laghima," the unknown power of the ego existing in man's physiological makeup"


According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate. A centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull.
Due to our evolutionary cycles over time, this ability has become almost impossible to achieve!!!
Yet it is deviced to work together with our physiology and mind to systematically counteract gravity.
According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate.
That works. Give something a name and it makes it real.
A centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull
Centrifugal force?? And why does it act in only one direction? Generated how?
Due to our evolutionary cycles over time, this ability has become almost impossible to achieve!!!
I'd lose the "almost" if I were you. Oh, and change the "has become" to "was, is and will be". What's an "evolutionary cycle"?
Yet it is deviced to work together with our physiology and mind to systematically counteract gravity.
And which part of our physiology spins fast enough to generate "centrifugal force" strong enough to counteract gravity? And how does the mind control it?
Like your title though.
... See free thoughts.
I was not joking by the way in my previous post.

..."Nobody understands me" is the thread I refer to.
This thread is BS, ...
not pissed. you're cool,
peace everybody and good night.
According to ancient sancript documents from India, a technique was developed or rather discovered within the human physiology that enabled a human being to telepathically connect with someone or something in another dimension!!!.. the art of levitation is a product of this ability.
According to Winnie The Pooh there's a boy and a teddy bear living in the woods together. And I don't believe that either.
A technique? Which part of the body has this ability?
Telepathy? Unproven.
Someone or something? Wow, they had this "ability" and didn't bother finding out who they were talking to? A telephone is obviously much better - the first words are usually "to whom am I speaking?" or local equivalent.
Another dimension? Fascinating. Proof?
Levitation is a product of telepathy? Well at least it'll cut down on the use of the word "telekinesis" I suppose.
A non-physical communication method that exists in the human body lifts you off the ground. Hmmm. I'm convinced.
Yes, it's a wonderful magic trick for panhandling, especially when the holy men run out of weed.
Vega said:
A centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull..
There is no such thing as centrifugal force, even in pseudo science. What there is, is inertia - masses continuing in a straight line unless acted upon by a force. So if it isn't the yogi levitating. He remains unmoved and it is the planet which shifts under him. That's quite a trick. I raise my hat to that one - using the tried and tested mechanical means of lifting it with one hand.