Legal Drugs

mikey p

Registered Member
Hello, my name is mikey. Right now i am high on Datura. Its a legal drug that grows wild all over the US. I was just wondering why it is legal for me to get high on datura (and other drugs, like salvia) and not on weed :m: ?
because you can't make jeans out of those other drugs. The problem is, a long time ago, denim companies had their buddies in government make cannibus illegal because of the implications of hemp to shut down their industry. It has nothing at all to do with you getting high. The same thing is happening now with filesharing.
DJ Erock said:
because you can't make jeans out of those other drugs. The problem is, a long time ago, denim companies had their buddies in government make cannibus illegal because of the implications of hemp to shut down their industry. It has nothing at all to do with you getting high.
Commercial hemp, which has too low a THC content to be worth harvesting for drugs, is legal. Woody Harrelson and a lot of other people are trying to get the hemp clothing movement going and there's nothing illegal about it. They're just not getting anywhere. Americans apparently just don't like the fabric.

Sterilized hemp seeds are also very common in bird seed. They're very high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, so they're an important component of a healthy diet for canaries and other domestic passerines. The sterilization process isn't 100 percent effective, people have managed to get a few to sprout, but they're from commercial crops and simply won't grow into medicinal pot plants.

Perhaps what you say was true at one time, but the laws now are very carefully written to avoid outlawing commercial uses of hemp fibers and seeds. The DEA recently tried to throw its weight around and get use of any part of the hemp plant outlawed, and it got shot down. (Using hemp oil hair products will cause a false positive hair test, and eating hemp seed muffins will cause a false positive urine test.)

If you're looking for a conspiracy, look to the pharmaceutical industry. Cannabis is a pretty effective analgesic for some conditions in some people. A number of women (unfortunately not all) have reported fabulous success using it for menstrual cramps.

Or the liquor industry. Cannabis is, quite ironically, a reverse-gateway drug for people addicted to alcohol. Pot is a very effective hangover remedy. For many people, simply being able to not take that first drink in the morning to kill the pain from the night before is all they need to get off to a good start on drying out. So a few of them might become potheads, so what. It's a lot easier "addiction" (if the word even applies to this drug) to cure than alcoholism, and even uncured it's a hell of a lot easier on the victim, his family, and society, than booze.

Or the retail industry. The only thing stoners like to spend money on is food and music CDs. The malls would suffer a huge recession if marijuana were more widely used.

Or the war industry. Marijuana had a lot more to do with the peace movement in the 1960s and 1970s than the hawks would like anyone to believe. Unlike many of the popular legal drugs like caffeine and alcohol, weed makes most people more tolerant, less belligerent, and extremely uninterested in violence and risk-taking.
I'm guessing it won't be long before Datura is illegal as well.
How potent is Datura compared to weed and the like? and where can you get it? do many head shops carry it?
Mos tof the drugs that are legal today aren't extremely addictive and won't fuck you up. Marijuana was banned a loooooong time ago because people were afraid of it. I think it should be legal because I think it is better for a person to be a stoner than a drunk and weed created a relaxing or insighful high depending on the indica/satvia genome of the type that you are smoking. As Fraggle said, a reason why the ban continues is because marijuana often makes people promote anti-government philosophies. I don't see many problems with that in AMsterdam right now, but I could be wrong.

In Canada, the decriminalized weed so it is basically legal to own but not to deal. The law is constantly changing though, we just elected a liberal minority so I doubt it will be legal soon.

I can understand why highly addictive drugs like cocaine that will severely affect the mind are banned but people are allowed to drink alcohol. I think alcohol is the stupidest drug. It makes you act like an idiot, it impairs judgement and it has no positive outcomes. Soem drugs like weed aren't really addictive, you still have a sense of judgement and you would have to smoke a HELL OF A LOT to get a overdose that will kill you.

Really, the whole drug thing pisses me off. I take some drugs, mostly common stuff like shrooms, weed and the odd hit of a more powerful one. I am getting decent marks in school, I got accepted to University to be an English teacher and I have a good jo at the moment. Do I seem like a failure? I hope not, but the government makes others think that drug users are losers. We sould be legal. Only substance that is an immediate danger to a first time user in small quantities should be stopped. If a legal market for drugs was created, then they could really start to crack down (excuse the pun) on illegal markets.
ILikeSalt said:
Only substance that is an immediate danger to a first time user in small quantities should be stopped. If a legal market for drugs was created, then they could really start to crack down (excuse the pun) on illegal markets.

I have never been much of a fan of pot, or any illegal drug, for that matter, and I'm also none too keen on alcohol, tobacco, and hell I even like to monitor my own caffeine intake, but regardless of how I feel about it, I've got to agree with your statement.

Setting aside the obvious and semantic observation that if you legalize the drug then the market isn’t going to be illegal anymore (which will look pretty nice on charts representing illegal drug sales), legalizing drugs like marijuana would take the power out of the hands of foreign drug barons and cartels and give it to legitimate American businesses. Let’s face it, we’re never going to be rid of marijuana, there’s just far too much of an economic incentive to provide it to the American people regardless of what laws we may have against it. Far better that we make it legal to sell and own within our boarders and in so doing dry up these black markets by making it readily available.

The anti-drug climate that we have here in the states is simply unacceptable, and our laws make the situation even more dangerous and volatile. Just two nights ago in a town not far from where I live in Arizona, in a suburban neighborhood there was a full out battle raging in the streets. It turns out that someone renting a house in the neighborhood was a distributor for some drug lord, and was sitting on a few bails of marijuana that he had stashed in the house. Apparently word got out that there was a few million dollars worth of pot in that house, and so a bunch of armed gang members laid siege to the neighborhood trying to kill the occupants of the house in a deadly firefight. If our nation’s laws regarding narcotics made any damned sense at all this sort of shit would not happen. As it stands we’re forcing people into a position where they aren’t safe because we’ve put an unstoppable market force in the hands of cartels gangs and petty criminals, so of course the problem is going to be worse than if we just made it legal and regulated the industry heavily, and I for one find that to be entirely unacceptable.
Prohibition didn't work for alcohol, and it's not working for other drugs.