landover baptist church website - are they for real?


a love of bridges
Registered Senior Member
is this a parody or not? there's a shitload of articles, and they're all pretty consistent in views (just varying kinds of hate). first one i read i was sure it was taking a shot at the church, but i dunno.

what's everyone think? if anyone else wrote it then it would be a spoof imo.
They're totally real.

Search the site's name in the Wikipedia.

Wikipedia said:
The Landover Baptist Church is a web site that serves as the home of a fictional Baptist church based in the fictional town of Freehold, Iowa. The Landover Baptist site and its associated forum are a parody of fundamentalist Christianity and the Religious Right in the USA, and of Westboro Baptist Church in particular.

The site was created by Chris Harper, who obtained his Master's Degree in English Literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University in 1989 for producing a satirical radio show which Liberty's administration found offensive. The site is owned by a company called Americhrist, Ltd.

The site is funny, none the less. Since there are many people who join and post under the impression that it is real, both theists and atheists.

Touche. He was asking are they "for real." Insinuating that he's asking a question on the genuinity of their seriousness as a conservative christian site. The question wasn't addressing whether or not they exist. But I assume you were jokin to begin with, so... point Roman.
If you look carefully, you'll find a link on their site that explains how "real" they are.
Well, I mean that they are an actual organization, even a parody one, much like the Onion is real, or pastafarianism.
It may have been comedic but for an atheist rally it was below the intelligence norm. Do atheists really need to hear that shit? I thought it lowered the standard of all atheists everywhere.

Made atheists look like a bunch of pickup-driving, gun-toting cross burners wearing sheets over their head like it's Halloween. Tell 'em what they want to hear I guess. How many times do you have to hear the same old crap before you just leave it alone for Christ's sakes? Just say that bibles aren't worth the papyra they're written on and be done with it. Debate with a Christian would have been more effective. What was the message anyway?

I can't stand religion but I can understand why people have it. The only use I ever had for a bible was to replace a broken leg on the sofa with it. I don't need some clown up there reminding me what I already know. The atheist movement needs a kick in the ass.
How many times do you have to hear the same old crap before you just leave it alone for Christ's sakes? Just say that bibles aren't worth the papyra they're written on and be done with it. Debate with a Christian would have been more effective. What was the message anyway?
Satire has a long distinguished tradition going back to Juvenal and the Greek playwrights.

The reason bible thumpers cant just be 'left alone' is because they influence the highest levels of the US government with a particularly backward form of Christianity that had been outgrown in Europe centuries ago.

Historian Gore Vidal has a excellent chapter on the history of evangelistic ideals in US politics in his book 'Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia'.
Satire has a long distinguished tradition going back to Juvenal and the Greek playwrights.

The reason bible thumpers cant just be 'left alone' is because they influence the highest levels of the US government with a particularly backward form of Christianity that had been outgrown in Europe centuries ago.

Historian Gore Vidal has a excellent chapter on the history of evangelistic ideals in US politics in his book 'Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia'.

I'm not saying to leave them alone. Its just that the video repeated the same old shit. I think it might be time for a new approach. Christians are organized into a powerful political force and making fun of them with the same old crap isn't going to slow them dowm one bit. Don't get me wrong, I do find Christian literature as well as all other religious verbiage funny as hell but while I laugh they're getting their guy elected.