Leaders, let us reconcile with incessancy...


The Ethereal Paradigm
Registered Senior Member
The debate of Religion,will never end. No one's mind will change. One side(that will remained unnamed) has been purposely blinded to any logical refutations. Their is nothing that will convince them that their expedient( in the sense that they can't lose)belief-value system is flawed at all levels. So why can't we just sit back in awe at how the human mind works? Wondering how something can withstand 2000 years of refutation despite its fallaciousness? I find it quite amazing...but englightening as well.

There is something very quintessential in all of this. Something that could, perhaps, be used to change the entire world... Myths always die out, and die hard....Greek and Roman mythology lasted for over a thousand years as well, until it was "improved" by the creations of The first Jews and Muslims, and then innovated even more by the first Christians. People forget that their lives are short, not even a tick on eternity's clock. We, right now, are in an epoch, as the Greeks, the Romans, the Vikings, the Britons, the Mongols, and the like all were. Humanity changes, but only after radical happenings, and truly these "radical" happenings take hundreds if not thousands of years finally mutate humanity. The most rewarding musings should not be those which involve refuting propaganda--any good propaganda cannot be refuted-- but more along the lines of exactly HOW Humanity is going to change, and who will be the leaders of the new world. It seems that until a nuclear war breaks out, or until mother nature decides to partake in her cyclic "purifying" rituals there won't be a radical change. But mind you, things will be different, and until someone has some physical proof that their belief-value system is flawed, until they realize that no matter how STRONGLY they believe something, it won't get them anything worthwhile in the end, until that radical change occurs, these small skirmishes will all be in vain. Leave them for the adolescents and amatuers to gain experience from. Now is not the right time...we're not yet close enough to the transition stage. So save your energy, gather the best accoutrements, and polish your weapons, because you don't need them now, but you may soon enough...
The debate of Religion,will never end. No one's mind will change.
Unless you kill them, then thier mind changes to no-thought, which is what relgious people have anyway- no thought for themselves, just believing people who yell really loud.
The debate of Religion,will never end. No one's mind will change. One side(that will remained unnamed) has been purposely blinded to any logical refutations. Their is nothing that will convince them that their expedient( in the sense that they can't lose)belief-value system is flawed at all levels. So why can't we just sit back in awe at how the human mind works? Wondering how something can withstand 2000 years of refutation despite its fallaciousness? I find it quite amazing...but englightening as well.
but chris that human mind with it fantasies is very dangerous it kills people, it's an illness that needs to be cured, a disease that needs to be irradicated, sit back in awe whilst some one murders someone, is not a good thing
There is something very quintessential in all of this. Something that could, perhaps, be used to change the entire world...
thay have had thousands of years, but have only thus far succeeded in killing people and potential.
I don't agree that we have to wait for some radical millenia change. I see the existence of a set of human emotional needs and experiences that religion fulfills and explains. I suspect a better substitue can be created / discovered that is equally fulfilling and doesn't promote acceptance of fantasy as truth.
Chris, I largely agree with you, however, I believe radical change is imminent - at least within the next 20-100 years. The non-linear increasing rate of technological development appears to be inexorably leading to AI and intelligence greater than human. The arrival of self-aware intelligent entities created by us will have fundamental implications for religious thought. I suspect this will be more than enough to signal the beginning of the end for mainstream religion, although no doubt there will be enormous and frantic activity as it goes through its death throes in a resisting desperate hope, before it finally dies.

I believe radical change is soon to come also. it is called the great deception and the beginning of the sorrows. And yes great natural calamities are coming to the earth and Nuclear war. Its not an or proposition. You can add great pestilence and famine to the equation also.

"and polish your weapons"

Yes there will be a lot of weapons needing polishing. But they will not save anyone from the wrath of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Cris said:
Chris, I largely agree with you, however, I believe radical change is imminent - at least within the next 20-100 years. The non-linear increasing rate of technological development appears to be inexorably leading to AI and intelligence greater than human. The arrival of self-aware intelligent entities created by us will have fundamental implications for religious thought. I suspect this will be more than enough to signal the beginning of the end for mainstream religion, although no doubt there will be enormous and frantic activity as it goes through its death throes in a resisting desperate hope, before it finally dies.
Interesting, a man named Cris arguing with a man named Chris. :p
Crunchy Cat said:
I don't agree that we have to wait for some radical millenia change. I see the existence of a set of human emotional needs and experiences that religion fulfills and explains. I suspect a better substitue can be created / discovered that is equally fulfilling and doesn't promote acceptance of fantasy as truth.

Nothing better can be created for the man of mediocrity...

Nothing is more rewarding than eternal happiness...

Nothing is more terrifying than the so-called "wrath of God"....

Nothing has more irrefutable validity than the books of the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish texts--they have had over 2000 years to solidify their propgandistic technique...

Something big has to happen, something that renders contemporary thought quaint and obsolete-- that is the only way this panoptic power, religion, will be defeated.

One of the most amusing ideas I can think of is if an alien race came and exterminated humans...or at least our way of life. What would the Christians have to say then? I can only imagine how they would scurry for an explanation. Alas, something of that nature, something that the Bible explicitly says CANNOT happen, must happen.