Landmark Education: Dangerous Snakeoil of the New Age


Harmony the Star
Registered Senior Member
Hi all,

I am curious to know whether any of you have had the misfortune of participating, or being coerced to participate, in Landmark Education courses - the so-called "Curriculum for Living"? :bugeye:

I would fervently encourage people to do serious research on Landmark before being sucked in by its very effective, but highly misleading & dangerous advertising.

Landmark is an offshoot of Scientology or, more accurately, "EST" which was pioneered by the rogue-like Werner Erhard. It uses well-tested psychological techniques that take advantage of all human weaknesses in human personalities.

Luckily, I came to my senses on the day I was due to do my Landmark Forum. I was manipulated by my former employer and his mind controlling techniques to participate in the forum. He had been roped in by this exploitative cult 5 years ago and is still an active and highly involved (brainwashed) volunteer at Landmark. He used his position as my employer to 'recruit' me into Landmark. He has done this with all of his employees. Some have participated and rejected it, while others have become emotionally dependant on Landmark for their very identity and sense of self-worth.

Prior to doing the LM Forum, I conducted some research on the Internet and confirmed my suspicions. Landmark Education and all who support and promote it are essentially the "scum of the earth". People become emeshed in LM and its deplorable philosophies - often at the expense of friendships and relationships. At the extreme degree, it costs some participants their mental health. There are numerous accounts of participants subsequently suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. See the criticisms of LM for yourself by checking out the following sites:

Numerous other anti-LM sites can be found by doing a google search.

If you're feeling partial to this Landmark crap, perhaps you're interested in visiting their website:

We really need to question the ethics and morality of individuals who can condone the manipulative thought reform employed by Landmark. My employer had no ethics whatsoever. For instance, I (and the other staff) had to 'fight' him to receive my wage! Among other things Landmark is supposedly about 'integrity' and 'authenticity'. Not paying employees is simply a cardinal sin. Yet this animal of an employer could sink thousands into perpertuating Landmark Education. LM courses begin at AUS$475 and go up to the $1000's.

If there is indeed a Hell, its fires await parasites from Landmark Education who benefit from others' misery. :mad:

I would normally point out that anything associated with scientology is crap, but I'm too worried about them filing frivolous lawsuits against me!
I went through, their official site, and have to say that it all sounded amazingly vague and grandiose. They promise some pretty amazing and broad things like success and better relationships, but never really mention how the hell their program is supposed to help you achieve these goals. :p reminds me a lot of scientology, well Dianetics at least, I read through that whole book, what a load of crap. I mean seriously, if you are familiar with other popular Sci-fi authors of the Hubbard's time you can actually see places where he stole certain elements of their scifi novels in order to present them as reality in his little religion. . . the rip-offs from Frank Herbert alone account for a good part of the book.

Anyway I didn't see them mention "neurodynes" or "EM levels" or whatever anywhere on the site, so I guess that much at least is good news.
While there is no mention of "neurodynes" or "EM levels", I find their loaded language to be totally uncanny! And people buy that crap??

If only people would do their research and find that the slime behind it was an American Jew rogue with a very sullied past (Werner Erhard).

This is precisely what I have recently experienced in the workplace. I was coerced and pressured to participate in the Landmark Forum because the employer(s) were besotted Landmark devotees, who religiously gave their time and money to these deplorable mind damaging & money sapping maggots. Being indoctinated by this manipulative and dangerous Landmark "philosophy" at any time is bad enough - but how much worse is it when your employer forces it down your neck during your working hours? Every conversation, every aspect of correspondence and communication - everything - was riddled with, and smacked of regurgitated Landmark loaded language, in an attempt to recruit and capture another vulnerable individual.

It appears that this workplace is actually in existence to recruit more Landmark participants. On occassions, I have caught the employer printing out his latest "recruitment progress statistics" ready to present to his Landmark leader. This sickens me. What sickens me more is the fact that this male employer seeks to prey on young impressionable women i.e. 18 - 23 years old, who are still studying at University or who have recently graduated. And while this employer sinks thousands of dollars into Landmark courses, he does not pay his staff - and when he does, it is only after a long a rigorous battle. Using Landmark jargon, he forces his staff to justify their need for their income (i.e. humiliation, which is promoted by LM), which by this time, is 5 weeks in arrears.

I am absolutely certain that this workplace is not the only one to be tainted with Landmark 'technology'. And I am certain that I am not the only victim of such a workplace, and not the only one to have observed & experienced the thinly veiled attempts at manipulation, humiliation and psychological abuse.

Such workplaces should be barred & obliterated. No body should have to endure this cult-like work environment and be forced to change jobs, and even career paths, as a consequence.

The website of this small Australian company can be viewed at:

They even include a link to Landmark Education is included under "links" - - they quite often recruit clients to participate in Landmark. Feel free to email the "Managing Director" with your thoughts on Landmark and its (and his) exploitative ways.

We may not be able to vanquish the parasitic Landmark empire itself... But we can definitely persecute the lowlife perpetuators of this dispicable cult.

arrrggg total crap! Landmark that is.
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
arrrggg total crap!

What do you mean by that Fetus? ? ?

Landmark is crap, yes. Anything that has been posted here thus far, is not crap.
But I would like to have success and good relationships!! ;)

In this section, we explore the nature of what we think of as reality, which includes an objective world that exists independent of us, where cause and effect are key operative factors; where I, as an identity, is a collection of characteristics, attributes, and experiences from the past. In exploring the nature of reality and taking apart these myths, something else becomes possible.

Here, we observe not so much the particulars of the realities we construct, but that it is human to construct such realities, and then forget that we are the ones who constructed them. As a result, we see that we no longer need to be confined to living within this limited range, and we gain the freedom to express ourselves fully.

Seriously, this is messed up. The myths of cause and effect? The myths of objective reality? I always said we'd better watch out when the postmodernists take a bath and start recruiting! Watch out Australia!!

On a separate note, what is the Aussie dollar worth in comparason to the US dollar? Is it like canada? I think the exchange rate there is still like $1:$700 cdn
Originally posted by Riomacleod
On a separate note, what is the Aussie dollar worth in comparason to the US dollar? Is it like canada? I think the exchange rate there is still like $1:$700 cdn

:D hahaha No, sorry. Incorrect. The exchange rate is roughly 1 Australian dollar buys 0.65 American dollars.

Now, ladies and gentlement, now that we've done a quick ratio on the relative strengths of the US and Aussie dollars... Let's do a ratio on how many f*cked up and completely insane Americans there are for every f*cked up and insane Aussie...

Sorry, I don't want to embarrass the Yanks. :D
Hmm my attempt at an insult was a digression from this topic and discussion.

No matter what it costs to participate in Landmark, it's always going to be far too much. I lost my $110 deposit because I dipped out of the indoctrination just in time! Maggots...
Originally posted by HarmonyStar
If only people would do their research and find that the slime behind it was an American Jew rogue with a very sullied past (Werner Erhard).

Hey, what's wrong with American's Jews or Rogues?
In this section, we explore the nature of what we think of as reality, which includes an objective world that exists independent of us, where cause and effect are key operative factors; where I, as an identity, is a collection of characteristics, attributes, and experiences from the past. In exploring the nature of reality and taking apart these myths, something else becomes possible.

Haha, wow this is some pretty serious weirdness right here. I wonder how they achieve this. . . most likely through judicious application of LSD I'd imagnie.
The Value of Choice

I have participated in Landmark Education for over 20 years and for the most part it has been helpful in motivating me to accomplish things in my life. It helps me to focus on what's important and give me access by reminding me that my interpretation of a situation might not be what I think it is. I think it offers a no nonsense way of keeping me responsible and it helps me learn from my mistakes so that when things happen, toward or untoward, I still get something out of it. It motivates people to reach out, communicate and be in a community of like minded individuals who focus on possibility and not "what is", or the status quo. Even God tells us to focus on possibility "With God All Things Are Possible". I have been also a bible student my whole life since the age of seven. I see many similarities in the tools I have learned there and in the Forum. So if you are a Christian, this course just makes you realize your own responsibiilities in the lens of the focus of your life. Where it gets complicated for some people is for those who do not have a faith based structure in addition to Landmark tools. Also, in Landmark, they do not claim to have "the truth" which means that each person is responsible for accessing their faith base structures, or religious views. Given that it does not claim to have the truth, it does say to "try thingss on". Bible scripture tells us to "test all things and prove what is true", which is the same thing Landmark is saying. The only thing I do not agree with in Landmark is the saying that "You can have anything you want" in the possibility of the Forum. I don't believe we can get everything we want because that just isn't true, no matter how well Landmark indoctrinated or learned you are. Its not possible to have everything you want, because if that were true, why would anyone come back for more courses in Landmark Forum? We keep taking the courses because we stand in the possiblity of gaining something we do not already have, no matter how many years and how many seminars we have under our belt. This is the only philosophy that isn't true. It may be something to strive for but does not appear in reality for anyone. Even Mick Jagger sang in the sixties "You can't always get what you want". Such is the truth about wanting. You can, however, always want what you have, but it is a choice. That is what Landmark is all about.
Wow an EVIL empire set to reconnect humanity and create world peace person by person

It amazes me that all those who seem to have posted have never done the course? Lol that's like having a valid opinion on a movie having never seen it just HEARING lots of opinions of other people who Haven't seen it and writing a review??! Go figure! Hilarious! I have COMPLETED the course after being one of the BIGGEsT conspiracy theorists out and can safely say, my brain is intact, there is no chloroform residue insight and I'm not bugged! I have however reached a point of fulfilment NOW. What I thought I'd achieve by making money becoming famous etc etc Ive got NOW so if I choose those things for my life great, but it is no longer the sole source of hope for fulfilment someday.. That little voice in your head that is telling you what you're gonna write next instead of taking in what I'm saying or the thoughts of hmmm maybe she's got a point? Is the voice I now have control over rather than it controlling me. What it's done has allowed me to be present in every moment. Where people fall down is expecting graduates to all become mega rich, happy all the time, never faulting at anything and always progressing always in control! Not at all!!!! It's a tool they give you like sight hearing- another tool you can use that puts things in perspective. Does everyone who has ears listen? ask your husband your wife your You still may get into arguments but you will get what's happening much faster. Your priorities will change. Your confidence will change. The actions you take will change. Instead of 'one day' you just do it. But like annnnything in life some people get it triumph others get it but have to work a little harder to flex that muscle and stay on top of their stuff.. Your boss isn't paying you? You need to have a conversation with him or the necessary authorities? perhaps hes not being authentic? Call him on it. Get it sorted. Why are you still there? But people please for god sakes.. Do your research - NOT on the web from people who have no clue on what it's about. It's a 3 day course by day 2 I STILL would not be able to provide a legitimate review. Its a process you have to go through.. can i practice law if ive only done 1 subject? can i operate on someone if ive not received the training or got half way through the training? Can you COMMENT about whether the latest theme park roller coaster is worth riding if you wait through the line and turn away when its time for your go? DO the course. After you've completed it make an EDUCATED decision on whether people should do it or its Scientology or brainwashing or crap or great or life changing?! For goddd sakes last example: you're a travel writer, writing about France and the best hotel you can stay.........annnnd you've never left your couch.. Peace and love people. Peace and love.
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In regards to not having anything you want if that's the story you're creating that you can't have anything you want are you now just reinforcing that? What do you want?