kreskin's prediction about tonight's ufo sighting

This is what I got about the event in my e-mails...

Hope you find something of your interest here. it's just an e-mail which contains some of the prediction and events in las Vegas...:cool:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comment here from Britain's UFO Magazine editor Graham Birdsall re the predictions over a UFO event in Nevada, Cheers, Dave Haith

It has been widely reported across the Internet that what some have called the 'biggest UFO event in modern history' will take place in and around Las Vegas,
Nevada. This stems from a prediction first mooted by the 'Amazing Kreskin', an American showman who has apparently been reasonablyaccurate with a number of predictions in the past, who stated that a major UFO event will happen in the
area during May or June.

What is more, he has backed himself to the tune of $50,000. If nothing happens, he says, he will donate the money to charity.

What I do find amazing is that the Las Vegas-based National Institute for Discovery Science [NIDS] are treating the prediction so seriously, they have set up a battery of instruments on the roof of a Las Vegas hotel - just in case.

News of this purported and impending 'event' has appeared on all of the major newswires here in the UK, but with little take-up. The media's attitude (correctly in my opinion) is one of 'let's wait and see'. Having visited Las Vegas on an annual basis over the course of the past decade (to attend the International UFO Congress Convention & Film Festival at nearby Laughlin), it is
going to take something fairly spectacular to pierce the light pollution thrown up by the 'city that never sleeps' in order to be observed from street level (assuming of course this is to be a night-time event).

In 1993, a similar 'major UFO event' was predicted to take place at a specific location situated in a remote and windswept corner of Iceland. I joined the likes of Tony Dodd, Bob Oechsler, Bob Dean, Virgil Armstrong, Wendelle Stevens and a host of others to see what, if anything, might occur for myself. Even CNN turned
up - just in case.

Unfortunately, nothing out of the ordinary transpired. What made this predicted event so different from that now predicted for Las Vegas, was that we were also joined by dozens of psychics from across Europe, each of whom had been 'drawn' to Iceland. It will be interesting to discover if any have been 'drawn' to Las Vegas. (A serious point).

Two other points worthy of consideration: The Las Vegas-based KLAS TV have a network of webcams around the city, stretching as far as Boulder City. Unfortunately, the entire (and usually reliable) network is currently 'Out of Service' while it undergoes an 'Upgrade' and will resume normal operations on 11 June. Hmmm.

Last, but not least, there's a certain boxing match due to take place in Las Vegas.

Could it be 'Showwwwtime'?
E-mail address:

Infinity Channel Group:

'If you keep a green bough in your heart the singing bird will come'
'You must be the change you wish to see in the world' Gandhi

Duh!...Good for another laugh...

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum A UFO INVASION HEADED TOWARDS THE WEST COAST Posted By: X

Date: Friday, 7 June 2002, 2:41 a.m.
The master illusionist - Kreskin - stated that UFOs were going to appear over Las Vegas tonight. I listened to the Art Bell program to find out what was going on. Evidently most people saw nothing... but.. Bell's wife -- in Pahrump, NV -- west of Las Vegas -- stated that she saw a number of lights headed for the west coast. This is the same information that "osirified skorpion" posted on the OUTPOST at 11:38 AM this morning! Hmmmmm An
interesting call came in from a listener who said he was watching Bush's speech tonight about the reorganization of the Coast Guard, the INS, Customs, the Secret Service -- ect -- under the new Department of Homeland Defense. The man stated that UFOs appeared behind the President. He said he recorded the speech, and when he played it back -- the UFOs were readily seen. This is from CNN


You can clearly see SOMETHING in the window. (Oh Really...? :bugeye: )

Does anyone have access to a video of this speech so we can put it up on the web???

Yeah, well, another story died off like all the other "predictions". ;) As expected...!:bugeye: