Languages spoken in the Garden of Eden.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: In the Garden of Eden, when God spoke to Adam and Eve, what language did God speak? What language did Adam and Eve use to answer God? And, what language did the Serpent speak?
There are various traditions. The Aggada says that Adam invented 70 languages, although this would not easily jive with the tower of babel account. Others say that the first language was something like Hebrew, and this seems not unreasonable. The serpent probably spoke latin or greek, so he could teach Adam/Eve to decline deus in the plural.
All that I know is that it was "pure and undefiled" Moses 6:6 (in the Book of Mormon), so that's about all the information I could give you on that. (not very helpful, was it) :(
what if thats the reason god doesn't answer prayer, he has no idea what we are saying =]
Lapdog: Others say that the first language was something like Hebrew, and this seems not unreasonable.
M*W: Interesting idea, but before there was Hebrew there was Egyptian, Sumerian and Phoenician. Both Hebrew and Arabaic evolved out of the ancient Egyptian, but I believe Phoenician or Sumerian to be the first language. I am just curious to find out what language(s) were spoken in the GofE, especially by God, who it would seem to me if God existed, he would give A&E the same language as god spoke. Since A&E were supposed to have existed long before Hebrew, that's why I asked.
Lapdog: The serpent probably spoke latin or greek, so he could teach Adam/Eve to decline deus in the plural.
M*W: I don't see how Latin or Greek could have been spoken in Genesis. Those languages evolved from Phoenician much later. There is the evolution of languages worldwide, but language itself started in Phoenician as cuneiform tablets.

I'd like to read more responses to these questions.
They may not have had a specific language in the Garden of Eden (since that state means that we were still unconscious), but they were devoloping a way to think, communicate and reason. Since I consider God and the serpent to be in humans, and their voice is just "our own" inner voice, they must all use human language. The voice of the serpent comes from the personal self (body) and the voice of God comes from the universal self which never lies (called Horus in Egyptian mythology) There probably wasn't any "first" language.
Yorda said:
They may not have had a specific language in the Garden of Eden (since that state means that we were still unconscious), but they were devoloping a way to think, communicate and reason.

I would disagree with that. Gen2:19 specifically states that Adam had language when it says "And [He] brought them [the animals] unto Adam to see whta he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."
Sounds like they were creating language, or developing it together by naming things.

And I'm assuming that it wasn't "pure and undefiled" after the fall. The corruption of our flesh created a veil between us and God...impaired communication.

So I'm thinking that pure and undefiled might be refering to sincerety and depth. Unimpaired communication...complete honesty in trust...the inability to hide or lie, or complete lack of desire to. Which suggests a spiritual, telepathic-type, like the way the Holy Spirit communicates with us now. Unlike how Satan influences us, which is through our flesh and this material world, and is corrupt and prone to deceipt.

And I'm not inclined to believe that Adam and Eve were an initial creation either. I think it's very reasonable to assume that creation had been going on long before this particular account in the first book of the Bible, and that it still isn't complete in the last book. Apparently creation won't be complete until it is eternal. God has no beginning or end, and infinity is a long time, so it's not reasonable to assume that the Bible encompasses it. The Bible is not going to tell you everything, but it will tell you everything you need to know in this life.

There were also inhabited towns outside of Eden at the Nod, where Cain went to get a wife. Wonder what they were speaking...Noddish?
Medicine Woman said:
Lapdog: Others say that the first language was something like Hebrew, and this seems not unreasonable.
M*W: Interesting idea, but before there was Hebrew there was Egyptian, Sumerian and Phoenician. Both Hebrew and Arabaic evolved out of the ancient Egyptian, but I believe Phoenician or Sumerian to be the first language. I am just curious to find out what language(s) were spoken in the GofE, especially by God, who it would seem to me if God existed, he would give A&E the same language as god spoke. Since A&E were supposed to have existed long before Hebrew, that's why I asked..

