Know yourself....


Registered Senior Member
Lets think...

People manipulate, decieve and subvert. They do this for comfort, for ego. I know this because I have looked at history, at myself and at the people around me. Isnt life immense, stupifying and unthinkable? Do not we like stories that make tomorrow safe?

A man is free to do as he will, though not free to will as he will. All motives are selfish, I think.

Given human nature, Ocaams razor and the sceptical thinking essential to objective truth is it not reasonable that religion & spiritualism come from nothing but our fallable minds and not from God?
There is overwhelming proof for our sickening imperfections, but for God, the mere personification of the unknown, there is FAR from enough evidence and thats understating.

Of course, absence of proof is not proof of absence....but...(drum rolls) this is no argument for I could say to you that not believing in the fire-breathing dragon in my garage will ensure you everlasting suffering in hell. You have no proof for the existence of the dragon nor for the non-existence of it...human nature explains it alot though. But you could deny your delusions and warm up to the idea.

I asked a minister, how does he know, beyond doubt as his religion requires, that God exists never mind the truth of his doctrines. He immediately told me that nature is proof of the Creator.

My question is this: why to so many people does ignorance imply God?

Because life is so much easier with the concept of God than without...

Im not bieng original or profound by any stretch of the imagination. But, certainty bieng a but a comforting thought, I can PROVE beyond reasonable doubt that God is fantasy and nothing more. Simply by taking human fallibility, history and madness into account...

Why dont you faithfull zealots not respect this logic?:rolleyes:
Growing up in a house of Mac fanatics I can relate to theists and see why their faith causes them to think they are 100% right. I have grown up always using Macs. Hearing why they are better for this and better for that. PC's were always viewed as the dark side. I would always argue with my friends that they were wrong and Macs are better.

If all you are ever told growing up is that God is here and there and God is everywhere. What are you going to believe? You know God exsists because that's what you've been told all your life. Just as I "knew" Macs were better. It would be as if someone told you that the United States is below South America. It sounds so absurd, but then again have you ever looked out from a space station and seen the Earth, not just some picture people say exsists? Ever seen the South Park episode about Blainetology(sp?). It perfectly displays why religions are so powerful and why people are willing to die for something they have only been told about. (yes kenny dies).

I had some friends who were very religious. Going to church every Sunday, etc. When I asked them each seperately what they thought about other religions that didn't belive in their God. They all said the same thing. "They are wrong." When asked why they had no answer.

The mind is a very powerful thing. Why do schizo's think they are actually hearing voices? It's because they are. The brain percieves these voices as real. People think they are actually communicating with God. They hear him and feel him. This can be similar to the sugar pill treatment for cancer. People are given a fake pill and told it will cure their cancer. After beliveing they are cured they can lose all symptons just from beliving they are cured. Beliveing can be very powerful and believing is so strong in religions that is causes people to do massive things. War being just one of them.