Leave to a promised land


Registered Senior Member

It is stated that the Christ will return to take the adherents of his teachings ( People of God ) to a promised land. If the Christ has indeed returned to collect the deserving of the world ( The Dues ), Would you leave your home, friends and lifestyle to join the Christ in this Promised land. This may mean the Promised land is elsewhere beyond our comprehension of this physical 3arth. This may also mean having to leave people and loved ones ( even much loved pets ) who possibly do not make the grade. Would you stay or would you go? What are the reasons that would affect your final decision?
The Christian end times says that the meek shall inherit the Earth. In essence we already have the promised land - this planet. The downside is that the current population cannot agree how to get along with each other. With a big factor being religious inspired terrorism.

All the second Christ needs to do is introduce superior politics, possibly get rid of all lawyers, and give some help with stem cell research so we can fix the aging disease once and for all. Abolishing religion as well would be a major breakthrough, although if his coming is the result of judgement day then Christianity would have no future after that anyway.

I would need a better description of what is being offered. The devil is in the details.

The "trust me - all will be better elsewhere" with no details sounds like a snake oil salesman.

The promised land, heaven etc, are not well described in Christian scriptures. So no one really knows what is being promised. The only essential clear promise is immortality and that is what everyone wants - "believe in me and ye shall have everlasting life". Where it is is less important, hopefully not restricted to a garden of Eden type paradise - spending eternity is a single place would become hellishly boring.

So the answer is - it all depends on what is being offered and what is the alternative.

It is stated that the Christ will return to take the adherents of his teachings ( People of God ) to a promised land.

Yes. The Kingdom. That is where ever Jesus will be.

If the Christ has indeed returned to collect the deserving of the world ( The Dues ),

He comes to collect the believing.. None of us is deserving, but anyway lets continue.

Would you leave your home, friends and lifestyle to join the Christ in this Promised land.

Yes. But you must know that if it was the end times and my family and friends where not believers they would be followers of the Anti-christ and they would be out to kill me.

This may mean the Promised land is elsewhere beyond our comprehension of this physical 3arth. This may also mean having to leave people and loved ones ( even much loved pets ) who possibly do not make the grade. Would you stay or would you go? What are the reasons that would affect your final decision?

When Jesus comes He will send His angels out and they will be collecting His people. They will be caught up in an instant. So it is not like the Angel will knock on your door and do a sales pitch and ask if you want to come along. If you are a believer at the time your going to get snapped up and you will be with Jesus, you will have no say in it. But the Bible states that the world will be in such terror and suffering then that no one will be complaining when they are snatched away from it all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

It is stated that the Christ will return to take the adherents of his teachings ( People of God ) to a promised land. If the Christ has indeed returned to collect the deserving of the world ( The Dues ), Would you leave your home, friends and lifestyle to join the Christ in this Promised land. This may mean the Promised land is elsewhere beyond our comprehension of this physical 3arth. This may also mean having to leave people and loved ones ( even much loved pets ) who possibly do not make the grade. Would you stay or would you go? What are the reasons that would affect your final decision?

Of course I would go with someone like that just like I would go with an alien to outer space. But there was never anyone like that and never will be.