Learning a new language


Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
Hey all. How long do you think it possible for someone to learn a foreign language? A person with an above-avg IQ but not any geniuses or anything. I figured 6 months with a paid tutor 3 or 4 hours a week, with the learner doing his homework and reading etc, too.

I dunno. Whadda ya'll think?
3-4hours a week!!!! hahahahahha
do you want to be able to speak it, or be FLUENT?

if you want to write a language..correctly... its gonna take you a while..... i suppose it also depends alot on the language you are learning..... there would be a big difference between spanish and japanese! your best bet would be to learn the language decently, then, if possible move to an area where english is uncommon, so you have to rely on it.. your learning speed will really increase. but i suppose it would really depend on how fast you pick it up.... and how complex the language is.

i am of average (I HOPE!) intellegnce, and i have been studying french for 5 years (through high school). I think i could get along pretty well on it, but ill never know untill i go somewhere that is solely french speaking.
I sucked at French in grade 7, had a teacher that barely spoke the language. With 3 years of French under my belt I went to France for 3 weeks. After about 5 days in the south of France (Paris helped, but minimally as most people spoke English half decently) my French had improved.

If you want to learn a language quickly, get a while of it under your belt and then go to a place where you can only speak that language. It helps beyond belief.
naturellement. Je suis le Canada. Nous des Canadiens sont forcés de l'apprendre.

J'ai relâché hors du Français il y a quelques années. Maintenant je suce à lui!
i should've noticed the "toronto". -laughs-

forced.. like.. in school when you were younger?
Yup. Grade 4 you start French classes. Grade 10 you're allowed to drop it. I originally took it this year, walked into class the first day and decided to go back to drama.

I actually pulled of something of a miracle last year. Like I said, grade 7 and 8 I had a French teacher who maybe, maybe spoke French 4 times in two years. Grade nine I figured I was fucked but I ended up somehow managing an 80 despite loosing my textbook in December. I looked at my mark and said 'Is this upside down?'
-LOL- starting in our 3rd year, we are no longer aloud to speak english during class.... ive always thought my french teacher was pretty good... but from what i understand her accent is really bad. the worst part though.. is that i understand PERFECT grammer... well.. where the hell do find that? textbook french doesn't halp ya much when your trying to talk to someone... one day i wanna drive myself to quebec with no planning. just money in my pocket and clothes in my trunk. and try to get by on only my french. i have a freind there.. so i wouldn't be all alone i suppose.. but still i think it would be good for me... otherwise.. im going to foget it quick im sure. as for toronto though... i never noticed much french there.. except on tv in the hotels.... alot of different cultures in toronto. it is my favorite city in the whole world.
French Emersion? We have schools like that. I think I'd be a drop out by now if I'd gone into emersion!! I really am quite brutal at the language! Though, I am able to pull off an accent.

Perfect French is fine to get by on. Just only if you're speaking! The problem you'll find is that French people will speak improper French quickly! Lot's of slurs and such. My grade 9 teacher actually took a lot of time to teach us common French.

If you come up to a French person and start off speaking perfect French they will respond to you in their French. If you come up and it's obvious you're naturally an Anglo, they will do their best to either speak English or easy French. At least, in my experience!

Quebec is a poor example of French. Actually, it's an entirely different dialect. Same between France and Belgium. Still, great place to work on your accent and common grammar.

Toronto has zero French. There's no point. As many people here speak French as they do Mandarin or Spanish or Portugues or....
Still, we are forced to learn for 5 years!

Toronto's your favourite city eh? Well, it's definetly right up there in North America in my opinion. Though, if you're anything of a partier I advice BC!

As for your backpack and money plan....I'm hoping on doing that for a year through Europe in a few years!
yes, i have noticed the differnce in quebec-french..... but hey! gotta be well-rounded. good luck in europe though. :cool:
I have to agree with adam, here, nightfall. Damn, you're wierd!

I be learning spanish. I have a very basic concept of the language since I only took Spanish I out of 4 spanish classes methinks. I took it every school day for three months, about an hour and a half per class. It takes a lot to learn a new language.

But I'll be going down to mexico on a cruise in under a week, so maybe if I'm not to busy checking out all the chicks I'll be able to speak a little!
Originally posted by NenarTronian
Hey all. How long do you think it possible for someone to learn a foreign language? A person with an above-avg IQ but not any geniuses or anything. I figured 6 months with a paid tutor 3 or 4 hours a week, with the learner doing his homework and reading etc, too.

I dunno. Whadda ya'll think?

If you move to a foreign country, it will take you 6 months to be fluent in their language. By fluent i mean the ability to communicate and read. That is assuming you speak it everyday and don't hang out with Americans or work for American companies. At least that is how long it took me, and I am not a genius by any means.

But to really master the language like using humor, slangs, and sarcasm, and all that, it takes a few years.

I'm heading up to Montreal on Monday morning for a few days. I absolutely love Quebec! Montreal is bi-lingual, especially on the westend. McGill University in Montreal, for example, is primarily English speaking. Umm, but I really hope you would consider bringing money with you Nightfall, or at least some plastic. Please don't scare me like that! :)

IMO, Quebec City has the most beautiful old-world architecture in North America (if you don't mind the tourists).

Here's a a quiz for ya. Can you name the land owned by France in Eastern North America?

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IMO, Quebec City has the most beautiful old-world architecture in North America

oh! i agree!! ive seen some really pretty pictures of the area..... and yes.. i did say money in my pocket didn't I??? . i was supposed to be going to toronto next weekend.... but.. im really broke... so.. unless i can pull some money from who knows where... im not going to CA for a while.. and i really miss it! have lots of fun in montreal!! :)

Thanks for your response to my quiz. Well, you own Anticosti Island. It was returned to Canada in the 18th Century.

However, you can stand on French territory by travelling 25km South of Newfoundland, and 1300km Northeast of Boston!

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Islands are French, complete with Gendarmes and the Tricolor. They're a self-governing territory of France. http://www.st-pierre-et-miquelon.com/

I saw a film last year with my favorite actress, Juliette Binoche (be still, my heart) titled, La Veuve de Saint Pierre. The film introduced me to the little bit of France that remains in the New-World. BTW, the film brought up a number of interesting ethical questions to consider in those few moments that I wasn't simply basking in the charm of Juliette :)


Listening to Music in the language helps somewhat :)

Just as you can memorize lyrics easy, you'll pick up phrases instead of just individual words. Worked for me for a few languages.
Well, this may make you all a bit mad, but I know a variety of languages. I know English, Russian, Latin and Spanish. I am only a sophomore in high school, so don't feel bad.
Hey PP,
Mind letting me in on how you learned those language? I'm pretty curious. Sort of mad i wasn't given the opportunities to learn a foreign language as a child..I could now though, buy a book and some audio tapes..too bad i'm broke though :D
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