Rv. Coinflipper

Registered Member
I am looking for any ideas or information about some images that I found on the LASCO C2 AND C3 telescopes. These images are down loaded to the SOHO website automaticly.
On Feb 21, 2004 an object enters the LASCO C3 screen at right and crosses the field of view till march 12, 2004.
The object also crosses the LASCO C2 on March 4 and leaves the lower left corner on March 5, 2004.
As a photographer for thirty years and a Photo news editor for nine years, this one puzzles me.
SOHO is at the L1 point, 1.5 million km towards the sun, outside the moon's orbit, hence beyond the standard sattellite orbits, so;
What is it's orbit?
What is it's mass and volume?
What is it's surface material?
Has anyone seen other telscope images?
If the object is between the telescope and the sun, what is it's source for light? The light does not change with CMEs or during transit.
Any clues ?????

Rv. Coinflipper

There video presentation is VERY intersetinf and explains a lot, there is a photo on the presantation that shows a dark outline of some kind of a craf looking directly at soho, it is a very spooky photo,but i cant find it on my interseti cd so far, but will keep looking
Star_One said:

There video presentation is VERY intersetinf and explains a lot, there is a photo on the presantation that shows a dark outline of some kind of a craf looking directly at soho, it is a very spooky photo,but i cant find it on my interseti cd so far, but will keep looking

Thanks for the info Star One, but the news story is about images shown to the public in Jan., my images are from feb 21 to mar 12 2004.
The image is not a shape defined, yet appears to rotate, it travels in reverse to planet orbit and if my basic calulations on a telephoto lens field adjustment are even close, the change from the C3 to C2 telescope would put the object at small moon size, between Mars and Mercury orbits.
Rv. Coinflipper, I went to the LASCO website, but after a couple of tries, I did not
find a link to the images during the time frame you are speaking of. Perhaps you
could post a link to the images (not video as I do not have broadband). Thanks!
2inquisitive said:
Rv. Coinflipper, I went to the LASCO website, but after a couple of tries, I did not
find a link to the images during the time frame you are speaking of. Perhaps you
could post a link to the images (not video as I do not have broadband). Thanks!

I went to http;//
I found some of the images in the archives and down loaded them before contacting NASA.
The images should be in the archives, LASCO C2 images 2004/03/04-2004/03/05 and LASCO C3 images 2004/02/21 - 2004/03/12.
I will see if I can get a friend to let me use his computer and upload the images somewhere.
I will post the information.
I guess if the images are not in the files, it must be something weird and they flushed the photos.