This is an interesting subject. Some of the ancient scholars, like St. Jerome, Josephus, and others, would maintain that the tradition concerning the primordial status of Hebrew should be trusted. It would be not a hebrew easily recognizible by modern (or even classical) hebrews. Herodotus himself has some interesting things to say about this subject in his histories, for example, how the Egyptians claimed that their language was the earliest.
Medicine Woman said:
Lapdog: The serpent probably spoke latin or greek, so he could teach Adam/Eve to decline deus in the plural.
I don't see how Latin or Greek could have been spoken in Genesis. Those languages evolved from Phoenician much later. There is the evolution of languages worldwide, but language itself started in Phoenician as cuneiform tablets..
This was a joke I made, a real knee slapper. Its a reference to something Tertullian said.
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lori7 said:
Sounds like they were creating language, or developing it together by naming things.
And I'm assuming that it wasn't "pure and undefiled" after the fall.
what fall?
lori7 said:
The corruption of our flesh created a veil between us and God...impaired communication.
but that's what god wanted. why?
lori7 said:
So I'm thinking that pure and undefiled might be refering to sincerety and depth. Unimpaired communication...complete honesty in trust...the inability to hide or lie, or complete lack of desire to. Which suggests a spiritual, telepathic-type, like the way the Holy Spirit communicates with us now.
or you halucinate
lori7 said:
Unlike how Satan influences us,
which is zero.
lori7 said:
The Bible is not going to tell you everything, but it will tell you everything you need to know in this life.
lori7 said:
There were also inhabited towns outside of Eden at the Nod, where Cain went to get a wife. Wonder what they were speaking...Noddis
God only made adam and then eve they made cain and abel, so where did the wifes come from, and the people in this inhabited town.
the preacher said:
God only made adam and then eve they made cain and abel, so where did the wifes come from, and the people in this inhabited town.
Just because the Bible does not specifically say that Adam and Even had other children does not mean that they did not. THe wives were their sister, which sounds gross now, but at that time there was no restriction against that sort of thing, and their DNA had no mutations that would make that sort of relationship harmful.

what fall
When they ate of the forbidden fruit and fell out of favour with God and out of a direct relationship with him.

Lori 7 said:
Sounds like they were creating language, or developing it together by naming things.

And I'm assuming that it wasn't "pure and undefiled" after the fall. The corruption of our flesh created a veil between us and God...impaired communication.

So I'm thinking that pure and undefiled might be refering to sincerety and depth. Unimpaired communication...complete honesty in trust...the inability to hide or lie, or complete lack of desire to. Which suggests a spiritual, telepathic-type, like the way the Holy Spirit communicates with us now. Unlike how Satan influences us, which is through our flesh and this material world, and is corrupt and prone to deceipt.[?QUOTE]

Interesting thought . . .
The Goose said:
Just because the Bible does not specifically say that Adam and Even had other children does not mean that they did not. THe wives were their sister, which sounds gross now, but at that time there was no restriction against that sort of thing, and their DNA had no mutations that would make that sort of relationship harmful.

Now you know as well as I do that you are just plain making that up. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible about Cain's wife being his sister. As a matter of fact the Bible makes it fairly clear, given some common sense, that she's not his sister.
the preacher said:
what fall?

the fall of man...ever heard of it?

but that's what god wanted. why?

yea, so that we could have knowledge of good and evil like He does.

or you halucinate


which is zero.

That's what you think. ;)

That's right.

God only made adam and then eve they made cain and abel, so where did the wifes come from, and the people in this inhabited town.

Lori_7 said:
Now you know as well as I do that you are just plain making that up. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible about Cain's wife being his sister. As a matter of fact the Bible makes it fairly clear, given some common sense, that she's not his sister.
It's actually fairly well accepted in the Christian community, no matter which denomination, that it was one of his sisters. I'm not making that up - I've heard it from many, many respected christians. What does the Bible say that makes you think it wasn't his sister?
The Goose said:
It's actually fairly well accepted in the Christian community, no matter which denomination, that it was one of his sisters. I'm not making that up - I've heard it from many, many respected christians. What does the Bible say that makes you think it wasn't his sister?

It's what the Bible doesn't say...specifically, that she was his sister.
The Goose said:
When they ate of the forbidden fruit and fell out of favour with God and out of a direct relationship with him.
Lori 7 said:
the fall of man...ever heard of it?
oh you both mean the force, that happen in eden, thats where he put a tree that he did'nt need to put. and where god forced and coerced adam and eve, to eat the fruit from that tree, just so he could blame them for putting evil in the world, which is what he wanted anyway, (he is evil personified), so he could kill humans at a whim.