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Lawyers, Guns, Money & the Rogue CIA

“CODE OF SILENCE” In Santa Cruz County, CA.

A Memorial Record Of The Murder Of Corine Christensen In 1986
Sequel To the Conquest, Rape, Murder & Resurrection Of Columbia In The United States
Copyright © 1996, 2001 & 2007 by Kent Robertson

Cocaine Feedback & Homicidal ‘Blowback’:

When Two Murderously Guilty Men Mysteriously Become ‘Not Guilty’
November 4, 1986, the Santa Cruz SENTINEL reports Corine Anne Christensen, 34, is found dead of a point-blank inflicted .38 caliber gunshot wound just beside her left nostril. This discovery occurs 36 hours after James Marino and Richard Wayne Bandler (and no others) were in her Live Oak residence, bitterly arguing and snorting a lot of cocaine. Marino will later testify that Bandler introduced him to and trained him for a large quantity of cocaine dealing and trafficking, encompassing national distribution, via commercial air traffic accessed, trans continental clientele and ‘innerCircle connections’.

Future newspaper reports and trial testimony reveal that Ms. Christensen was Bandler’s bookkeeper as well as prostitute for hire, to Bandler’s much controversied, protectively concealed ‘V.I.P. innerCircle’, and that Ms. Christensen rationed Richard Bandler’s personal ingestion of cocaine to “one ounce per week”.

Departing Ms. Christensen’s home, the two men drove to the end of the Capitola wharf, where Marino says he complied with Bandler’s order to throw the weapon into the ocean from the pier. The two men then parted each other’s company (Sheriff’s divers later recover the weapon, exactly where Marino described it to be).

A day and a half later, James Marino went to his lawyer, Kate Wells, and reported the above, telling her he ‘hopes it’s a dream’. Marino’s lawyer sends her (at that time) husband to Ms. Christensen’s house, whereupon he returns from the scene to inform Mr. Marino that his report was not a ‘dream’. The police are called in at this time. Bandler will later testify that he spent his day and a half in bed, snorting a lot of cocaine with one of his two girlfriends. When asked why he didn’t report the crime, he replied that he “intended to do so”, after he’d “cleared his head.”

Marino says Bandler shot her. Bandler says Marino shot her. Each man says he witnessed the murder, and both affirm that there are no other suspects. Officials determine post facto that, in the 36 hour interval between the murder of Ms. Christensen and the police reportage of that fact, the victim’s entire domicile had been elaborately ransacked; in what was clearly a thorough search of her home and all of its contents. Including a ripped open teddy bear and the care-free dishevelment of her personal effects. Testimony and reports from and among Bandler ‘associates’, revealed wide knowledge that Ms. Christensen routinely sequestered large amounts of book-keeping data, cash and cocaine, in an office safe in her house. All of this material was disappeared; without explanation...

Another motive for the desperate and thorough search, was a need to dispose of highly classified and incriminating information that Ms. Christensen recorded on her computer; with corroborating discs and audio tapes, which had - along with large amounts of cash - been stolen from her home, in the 36 hour period of non-reportage.

Ms. Christensen was described at trial as having been a ‘high class prostitute’; having many sordid relationships with ‘a lot of important people’. Abundant testimony reveals that numerous persons fully aware that Ms. Chrisenen not only kept Bandler’s nuerolinguistic programming (N.L.P.) industry’s financial accounts, receipts, etc.’ she was also known to keep notes and audio tapes on and about her ‘clientele’. These included large quantity cocaine buyers, as well as prostitutional ‘Johns’.

It is also revealed that Ms. Christensen and James Marino each, routinely ‘bugged’ the other’s residence; including bedrooms, by ‘wireless microphone’ installations. Thereby obtaining ‘classified’ recordings of each other. Much of the friction in Ms. Christensen’s relationship with Bandler and Marino had to do therefore, not so much with sex or drugs, but rather more importantly with informational intelligence about a large number of significant persons and criminal activities.

Neither the court testimonials or the press spared Ms. Christensen or her family and friends details, such as how many dildos (female sex toys) she owned, and how many male as well as female clients she may have used them on. The jury and press learn that she sometimes serviced as many as seven clients daily (‘dominatrix’, ‘insatiable sexual appetite’, ‘lesbian’, ‘bi-sexual’). This lurid and personal information served as killer deathspeak relish in diminising her perceived value and increasing her perceived expendability. Having already admitted that he never stopped being one of her ‘many lovers’ for the past several years, Marino did not abstain from posthumously calling her a ‘kinky sicko’. None of these derisive, posthumous descriptions of the victim were objected to, halted, or stricken from the record.

November 6 1986. The Santa Cruz SENTINEL reports that Richard Bandler is singularly accused as the only suspect. Marino is not charged with anything at all and granted immunity against drug charges, ‘in exchange for his testimony’, opposing ‘the only suspect’ - Mr. Bandler. County District Attorney assigned prosecutor, Gary Fry, is new in Santa Cruz, to jockey the first and only murder trial of his career at that time (He is now a federal prosecutor). In contrast, Bandler’s defense attorney, Gerald Scheartzbach, is a seasoned and highly skilled defense attorney.

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