Latter Day Saints (Mormons)

Darwin Disciple

Evo v CS advocate
Registered Senior Member
How was this church, denomination, cult, club, organization, tupperware party able to strive and grow? The founder is full of it and their book is a bunch of hoopla. I've read their "Book of Mormon" and just about all published biographies on Joseph Smith. Are future LDS members not aware of the church and founder's background? Mormons, enlighten me as to why you converted to this religion?
I have a friend who converted himself right out. Now his family gives him the silent treatment.
Some of my friends (well, just two) are mormons, but they denounced their religion. Of course, they were both (male) more than happy about the polygamy aspect of this religion...
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
actually, that was quite smart of your friend to make that choice. good for him. too bad for his family...

Are you a Mormon? If so, why did you decide to convert, or if born into it, why did you remain with the church, if you did not explore the other Bible based denominations?
They have a cool ad though :D
The one about Mighty Kasey? I didn't quite see HOW it had ANYthing to do with mormonism...
I heard somewhere that the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons are the fastest growing religions, and judging from how many I've met recently, it is probably true.

Does anyone know why they're growing so quickly? Is it because of a good, logical doctrine?
Originally posted by Balder1
Does anyone know why they're growing so quickly? Is it because of a good, logical doctrine?

Nah, it's just another funny handshake club :D
If I'm not mistaken, Islam and LDS are the fastest growing religions worldwide. And the LDS is by far the richest religion in the United States per capita, with over $25 billion in estimated assets and $5 billion more in estimated annual income.
Originally posted by Balder1
Does anyone know why they're growing so quickly? Is it because of a good, logical doctrine?
The 130 kids probably helps:) My friend who was in it had 4 brothers/sisters.

How come the people we want less of, always reproduce faster? :D
We don't practice polygamy anymore. You wanna know, go ask us. You see, there's these people out there, who, for some reason or another, don't like us. So they tell lies, trying to convince people we're evil. So anyone worth thier salt would talk to both, right? I can't change what you believe, all I can do is point out errors on official doctrine. Like any religion, some of our members are at the ends of the spectrum. Go to a meeting and see if you can find someone with 130 kids.
If I'm not mistaken, Islam and LDS are the fastest growing religions worldwide. And the LDS is by far the richest religion in the United States per capita, with over $25 billion in estimated assets and $5 billion more in estimated annual income.
Is true.
most members didn't convert, most were born into it.
Is not true. I don't think the converts are very far ahead, but we are converting more than are being born into the church at this time. Supposedly, everyone is converted at some point. If you leave, perhaps you didn't trully convert.
Originally posted by Gifted
You see, there's these people out there, who, for some reason or another, don't like us. So they tell lies.
Nothing personal, but my biggest problem is this: In most Christian denominations, you can go into the church and ask to see the books. All the money is tracked using standard accounting procedures and practices. In the LDS church, the funds get handed up the pipeline with no formal accounting procedure - only a firm conviction that the prophet will spend it as God see's fit. IMHO, That's asking for trouble.

My eldest son converted, and then left the Church 2 years later. We had the missionaries over many times... young, likeable teanagers who had the power of their convictions as true beleivers. After a while, they stopped trying to convert us and just came by because they liked our hospitality and acceptance after being away from home for so long. Maybe that's the other problem I have with the Church - the expectations placed on the young missionaries.
The negative thing I see is with the founder, Joseph Smith. He doesn't sound very promising and the fact that he states God AND Jesus approached him in the woods sounds incredible. If I remember correctly, it was the angel Moroni that told him where the "Golden Tablets" were, which were buried on top of a hill in New York. How did it get there? According to Mormon teachings, Israelites were the first to inhabit the Americas, when God had placed them there after the Tower of Babel event. The Israelites lost the tablets and so christianity was lost along with it. The native indians of today are descendants of those Israelites.

It gets better.
Mormonism teaches that God is not the only deity and that we all have the potential of becoming gods. God, according to Mormons, is not just Spirit but has "a body of flesh and bones as tangible as a man's." They teach, "As we are, he was. As he is, we shall become." There has been constant revision of Mormon doctrine over the years, as church leaders have changed their minds on a number of subjects including polygamy, which was once sanctioned by the church.
DD, you moron, ever heard of Sufism? Ask tiassa about it. About man's potential for godhood?
Originally posted by Zero
DD, you moron, ever heard of Sufism? Ask tiassa about it. About man's potential for godhood?

Geez, if you practice Sufism, don't call me a moron. All I did was just state the teachings of Mormonism.
I am currently in the middle of "discussions" with missionaries. The most attractive thing for me about the church was the way the members all really believe what they are hearing and kind of glow with their own inner light. But some of the teachings are very hard to swallow for me and I'm unsure about actually converting. I'm asking too many questions and am told that these are things I just have to pray about and I will know they are true. But I know that the religious conditioning I received as a child will always stop me from making my own decisions about God.