Last night's dream ...


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I died.

I found myself in heaven, which turned out to be a rather large waterpark. Off to my left was a huge wavepool, filled with some greenish (although not unpleasant) water, several kinds of anthropomorphic fish, and oodles and oodles of people. It felt entirely too crowded, although most did not seem to mind.

I looked around and noticed that a few of my coworkers were there, as well as some general acquaintances I've made down the line in life. My friend Sam (although he's changed his name in real life), some guy I knew from High School in California, and a couple others.

I remember thinking, "If this is heaven, why does it feel so weird?" Since many others were humming or singing a song of praise to God, I wondered if it would be out of line to sing a TOOL song.

I tried to remember what life was like on Earth and could only think of my youngest brother. I wanted to tell him that heaven wasn't what he would think it would be. One of my supervisors from work came up to me and he said, "Isn't this great!" I made a crack about how he probably wasn't too excited that his extended family made it here as well. He just smiled and walked off towards the water. I turned around in time to realize his extended family (hillbillies, basically) were right behind me. They didn't seem to mind, either, though.

My brother came up to me (the one that's closest to my age) and I realized that he had somehow died as well. He had a beaming smile on his face, which was slightly obscured by his dog nose. Some others to my right were engaging in a rather strange greeting ritual (not sick, just time-consuming) and I asked my brother, "Hey, is there order here?" And he replied, "You think?" Which I took to mean how could there not be? I got a distinctly '1984' feeling about the whole place from that moment on. I couldn't get over the fact that he didn't mind that his nose was all brown and covered half his face.

Sam and I and that guy from HS were being ushered to our living quarters. Just because of this fact, I started to not like heaven. Someone said that only certain people would be making it to heaven, while others would have to stay behind in outer darkness or some such place. I distinctly remember that Gwyneth Paltrow would NOT be coming to heaven. Though I don't have feelings either way about her, I felt sorry that people would be left out for any reason.

I wanted to talk with Sam because I could clearly tell that he was feeling the same about heaven that I was. I knew that my brother would try to stop us if he knew what I wanted to do.

I thought that if this was heaven, then perhaps this wasn't really heaven after all. Perhaps this was a place that someone called heaven and once people got here, they just accepted it. They didn't want to question where the real heaven was because that would seem ungrateful. But I questioned.

I reasoned that Satan or Christ called this place heaven and that the real heaven was beyond this cheap imitation. I was determined to find my way through and I figured that the elite would question rather than just accept things blindly.

I woke up. I didn't find the better heaven.

I should note that even though one of the last things on my mind was the late-night reading of Anne Rice's <i>Memnoch the Devil</i>, it was still an interesting enough dream to me.


Well, that's a hell of a lot more interesting than my dream last night.

I dreamt I was in the ARMY! In real life, that would horrify me. In my dream I was okay with it.

It was a pretty short dream, because a drill seargent walked up to me and yelled "WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR WORK" and so I did wake up, and sure enough, my alarm had failed and I was just about to be late. So at least it was useful, LOL.

A dog nose, huh? I sure wish I was better at dream interpretation, I bet that means something.
I should note that even though one of the last things on my mind was the late-night reading of Anne Rice's Memnoch the Devil, it was still an interesting enough dream to me.

You're not alone! That book is so fucking with my head. :p
Huddled in the llama shelter


Your dream put me in mind of a song:
Army (Dream Song), by Boiled in Lead

In my dream
I'm suddenly in the army
And the army life is good
But I'm ankle-deep in blood

So I went
To see the quartermaster
And the quartermaster said,
"Your socks are awful red"

I found
The master sergeant,
Said, "Sergeant, I am hurting,
Considering deserting."

He said, "Do
Whatever is in your conscience"
So I tried to make a run
But I was stapled to the gun

And the cannons
Were lined up
All in a line
Dark and full
We aimed them all straight upward
And thunder rolled

So I found
The first lieutenant
He said, "God they're gonna bomb us
From their vicious, flying llamas"

I dove
Into the llama shelter
I became a Charlotte Cordet
And the battle fell away

And the peace
That reigned in upper dreamland
Was badly negated
When the giant slugs invaded

I turned
To face my final officers
I was barking out my orders
When they crashed across the borders

And the cannons
Were lined up all in a line
Dark and full
We aimed them all straight upward
And thunder rolled.
Prag ... still giving thought to the topic post.

thanx all,
Tiassa :cool: