Kosher tax?

thats really strange

think i will write to the consumer comission and see if it happens here as well

seems to breach a heep of laws
The article didn't follow the money enough to convince me. It is another example of how Jewish culture has been prone to drawing hateful and unnecessary reactions in so many countries. I doubt it's a huge conspiracy in dollars- but I'm going to try and find out.

"The cost of certification to the manufacturer is minimal. For non-profit agencies, cost depends on the amount of on-site work. Agencies making a profit might have a minimum annual charge and fees depending on the gross annual sales of the product. The individual supervisor (mashgiach) is typically paid for each visit he makes to the plant (He usually receives less per visit than an auto mechanic makes per hour). The mashgiach is paid by the certifying agency and not by the manufacturer."

At this point I agree with the idea that "The cost to the consumer for this service is a miniscule fraction of the total production overhead; it is so negligible in practical terms as to be virtually non-existent."

I don't think Israel is building its armed forces up with "kosherization" revenues. They have the US government satisfying their needs quite adequately.

Now, fundamentalist Christian funding of the Israeli government, including illegal settlements, could be interesting grist for another thread. I don't think that's kosher.
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Originally posted by hypewaders
The article didn't follow the money enough to convince me. It is another example of how Jewish culture has been prone to drawing hateful and unnecessary reactions in so many countries. I doubt it's a huge conspiracy in dollars- but I'm going to try and find out.

Thanks for your comments, but whereas the source may be anti-Semitic (read more articles form Voz de Aztlan), the idea that a person can earn $MILLIONS, just so that a food or even non-food item can be declared kosher, that’s too much!! I expect my food to pass USAD inspections, I expect kosher when I go to a deli, I expect non-kosher when I go to a Mexican restaurant (carnitas are my favorite!). I don't expect to pay extra for food, for jewish dietary laws, that I don't follow. Kosher should be for those foods like gifilde fish, matzoth, wine that observant jews need certified.

Now, fundamentalist Christian funding of the Israeli government, including illegal settlements, could be interesting grist for another thread. I don't think that's kosher.
This is under the mistaken belief, that supporting Israel is doing God's work to bring about the "Millennium", as a fundamentalist Christian I disagree with that view, (I think that it supports the stealing of land from Palestinians that must be addressed for an equitable resolution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, if possible)
It's a common practice

There are various product certifications.

For instance, an associate of mine used to work as a designer and builder of athletic equipment. In the end, his company suffered because management would not achieve certification by the International Amateur Athletic Association. It wasn't a difficult quality standard to achieve; you sent technical drawings, maybe a photograph of the finished product, some company information, and a big check with several zeroes on it. But the company wouldn't spend, so hurdles and volleyball standards sold under the note "meets IAAA specifications", but did not sell well because they did not have the proper certification, because they did not write a check. You can build the product of crappy materials if you want, just as long as it meets certain dimensional needs and you send a check.

The "Koshernostra"? Who cares? Most of the people I know who used to boycott various products for "supporting the Ku Klux Klan" were simply looking for something to complain about. As soon as they found out what the K in the circle meant, they started boycotting products because they were kosher.

It's hard to figure that mentality; a guy who once dragged me out of the line of fire in a rock fight after I'd been knocked silly was raring to split my head open the next day when he found out I was part Japanese. He'd thought I was Puerto Rican, and hey, Menudo was still "cool". :bugeye:

Back to the topic, though--I'm not sure why it's that big of deal. Most "certifications" are scams, I think.

my two cents,
Tiassa :cool:
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The idea that this is some sort of Jewish protection racket is pretty out there, I mean how much are sales really going to drop if they aren't certified kosher? Most Jews don't pay any attention to dietary laws (Except maybe on high holey days) there are very few who obey them all year round. It wouldn't cut into a busines's proffits very much, and sure as hell wouldn't make them go bankrupt. This article seems like Anti-semetic propoganda to me.

I don't have any great love for any religion, but I've gotta' say that no one gets a bum rap like the Jews, it's kind of sad.
Re: It's a common practice

Originally posted by tiassa
There are various product certifications.

Back to the topic, though--I'm not sure why it's that big of deal. Most "certifications" are scams, I think.

my two cents,
Tiassa :cool:
Thats the problem, they sound like scams & they cost more than 2 cents.
check this out from a previous post:
So a "K" boycott makes sense?

I would so hate to contribute pennies of my purchase to a kosher certification ....

Actually, I don't care. For many steel products, though, the money largely comes from Jewish customers, so it all balances out there. What's one more cottage industry, more or less?

I can understand a matzo ball company wanting kosher certification, but when it's Snapple ... hey, it's what the company thinks will make it money.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by Mystech
The idea that this is some sort of Jewish protection racket is pretty out there,
actually, it depends on how the approach is made, if it's purely business or as an implied threat that no Jew would buy your product?

I don't have any great love for any religion, but I've gotta' say that no one gets a bum rap like the Jews, it's kind of sad.
true, there's people trying to revive the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", blood libel & other suchstuff as that. In the war of ideas & ideals, everyone is using every weapon available. Even slander.

Check this out:
There's no fucking meaning in kosher. It means it pleases a bunch of people. That's it.

So it never bothers me whenever I see "kosher". It's just a symbol. Heck. An empty one, all the more harmless.
Have you ever stopped to think that it's like a big-brother network? The one expamle of sports equipment is a good one. If you're my buddy i'll certify your stuff - if you're not then send me a check or hire my buddies to run your company and THEN i'll sell your gear!

The problem is that if the buddy system goes to church together - and you don't like their church for whatever reason - then you want to boycott their products or whatever.

BIGGER problem: when you boycott something - they'll fucking tax you for compensation. State lotteries, tobacco taxes and the like are perfect examples. The money is supposed to go into the school systems and when these luxuries fail they tell you "we'll have to cut funding" - just before they raise the fucking taxes to fill their pockets with the money they LOST from the loss of sales of their goods.

Originally posted by Randolfo

true, there's people trying to revive the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", blood libel & other suchstuff as that. In the war of ideas & ideals, everyone is using every weapon available. Even slander.

I believe that it's called "The protocols of the learned elders of Zion" actually. Heh, and what the heck are people still worried about Zionists for, the Jews already have a nation :p Now if we could just get them to quit killing the Palestinians, and vice versa.