Re: all i'm saying is...

Originally posted by zechaeriah
you're not very diplomatic.

That's what they always say about those of us who just tell it like it is.

Originally posted by zechaeriah

as for my idea about intuition, i stand by it. psychic senses aren't to be understood by your other senses, they're to be understood along with your other senses. you can't smell other people's sense of hearing. you just agree that they hear what you hear. but when it comes to the sense of intuition or psychic feeling, it's not something our culture allows us to strengthen. the psychic senses need to be emphasized and the method of using it and developing it needs to be taught. i think if that, along with broadening the "scientific method" to embrace the psychic along with the physical, could help us start to get to the bottom of such things like Atlantis and Lemuria.

You do realize that you are insane, don't you? What's to teach, and furthermore, what is there to get to the bottom of? You don't have to dig very deep to know all there is to know about Lemuria, Atlantis has a lot of history, but it's probably just a mixed up tale about something that happend to a greek Island, there ARE a lot of them, and besides, their knowledge of the world didn't extend much past the straights of Gibraltar (big sp there?). Psychic impulses taught in school indeed! HAH! someone learn something concreet about it first, that'd be a good stepping stone methinks.
So thank you everyone on Sciforums, for being so damned nutty, it's a pleasure to chat with you.

Ah! such a blanket statement....
Have you visited the real science sections?

...on the otherhand...we love to be nutty...:D
Re: Re: all i'm saying is...

Originally posted by Mystech
That's what they always say about those of us who just tell it like it is.

you honestly believe that just because you said it, that is how it is?

and again, i ask you, if that is how it is, then why even bother posting on a thread like this? what are you trying to accomplish? your arrogance and dismissal of the subject this thread is about seems more like an obnoxious attempt to make us look bad, and if that's what you're trying to do, then that just seems like a big waste of time. why not spend this time discussing and learning about something you DO believe in, eh?

You do realize that you are insane, don't you? What's to teach, and furthermore, what is there to get to the bottom of? You don't have to dig very deep to know all there is to know about Lemuria, Atlantis has a lot of history, but it's probably just a mixed up tale about something that happend to a greek Island, there ARE a lot of them, and besides, their knowledge of the world didn't extend much past the straights of Gibraltar (big sp there?). Psychic impulses taught in school indeed! HAH! someone learn something concreet about it first, that'd be a good stepping stone methinks.

ya know, i used to wonder if i WAS insane because of what i experienced in my life. but i've experienced too much that is otherwise unexplainable save for the concept of psychic phenomena. i've been to doctors to see if i am schizo or otherwise psychologically impaired, and they've all told me i am perfectly sane. and after doing research, i found that there are serious groups studying the phenomena at serious universities, which has led me to the conclusion that i need to take the experiences seriously. now, i am learning to strengthen the abilities and i'm trying to help others do the same.

on top of it, if you had read my second post you might do a little research yourself-- i noted that zecheriah sitchin has done much to prove the existence of Lemuria by translating ancient texts. yes, he may be considered a crackpot by many. but that is no reason to keep a closed mind to his ideas. i mean, if i did everything everybody else did, my life would be boring as hell. it's the very reason that i kept an open mind that i've been more inspired recently than i ever have been in my life, and i've been excelling in everything i've been doing lately.

so, just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean that you're right or that i'm gonna agree with your attitude towards the subject. we all go on our own experiences, and i can see you haven't had anything affect you in such a profound way, so you remain skeptic. that's fine by me, but i guess i just wish you would keep an open mind, and maybe you might notice something that doesn't fit your scientific model of the universe.
Mystech is a common Poster Zachs.There are poeple who have different point of views.I have mine.He has his.This is place for discussion....

Why do you call others Nutty?that just shows that <i>you</i>dont have enough scientific attitude to throw off at us.Otherwise you would have given us a logical explaination as to why you dont believe in what we do.Instead you flame us unnecessarily.This is bad for Positive Discussion.Look how discussion was carried out in various threads along with Skeptics with various reasons given.You give us yours.we will give ours.

Its okay if you are 10 ...
then i wont scold you...;)


zion, relax. i don't think i was telling him to f#$% off, i was just saying i wish he'd change his attitude. i have my opinion.

rar. :eek:
Originally posted by zion
Mystech is a common Poster Zachs.There are poeple who have different point of views.I have mine.He has his.This is place for discussion....

Why do you call others Nutty?that just shows that <i>you</i>dont have enough scientific attitude to throw off at us.Otherwise you would have given us a logical explaination as to why you dont believe in what we do.Instead you flame us unnecessarily.This is bad for Positive Discussion.Look how discussion was carried out in various threads along with Skeptics with various reasons given.You give us yours.we will give ours.

Its okay if you are 10 ...
then i wont scold you...;)


I do give reasons over and over and over again, I just enjoy using a sharp tongue as well :p
Re: mystech

Originally posted by zechaeriah
in all seriousness, i'd like to ask you a question:
why are you here?
is it to attempt to make people look bad or are you seriously interested in the topics? cuz i just don't understand why you post in a thread like this if you don't even want to rent the idea for a split second..
One could equally pose the question to you that if you don't want to debate the pro's and con's of this subject then why bother posting in it?

When evidence is thin on the ground hypotheses and conjectures are usually thick on the ground. You'd be lucky to spread the evidence for Lemuria over a piece of french toast.

These myths are ten a penny. Agathe, Atlantis, Lemuria, the "Lost Cities" (they must be lost, no one can find them! ;)), El dorado, etc etc etc etc.

kind regards

Originally posted by §lîñk€¥™
One could equally pose the question to you that if you don't want to debate the pro's and con's of this subject then why bother posting in it?

When evidence is thin on the ground hypotheses and conjectures are usually thick on the ground. You'd be lucky to spread the evidence for Lemuria over a piece of french toast.

These myths are ten a penny. Agathe, Atlantis, Lemuria, the "Lost Cities" (they must be lost, no one can find them! ;)), El dorado, etc etc etc etc.

you apparently don't get the fact that mystech isn't trying to debate anything. on top of it, neither are YOU. if you want to actually DEBATE, let's talk about the so-called evidence for these lost worlds, then we might be able to get somewhere....

what does everyone make of the mythology of the people of Easter Island?